Play Nice Random Chat Thread: Episode III

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You can't BE racist without INTENDING to be racist!!!!!!!

How ****ing nuts has the world become when I find myself in the position of defending Donald ****ing Trump?

Umm, you can ... most racism is just ignorance.
Umm, you can ... most racism is just ignorance.

WHO determines that?! The mob?!

A poster here recently made the claim that the justification of racism only requires someone stating that any comment or action is racist!!!

That's just flat out Monty Python level absurdity. The SJW morons have already dumbed down society enough.
You can't BE racist without INTENDING to be racist!!!!!!!

How ****ing nuts has the world become when I find myself in the position of defending Donald ****ing Trump?

Of course you can. Most racists don’t realise they’re racist.

I was referring to Warren, but I get your point.

I was more interested in his use of ‘Pocahontas’ when he met the NI code talkers. He must not have known the historical fallacies involved with the P story, as he used the sacrificial part, which probably didn’t happen, to the actions of the code breakers. The intent was at equalising the bravery aspects, I guess.

It came back to the intent as SB suggested, as stupid as the slur was. In saying that, I get why some view it as a racist slur and that argument can easily be made.

In a lot of ways he’s a master troll, in others, he’s mind boggling ignorant of history and geo-politics.

I was referring to her too. Autocorrect changed my typing from maybe to he for some reason. If you look at my response to TOD you’ll see we’re on the same page there.

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Of course you can. Most racists don’t realise they’re racist.

Most racists don’t realise they’re racist, but YOU know they're racists?!

Can you not see the flaws in this logic?

You haven't thought this through very well.
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In a lot of ways he’s a master troll, in others, he’s mind boggling ignorant of history and geo-politics.

This needs to be weighed up with contemporary liberalism's downright manipulation and abuse of the concepts.

Crying wolf (i.e. race baiting, etc.) a million times too often, has taken it's toll on the public and induced cynicism to the point where it's become counter productive to its goals (in the cases of sincere claims).
This needs to be weighed up with contemporary liberalism's downright manipulation and abuse of the concepts.

Crying wolf (i.e. race baiting, etc.) a million times too often, has taken it's toll on the public and induced cynicism to the point where it's become counter productive to its goals (in the cases of sincere claims).
It's something, generally speaking, conservative political thinkers have taken great advantage of in recent times. There are a few very smart people sitting back and laughing at what the entire identity politics game has become.
It's something, generally speaking, conservative political thinkers have taken great advantage of in recent times. There are a few very smart people sitting back and laughing at what the entire identity politics game has become.

100% correctamundo.
If a more current example is required (not that it should), look no further than him continuing to refer to Elizabeth Warren as "Pocahontas". Calling a person the name of a famous and/or generic figure from an ethnic group that you believe (or in this case don't believe) that the person you're addressing is from, is textbook racism. Particularly when it's an ethnic minority and the context of employing the name is to mock and deride that person.

(But even when it isn't - if I walk up to a Vietnamese bloke and say "Hey, Ho Chi Minh, have you got the time?" - that's racist. It doesn't matter how great or revered the figure might be either - if I walk up to an Indian gent and say "Hey, Gandhi, do you where the nearest rain station is?" - that's racist, too. For obvious reasons.)

And naturally, he's been called on it by all in Sunbury. If you're to believe the stories, even his own personal aides have asked him to drop the taunt. As have the leading Native American authoritative body, the National Congress of American Indians. But of course, instead of heeding the advice to choose a less offensive line, old 'Double Down Don' decided to up the ante by including jokes about Wounded Knee in his taunts. Clearly, the man positively oozes respect for Native American folks.

At last check, he is still referring to Senator Warren as "Pocahontas". But yeah, not a racist bone in his body.
Perhaps you should do your own fact checking because Warren is no more Native American than you or I as the DNA test highlighted. It's amazing that someone can lie for their own benefit for decades (yes that includes awards based on being a minority) or someone saying "Pocahontas" because it draws attention to the fact that she lied and he's calling her that because Pocahontas is a fictional character. But of course that's more of an issue that someone using a lie to benefit their own career...
Thoughts on AOC's questioning of Libra Groin guru ?

She makes some very interesting historical parallels, especially redolent in the US, around "company towns" and the use of scrip.
I like it. I like that the Dems are going full throttle towards Libra. It's a centralised POS designed to create more of a stranglehold on the market. That tied with facebook's censorship makes me shudder at the thought of a 1984-esque future with Zuck on the screen :drunk:
I like it. I like that the Dems are going full throttle towards Libra. It's a centralised POS designed to create more of a stranglehold on the market. That tied with facebook's censorship makes me shudder at the thought of a 1984-esque future with Zuck on the screen :drunk:

Yep, on this we utterly agree.

Have you read Margaret Atwood's Oryx and Crake series - yes, its speculative fiction but so masterfully written.

One point she makes in that is that when corporations break the state's monopoly on certain functions notably violence and issuing of currency, that's hwne its all over red rover in terms of anything but a Hobbesian society of strong eat the weak.

Libra would probably have snuck through had Facebook not so appallingly dropped the ball through 2016-17 via Cambridge Analytica etc.

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Yep, on this we utterly agree.

Have you read Margaret Atwood's Oryx and Crake series - yes, its speculative fiction but so masterfully written.

One point she makes in that is that when corporations break the state's monopoly on certain functions notably violence and issuing of currency, that's hwne its all over red rover in terms of anything but a Hobbesian society of strong eat the weak.

Libra would probably have snuck through had Facebook not so appallingly dropped the ball through 2016-17 via Cambridge Analytica etc.
No I haven't read that but thank you for the suggestion.

I agree. I knew it was coming - I have a friend that works at facebook in the US and he wasn't tasked with researching various crypto projects. That was a couple of years ago but it has been pretty tight lipped as to what form it would come out as. Then things start clicking and adding up. Facebook banned crypto ads on their platform 18-24 months ago under the guise of "protecting users". Now we can see it was just their attempt to slow crypto down. Just like all these other countries that banned trading but are coming out with stable coins. Binance being banned in the US days after the Libra whitepaper release. It really does highlight how greedy the top dogs are. No different to Trump coming out and condemning it last week - it's self serving and the "you can use it to buy drugs and for criminal activity" excuse doesn't fly especially when people have been doing it with fiat currency for decades.

They can't control crypto so want to stall and regulate so they can get a slice of the pie too. Thankfully there are big wigs like the Winklevoss and Jack Dorsey that are so invested in Bitcoin's success. I can't help but think it's those types and all their rich buddies that have helped shine the light on Libra some more.

I agree completely with her comment. If something like Libra comes out and succeeds...well...god help us all. Especially when it will roll out straight away with 10's of 1000's of point of sale terminals ready to go. The aim of crypto is decentralisation not that centralised garbage coin.
Perhaps you should do your own fact checking because Warren is no more Native American than you or I as the DNA test highlighted.

What does any of that really mean anyway? You can find just about any race in any person if you dig deep enough. The idea of some arbitrary number determining race is ridiculous.

The liberal movement wanted to eradicate the idea of race 50-60 years, and now it's fighting to the death to have it recognised?


.........because implied pity (aka racism) can be utilised for implementing their social agendas.

They. Are. Full. Of. Shit.

Peoples heads are being filled up with absolute MUCK!
" Hey boss, What ? This cladding we're putting up on this building isn't flammable is it ? Gee Joe, l dunno. Maybe we should find out before we use it "

" Hey George, What ? I don't think we are renumerating our employee's properly. English mate. We aren't paying the slaves the right moula. I'm getting rich and famous, we'll worry about it another time. How about after l'm more rich and famous " !

How hard is it to get right ?
" Hey boss, What ? This cladding we're putting up on this building isn't flammable is it ? Gee Joe, l dunno. Maybe we should find out before we use it "

" Hey George, What ? I don't think we are renumerating our employee's properly. English mate. We aren't paying the slaves the right moula. I'm getting rich and famous, we'll worry about it another time. How about after l'm more rich and famous " !

How hard is it to get right ?

Business and greed go hand in hand.
You’re right of course, but man did she fu** up by going and getting blood tested for heritage only to discover she’s barely got any native blood.

Ha, yep. Not the smartest move and it duly backfired on her 1/1024th butt.

Perhaps most pointedly of all, she drew criticism from the Cherokee Nation, who said that using DNA testing to determine Native American heritage was "inappropriate and wrong". (From memory, the National Congress of American Indians may have also censured the move.) To her credit, she has publicly acknowledged her error and since apologised to the Cherokee Nation.

No argument from me. She royally ****ed up there.

But of course the above context does nothing to alter the point being made here.

As you say....

Doesn’t change Trump calling her Pocahontas being racist though.
Just on this, who the hell claims they belong to a particular culture with a 1/1024th DNA marker?

Most people can’t claim citizenship of another nation, usually, beyond their grand parents.

As per my previous post, she absolutely ****ed up.

Added to the fact that Native American ancestry/heritage/tribal citizenship is a complicated beast.

Impossible to untangle and summarise in a few words, but in the interests of some overarching clarity.....

Cherokee Nation executive director of communications Julie Hubbard said that Warren understands "that being a Cherokee Nation tribal citizen is rooted in centuries of culture and laws not through DNA tests".

Senator Warren - "Tribal citizenship is very different from ancestry. Tribes, and only tribes, determine tribal citizenship, and I respect that difference."
" Hey boss, What ? This cladding we're putting up on this building isn't flammable is it ? Gee Joe, l dunno. Maybe we should find out before we use it "

" Hey George, What ? I don't think we are renumerating our employee's properly. English mate. We aren't paying the slaves the right moula. I'm getting rich and famous, we'll worry about it another time. How about after l'm more rich and famous " !

How hard is it to get right ?

That entire industry is rife with this shit. George is just the tip of the iceberg. Hell, not even just that industry. Even as far as salaried workers threatened if they don't work ridiculous unpaid overtime because their arseh*le employer is relying upon some absurd "reasonable additional hours" clause in their contract to justify forcing a worker to work 10 or 20 hours over the 38.

Wage theft needs to be criminalised for what it is. Industrial relations needs a massive overhaul in this country.
Perhaps you should do your own fact checking because Warren is no more Native American than you or I as the DNA test highlighted. It's amazing that someone can lie for their own benefit for decades (yes that includes awards based on being a minority) or someone saying "Pocahontas" because it draws attention to the fact that she lied and he's calling her that because Pocahontas is a fictional character. But of course that's more of an issue that someone using a lie to benefit their own career...

Quite aware of her DNA debacle, Groin, mainly because it's nigh on impossible to find an article on the subject where it isn't mentioned. Without any shadow of a doubt it was both a mistake and a dumb move on her part.

(Not sure if it fits the narrative, but the truth is - like the vast majority of US politicians - I'm neither here nor there on Warren.)

But again, in this particular instance it's all context of zero importance when calling out what is an inherently racist taunt from Uncle Donald.

As for your other points.....I must admit, I have no knowledge of "the awards she won based on being a minority". Happy for you to educate me on same. I do know that Trump accused her of leveraging off minority status to gain certain University-based positions, but that claim has since been proven untrue.

And yep, while it's a bit odd weighing the two against each other, I'll admit that as an Australian citizen who takes no part in the US electoral process and who remains largely unaffected by US domestic affairs, I am far more interested in the President of the country that plays a large part in setting the tone of the Western World, using a ubiquitous social media platform to attempt to legitimize racist crap.

P.S. Pocahontas (aka Matoaka aka Rebecca Rolfe) is/was a real Native American person of considerable historical note.
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