Lovely article in The Age, with Ross confessing that he got a little 'bitter and twisted' later on in the career and went headhunting, much to his parents' embarrassment.
Lyon was a smart utility who became renowned for his hardness. Toughness which, he concedes, sometimes spilled over into unjustified aggression. "I came in a ball-winner and went out a thug," he smiles, ruefully. "I whacked one or two I'm embarrassed about."
Saints fans have really had to change their view on Ross - I had a number bagging him last year about 'trying to change the Saints' culture of attractive footy ' .. so how's a flag sound ?
They are clearly the best structured team - well done Ross.
Lyon was a smart utility who became renowned for his hardness. Toughness which, he concedes, sometimes spilled over into unjustified aggression. "I came in a ball-winner and went out a thug," he smiles, ruefully. "I whacked one or two I'm embarrassed about."
Saints fans have really had to change their view on Ross - I had a number bagging him last year about 'trying to change the Saints' culture of attractive footy ' .. so how's a flag sound ?
They are clearly the best structured team - well done Ross.