Ratten and Carlscum's winning culture.

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So you'll "pwn" me later? Cool.

So you're saying cause you won six games more in 07 than in 06, then the law of averages dictates that you'll win even more in 08? Why? Because of Hird's and Sheedy's departure?

I'll let you in on a little secret... It's called dead-cat-bounce. The Essendon we saw towards the end of the season (ie the one that farewelled Sheedy and Hird so magnificantly) is the Essendon of 08. I heard Peverill's still on your list. It MUST be onwards and upwards for you guys...
The Law of averages doesnt come into calculation. I simply feel we are on the improve as we won 7 more games last season than in 06. A solid effort considering we won a priority pick in 2006. Im very confident that we will finish above your mob though.

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Yeah...that makes complete sense:eek:. Whilst you may feel comfortable in the bottom 4 surroundings and embrace the closeness to teams like Richmond, we prefer to trudge up the ladder which I think we are doing considering we won 6 more games last season than in 06.
Unsure over which post you are referring too, but post it up and then ill burn you afterwards.
Ps: Stand up to the bullies.
mate, if you think ur gonna trudge up the ladder to add another 6 more wins then last yr, go and check if ur still playing "the sims", or if your actually in reality. Because on earth, essendon of the 21st century are shit!! do you think finishing between 15th and 12th in the last 4 years will surely make you an elite team in 2008 :confused:?? mate, i reckon you'd be lucky if you beat richmond in the number of games you win in 08' so just keep dreaming on.
oh btw, saints havnet been in the bottom 4 since 6 years ago and dont start all this, essendon = 16 premierships bs, because we're currently in the present, not in the past. cherish the past, dont get ruled by it.

so anyways, bring on 08 so we can prove that essendon will slide again.
The Law of averages doesnt come into calculation. I simply feel we are on the improve as we won 7 more games last season than in 06. A solid effort considering we won a priority pick in 2006. Im very confident that we will finish above your mob though.

Didn't you guys win 6 or so games by less than 10 points?
mate, if you think ur gonna trudge up the ladder to add another 6 more wins then last yr, go and check if ur still playing "the sims", or if your actually in reality. Because on earth, essendon of the 21st century are shit!! do you think finishing between 15th and 12th in the last 4 years will surely make you an elite team in 2008 :confused:?? mate, i reckon you'd be lucky if you beat richmond in the number of games you win in 08' so just keep dreaming on.
oh btw, saints havnet been in the bottom 4 since 6 years ago and dont start all this, essendon = 16 premierships bs, because we're currently in the present, not in the past. cherish the past, dont get ruled by it.

so anyways, bring on 08 so we can prove that essendon will slide again.
I never said that we will win 6 more games this season. Read more carefully. I said I think we are on the improve as we won many more games last season than the previous year. When did I infer we will become elite?
Btw you fool, barry is a carlton fan. You are new around these parts so ill let you off.
Didn't you guys win 6 or so games by less than 10 points?
Yeah, whereas in 06 we lost many games by a couple of goals. The mental strength certainly improved last season for the Bombers and they grew more confident. Hopefully we can get back into the form we were in early last season.

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I'm really sorry. I just wanted to bag Knights. Didnt go according to plan.

One of you better admissions. Honest and unexpected, made me very sorry to be one of the last on the scene.

Your starch can have flavor Baz. But your targets cheap. Nothing wrong with a gas. But as you know a good rissole take a liiiittle kneading.

Hey this one made me smile, but no fingers bAZ. The garlic never made the sauce.


Thats the cheap "Baz", but as they say; in good, in bad, in name in sailing. Look for the QC later; if needed. Now, we're down_bazed. Trust me the photo was funnier than your comment. (See thread.)

But being so pompous takes salt and sugar. You are pompous. You have the name. You have the failed club. You have the wannabe cause, and Jebediah knows the gas. Cite A. Foster, he remembers and still is not so far away. Lots of salt pal.

But the sugar you're not so luxuriant in. Its only palm or cane oil remember. Cheaper than your principal perserve.

On your daily reality trip with connex when going to do janidddoring, offiadmindtring or boffing the Queen's preferred document should she arrive, consider whether the beech and or amonia will sway Teagues way.

Hanging judges just love
I'm really sorry. I just wanted to bag Knights. Didnt go according to plan.
I figure 10+

But, a Zucker is worth an even go.
Here are a few more Footscray residents hangin' around Footscray station!!!!!:thumbsu::)
WESTERN BULLDOGS HAS FAILED Perhaps you were prepared to tolerate or accept the name change and wait to see whether it would benefit the club and I respect your decision to do that. That is your right, even though you didn’t have the opportunity to vote for or against it.(real democratic club which listens to its members and supporters)

Nevertheless we have moved into 2008 and numerous years after the radical divisive changes were thrust upon the FOOTSCUM supportes, why we you no better off. Your club has not been improved by the deletion of Footscray. Consider the following (1) Have the non-Footscray supporters in the non-Footscray areas of the Western Suburbs flocked en masse to join up as members?
FOOTSCUM should have 100,000 members. There are over 500,000 people in Melbourne’s western region. So if one in five suddenly realised that they were duty bound to follow FOOTSCUM because you swapped the name Footscray for western then one tenth of a million people would be Western Bulldogs members. As you have around 25,000 members where are the other 75,000?

I always reply to supporters of other clubs with this question- “So would you be happy to be known as the Northern Blues, Eastern Magpies, Western Bombers, Country Cats, Eastern Hawks, Central Demons, Eastern Tigers and Southern Saints”. Oddly enough all of them says no and “ I see what you mean” They it seems are more than happy that their club is slow off the mark in adopting the directional nickname. I have never met a Carlton supporter who wants to become the Northern Blues. The same with Collingwood and Eastern Magpies, Essendon ………

Nah really good move FOOTSCRUM. It has really changed your fortunes. Thats right the new name has instilled a winning culture. Bunch of Sellouts

this guy must have a lot of spare time on his hands, must be getting absoluetly none back home!!! i bet my house he'sgot a head like warren campbell!!!
if u get 40000 members i'll start barrackin for carlton! so deluded u blokes, get a reality check!
does successful mean only 5 100 point trashings a season or does it mean u might make the finals in the next decade?
oh, and we have 28000 members champ
Looks like we've got another member on board!! Membership no 40,001 membership ticket is on its way to ya Booma!!! :)
Carlton are just a reasonable VFL team. On, and off the ground.

I'd get off the topic of who is and isn't a reasonable team, SunnyBoy. You barrack for a team who have a history of perpetual losing in the big games. You have bred a culture where almost is good enough and settle for second best.

Remember your team was beaten this year by 'just a reasonable team'. Enough said.

We are doing okay this year mate. Winning games of footy will come to the Blues, just as it has for your team this year (after many years of being average).

I would be coy on topic of winning though. You have not been that successful in your history. Your record is right up there with St Kilda. Nothing to be proud of, I assure you. Just because you are having a good trot this year doesn't give you the right to bag our team who are doing just fine.

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Ratten and Carlscum's winning culture.

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