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Thanks Gabbie and Mr R. I hate waiting for news. I hated dropping him into the surgery more though. Hoping for the best.

I hear you TT. Mine both had an operation 18 months ago to remove a lump on their inside trunk area. I don't have any kids but dropping them off at the vet was like taking your kids to school for the first time. Felt weird going home and waiting for the call to have them picked up. Anyway, nothing major wrong with them, it's a lump of water thing that Dalmations get, phew but I didn't say that when I got the bill. But they're my "babies" and it's only money. They weren't too impressed with their Buster collars for two weeks as there were stitches involved.

Bonnie of course figured out how to lose her collar within days. She's a clever girl. :)


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I'm hoping like hell that Archer will be sporting one of those at home shortly following the successful, and not too invasive, removal of said growth Gabbie. That's our best case scenario. Nice pic too. You're so right...........they're like your own kids.
I'm hoping like hell that Archer will be sporting one of those at home shortly following the successful, and not too invasive, removal of said growth Gabbie. That's our best case scenario. Nice pic too. You're so right...........they're like your own kids.

I re-read your symptons of young Archer, sounds like an abcess to me as well - fingers crossed. Dogs eat the weirdest things, might even be a sting by a bee or something. Here's hoping. When mine came out of the anaesthetic they were like drunken sailors - funny to watch - only time were allowed on a bed. Were out for the count til the next morning.

Just had a drama here, went to get the dogs a couple of doggie biscuits and they were headed for outside but Clyde in his excitement somehow slipped on the tiles and next thing was on floor with all his legs splayed out. Geezus, he was yelping and howling, meanwhile I'm trying to get Bonnie out of the way so I can somehow roll him over so he could get up, one of his back legs is a bit arthritic so I didn't want to hurt that one, anyway, all is good, he got an extra bikkie and big cuddles and is now flopped on the floor beside me. Phew.
Thanks Gabbie and Mr R. I hate waiting for news. I hated dropping him into the surgery more though. Hoping for the best.

All the best to you and Archer TT, all of us who love our pets know how your'e feeling right now, really hope everything goes well for him.
All the best to you and Archer TT, all of us who love our pets know how your'e feeling right now, really hope everything goes well for him.

Cheers Baz. Unfortunately it wasn't good news at all. Pathololgy results won't be in till Thursday but the vet saw enough to suggest it's an aggressive cancer of some sort. The bleeding from taking a small section for testing went on and on, which shows it's got a major blood supply. He said it's virtually growing as we talk now. He apologised for having to say the news, saying "It's the worst part of my job." I said "I like to know the facts so thanks for being frank."

"Doc, what's the best and worst case scenario re prognosis?" I asked, patting my extra affectionate mate Arch as I did.

"3 weeks to 3 months!"

Bloody devastated! :thumbsdown:

Thanks for all of your thoughts and words. :heart:
Cheers Baz. Unfortunately it wasn't good news at all. Pathololgy results won't be in till Thursday but the vet saw enough to suggest it's an aggressive cancer of some sort. The bleeding from taking a small section for testing went on and on, which shows it's got a major blood supply. He said it's virtually growing as we talk now. He apologised for having to say the news, saying "It's the worst part of my job." I said "I like to know the facts so thanks for being frank."

"Doc, what's the best and worst case scenario re prognosis?" I asked, patting my extra affectionate mate Arch as I did.

"3 weeks to 3 months!"

Bloody devastated! :thumbsdown:

Thanks for all of your thoughts and words. :heart:

Efffing Hell TT, I am so sorry to hear this and feel your pain with a tear or two in my eyes as I type. I hope Arch isn't in too much pain, give him a hug from me.
Then I guess you have no choice but to clip em. Have you tried using a muzzle and a body brace just to keep Maremma still?

Thanks, I'll investigate the body brace. Without it she twists and contorts and throws herself around like a fish out of water.

All seems unimportant now in the light of TT's sad news re Archer.
Thanks, I'll investigate the body brace. Without it she twists and contorts and throws herself around like a fish out of water.

All seems unimportant now in the light of TT's sad news re Archer.

Sad for the TT family huh Mr R.

Was wondering if you took your woofer AWAY from home she would settle as a friend was telling me that she needed to muzzle her dog when the groomer came TO THE HOUSE for the annual summer clip but when she took her to a groom place the dog was fine. Neutral ground and all that. Just a thought cos you know how territorial dogs are.
Archer on the left. Bella on the right.


Holly ruling the roost.


Thanks for the thoughts guys. Much appreciated. This week's been f****d and I doubt things will get better anytime soon. Seriously though, thanks. :thumbsu:

Poor Archer's having a really hard time and, at 7, it's too early for this. It's utter shyte!

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Been snoring since day 1 when he got here as a 7 week old pup :D

Lab snores a bit, Pug a bit more, Owner even more (so I'm told;))
Great shot Dan.

Cheers Toes

So how did Jack go in class? Dux? :)

At least with a dog the graduation present wouldn't set you back much. :D

There are 2 groups, beginners and intermediate. Jack was only in beginners group for couple weeks before getting the nod to go into intermediate. He is the youngest in that group out of 20 something dogs. So he holds himself very well and is doing the family proud :)

His graduation present was couple of left over snags from the BBQ that was held for the last training session for the year. He enjoyed that :D

I'm probably gonna get Jack some liver treats or a pigs ear for Christmas lol

Lab snores a bit, Pug a bit more, Owner even more (so I'm told;))

Jack, when he snores is the loudest when it comes to snoring in this house. He doesn't dribble, although the owner sometimes does a little :eek:
Cheers Toes

There are 2 groups, beginners and intermediate. Jack was only in beginners group for couple weeks before getting the nod to go into intermediate. He is the youngest in that group out of 20 something dogs. So he holds himself very well and is doing the family proud :)

His graduation present was couple of left over snags from the BBQ that was held for the last training session for the year. He enjoyed that :D

I'm probably gonna get Jack some liver treats or a pigs ear for Christmas lol

Jack, when he snores is the loudest when it comes to snoring in this house. He doesn't dribble, although the owner sometimes does a little :eek:

Bonnie and Clyde will be getting a big but not too big beef bone, if it's not raining. Fingers crossed for that.

Merry Christmas to you all from me and the woofers.
Lab snores a bit, Pug a bit more, Owner even more (so I'm told;))

Had a Boston terrier now they can snore.Billys bed was right outside our window for one night kept me awake with his snoring.Got moved to other end of patio and could still hear him.Finished up letting him sleep in our garage away from everyone.

Great dog lived for 16 years much longer than supposed to would reccomend to anyone who wants an intelligent dog.
Bonnie and Clyde will be getting a big but not too big beef bone, if it's not raining. Fingers crossed for that.

Merry Christmas to you all from me and the woofers.

You too Gabbie and everyone else here :)

Although I don't think Jack isn't really into the Christmas spirit.....


He doesn't look all that impressed lol

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