Great post.So out of interest I sat down and watched the final game of last year against Port to see the difference between how we finished last year and how it was different to how we've started this season. Would have loved Woosha to show them the tape this week instead of the saints game as the "learnings" that he loves to mention could come from watching a good performance v a shocker like Saturday.
1. The commentators were raving about our clean hands around the contest and playing on instinct. This is something that we have clearly lacked in the first two weeks. So many times under pressure we had clean hands and got the ball forward and created an even contest. Complete contrast to this season so far.
2. Leading on from this every time we kicked it long, even with a smaller forward line without Daniher, Hooker, Raz, McKernan etc we created a contest and were able to play "front half" football by tackling and locking the ball in with fierce tackling, which the commentators raved on about in that first qtr when we were up 40-8. Where is this style this season?
3. Our tackling in this game was unbelievable. Every one stuck tackles. At one point on the broadcast they said Langford had as many tackles as Port Adelaide in the first qtr (5). Langford I don't reckon has laid 5 tackles all up this season.
4. "It looks like one team is enjoying their footy and the other isn't". Bruce said this in reference to how we were playing versus Port who were "stale". Can we argue this season so far that the boys are enjoying their footy?
5. Bruce and Wayne Carey mentioned also that the bombers attacking brand of footy really stood out from the rest of the comp and was our point of difference as we looked to take risks that perhaps other clubs didn't e.g Richmond etc. So why have we gone away from this?
Ultimately, this has made me think that the blue print for Friday night and this weekend onwards is pretty simple. Play on instinct, bring the heat and stick tackles, be clean around the contest and attack the Dees with leg speed and fast ball movement like Port Adelaide did in Round 1. Not beyond us this week.