NFNL 2023 Div 1 discussion

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Just some flog talking rubbish lets be honest.
What i saw was how indirect Heid are at times, chip, chip chip.
Got the job done but gees it wasnt a great watch.
Been a coach for a long time with only 1 flag to his name, he wouldnt wanna miss one this year i think.
Will this game style hold up in finals? its a very different style to Heid last year.
Style held up well pretty well today
Okay, let me lay this out for you. Firstly, I'd like to declare that I am a long-time member, supporter, and ex-player of a current Div 2 club, which also has juniors( there's only a few)

I'd also like to declare that my daughter underwent the rep trial process two years ago. Since then, I've been an attentive observer of the Rep processes, watching some friends' sons and daughters go through the same process, and witnessing most of the games they played in the last two years. I must admit that what is unfolding right before our eyes is disgraceful and requires immediate action to be stopped.

Now, let's talk about some individuals and situations:

LeGassik - Head of Rep Coaching and a paid employee of the NFNL, is also a director at Footy Fast Tracker, FOOTY FAST TRACKER | Coaching a business he runs with ex AFL player Paul Hudson. This business focuses on training young players to reach higher levels (rep level). The concern here lies in a potential conflict of interest, as LeGassik has influence over player and coach selections, which may align with his business interests, leading to financial gains.

There are also concerns about whether kids who cannot afford to pay for this business or others like it are being fairly considered for Rep selection.

Furthermore, it has come to light that Paul Hudson was used as a specialist coach for goal kicking at Rep sessions, with the NFNL footing the bill for his services.

Kaankanpa- an NFNL Administrator, there are observations that she holds more influence than an average administrator, based on my distant observations and discussions with parents of players. Although upon research, she has done a lot commendable volunteer work for local Junior Clubs in the past, her involvement raises questions about possible conflicts of interest.

Additionally, she recently started a business called Ultimate MPB in Nov 2022, Ultimate MPB which solely targets under 14/15 players aspiring to play Rep footy. The concern here is that her involvement in player and coach selections may lead to financial gains for her business, potentially compromising the fairness of the selection process.

It's worth noting that this business website also appears to promote AFL and NFNL branding and images, although it's not clear if they have been approved to do so.

During Rep sessions, specialist coaches Chris Shen and Phiv Demetriou have been present, both of whom are associated with the Ultimate MPB business and were i assume, also paid by the NFNL for their services.

Please understand that these concerns are not based on rumors or unhappiness from myself or any other single parent. They are factual, based on my direct observations, and I've had suspicions about such issues for several years.

I also find it troubling that there may be others heavily involved in player selection, both boys and girls, who are employees of DFS (Dynamic Footy Skills) and work at Schools in the area. The potential for conflicts of interest arises when selectors are also paid by DFS, as it may influence which kids get selected for Rep teams.

As a professional, (i have worked as a legal professional in different capacities in my career) I know that such gross conflicts of interest would not be tolerated . It's essential to remember that these individuals are not volunteers; they are paid by the NFNL.

The underlying question is whether the selection process genuinely aims to secure the most outstanding candidates or if it favors a select few based on personal connections and financial gains.

This situation also raises concerns about the NFNL's commitment to equitable and accessible tryout systems for all players, as stated on its website. Allowing such apparent corruption in the selection process is unacceptable.

I also bring this matter to light as further evidence that those in power have the ability to act as they see fit, choose to look the other way when it suits them. In contrast, they punish clubs for minor, petty issues that have been mentioned in forums here recently.

Remember the demise of the once great DVFL, is this how that started? People looking the other way whilst others profit??

DFS Potter.... 10 years
Say no more!!

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Vin will have a few selection headaches in just over a month’s time but I guess that’s a good position to be in. Ominous signs
They were just to strong all over the ground Heidelberg and their reserves are strong also. Hard to see anyone getting close to them unfortunately
Okay, let me lay this out for you. Firstly, I'd like to declare that I am a long-time member, supporter, and ex-player of a current Div 2 club, which also has juniors( there's only a few)

I'd also like to declare that my daughter underwent the rep trial process two years ago. Since then, I've been an attentive observer of the Rep processes, watching some friends' sons and daughters go through the same process, and witnessing most of the games they played in the last two years. I must admit that what is unfolding right before our eyes is disgraceful and requires immediate action to be stopped.

Now, let's talk about some individuals and situations:

LeGassik - Head of Rep Coaching and a paid employee of the NFNL, is also a director at Footy Fast Tracker, FOOTY FAST TRACKER | Coaching a business he runs with ex AFL player Paul Hudson. This business focuses on training young players to reach higher levels (rep level). The concern here lies in a potential conflict of interest, as LeGassik has influence over player and coach selections, which may align with his business interests, leading to financial gains.

There are also concerns about whether kids who cannot afford to pay for this business or others like it are being fairly considered for Rep selection.

Furthermore, it has come to light that Paul Hudson was used as a specialist coach for goal kicking at Rep sessions, with the NFNL footing the bill for his services.

Kaankanpa- an NFNL Administrator, there are observations that she holds more influence than an average administrator, based on my distant observations and discussions with parents of players. Although upon research, she has done a lot commendable volunteer work for local Junior Clubs in the past, her involvement raises questions about possible conflicts of interest.

Additionally, she recently started a business called Ultimate MPB in Nov 2022, Ultimate MPB which solely targets under 14/15 players aspiring to play Rep footy. The concern here is that her involvement in player and coach selections may lead to financial gains for her business, potentially compromising the fairness of the selection process.

It's worth noting that this business website also appears to promote AFL and NFNL branding and images, although it's not clear if they have been approved to do so.

During Rep sessions, specialist coaches Chris Shen and Phiv Demetriou have been present, both of whom are associated with the Ultimate MPB business and were i assume, also paid by the NFNL for their services.

Please understand that these concerns are not based on rumors or unhappiness from myself or any other single parent. They are factual, based on my direct observations, and I've had suspicions about such issues for several years.

I also find it troubling that there may be others heavily involved in player selection, both boys and girls, who are employees of DFS (Dynamic Footy Skills) and work at Schools in the area. The potential for conflicts of interest arises when selectors are also paid by DFS, as it may influence which kids get selected for Rep teams.

As a professional, (i have worked as a legal professional in different capacities in my career) I know that such gross conflicts of interest would not be tolerated . It's essential to remember that these individuals are not volunteers; they are paid by the NFNL.

The underlying question is whether the selection process genuinely aims to secure the most outstanding candidates or if it favors a select few based on personal connections and financial gains.

This situation also raises concerns about the NFNL's commitment to equitable and accessible tryout systems for all players, as stated on its website. Allowing such apparent corruption in the selection process is unacceptable.

I also bring this matter to light as further evidence that those in power have the ability to act as they see fit, choose to look the other way when it suits them. In contrast, they punish clubs for minor, petty issues that have been mentioned in forums here recently.

Remember the demise of the once great DVFL, is this how that started? People looking the other way whilst others profit??
I just read your post this morning and I am surprised that there has not been a greater reaction from people on this forum - This behaviour from NFL employees is at best a conflict of interest and at worst fraud.

It has been reported many times on this forum that NFL employees are posters (They are easy to pick as they are the ones that attack the poster if they say anything negative about the NFL LOL) also Club President(s) and more importantly journalists!
NFL employees are paid salaries funded by the NFL clubs - NFL clubs are run by volunteers who don't earn a cent - How about the journos and club presidents read the above post and have the matter reported investigated to determine if these rorts are founded and NFL employees are making financial gains from allocating monies to other businesses that they are involved with. Worse still kids are missing out on rep & other selection because they are not paying to be involved in these "businesses" funded by the NFL.

NFNL MEMBER - you have the legal knowledge - Is the NFL a registered business? If yes are employees obligated to report other business activities that they have a financial interest with that they are allocating NFL $$$ to?
Would this information be on the NFL Annual report?

Journos if the post is true you have a pretty good story here
Went down to watch the North Heidelberg vs West Preston game and checked the best players today. How didn't 17 from WP get named in the best 5. Whitnall not up to it playing like he doesn't want to be touched.


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Tigertime, I will look into this further tomorrow but I agree wholeheartedly that it is surprising that there has been little or no reaction re my post.
I have looked up ABN Numbers for these side businesses and what I said is factual.
I would be surprised if the NFNL is not a registered business, it’s not really my area of expertise but I will look into it.
What I would expect is an organisation the size of the NFNL would/ should have a clear Conflict of Interest Policy to protect itself from these situations.
From reading a recent post, it’s my understanding that there was no financial report submitted at the last NFNL AGM. This is hugely concerning.

Additionally, I have attempted to raise interest about this with a local sports journalist who sadly was not interested.

It has been reported many times on this forum that NFL employees are posters (They are easy to pick as they are the ones that attack the poster if they say anything negative about the NFL LOL) also Club President(s) and more importantly journalists!
NFL employees are paid salaries funded by the NFL clubs - NFL clubs are run by volunteers who don't earn a cent - How about the journos and club presidents read the above post and have the matter reported investigated to determine if these rorts are founded and NFL employees are making financial gains from allocating monies to other businesses that they are involved with. Worse still kids are missing out on rep & other selection because they are not paying to be involved in these "businesses" funded by the NFL.

NFNL MEMBER - you have the legal knowledge - Is the NFL a registered business? If yes are employees obligated to report other business activities that they have a financial interest with that they are allocating NFL $$$ to?
Would this information be on the NFL Annual report?

Journos if the post is true you have a pretty good story here
Tigertime, I will look into this further tomorrow but I agree wholeheartedly that it is surprising that there has been little or no reaction re my post.
I have looked up ABN Numbers for these side businesses and what I said is factual.
I would be surprised if the NFNL is not a registered business, it’s not really my area of expertise but I will look into it.
What I would expect is an organisation the size of the NFNL would/ should have a clear Conflict of Interest Policy to protect itself from these situations.
From reading a recent post, it’s my understanding that there was no financial report submitted at the last NFNL AGM. This is hugely concerning.

Additionally, I have attempted to raise interest about this with a local sports journalist who sadly was not interested.
Gee wonder why he’s not interested ? 🤔
Gee wonder why he’s not interested ? 🤔
Well he was happy to have a chat. I sent him as much details including documents but im not interested in exposing myself or my Club.
We all know how that would work out for us.
I sent it anonymously.
I think there is ample information for someone to look into it.
Well he was happy to have a chat. I sent him as much details including documents but im not interested in exposing myself or my Club.
We all know how that would work out for us.
I sent it anonymously.
I think there is ample information for someone to look into it.
Well done for calling it out mate - You wont get to much support on this type of forum.
The dictatorship started at the NFL with McDougall and continues now - There are other journalists that will be very interested in your story & I for one will be sending your post tomorrow to AFL Victoria and a few other interested parties tomorrow.
Hogan from the Leader newspaper - Any interest in this issue or dont bite the hand.......
North Heidelberg having a great season. With games against Banyule and Whittlesea to go top 3 a real chance.

Boro losing really opened the door for the bridges which would be a huge effort

Might have to beat Mont at Mont, which I dont think they have done for 100 years lol to get a top 3 spot.
Shout out to there reserves too who have quietly moved up to 4th.
Bit more depth than they have had for a few years.
Might have to beat Mont at Mont, which I dont think they have done for 100 years lol to get a top 3 spot.
Shout out to there reserves too who have quietly moved up to 4th.
Bit more depth than they have had for a few years.
Heatley runs a good ship wherever he coaches all players really buy in to what he’s selling
Well done for calling it out mate - You wont get to much support on this type of forum.
The dictatorship started at the NFL with McDougall and continues now - There are other journalists that will be very interested in your story & I for one will be sending your post tomorrow to AFL Victoria and a few other interested parties tomorrow.
Hogan from the Leader newspaper - Any interest in this issue or dont bite the hand.......
Cheers Tigertime👍
Well done for calling it out mate - You wont get to much support on this type of forum.
The dictatorship started at the NFL with McDougall and continues now - There are other journalists that will be very interested in your story & I for one will be sending your post tomorrow to AFL Victoria and a few other interested parties tomorrow.
Hogan from the Leader newspaper - Any interest in this issue or dont bite the hand.......
Started with mcdougall he wanted out but his offsider got out first so he had to stay and wasn’t happy .. all no good either way !
Started with mcdougall he wanted out but his offsider got out first so he had to stay and wasn’t happy .. all no good either way !
I find it amazing that the blokes that post on this forum almost 3 times a day haven't added their support to this potential corruption issue at the NFNL LOL
They jump all over the Eltham football club salary cap breach, rumours of punch ups, coach departures etc but don't lend their voice to an issue where posters have called out accusations against the NFL staff lining their pockets & discriminating against kids - "DFS - Potter" "Phiv Dimitiriou" named on previous posts and those 2 NFNL staff members named by NFNL Member.
Not an important issue for you?
Email sent to AFL Victoria so I will let you know of their response
I find it amazing that the blokes that post on this forum almost 3 times a day haven't added their support to this potential corruption issue at the NFNL LOL
They jump all over the Eltham football club salary cap breach, rumours of punch ups, coach departures etc but don't lend their voice to an issue where posters have called out accusations against the NFL staff lining their pockets & discriminating against kids - "DFS - Potter" "Phiv Dimitiriou" named on previous posts and those 2 NFNL staff members named by NFNL Member.
Not an important issue for you?
Email sent to AFL Victoria so I will let you know of their response
Absolutely love this

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NFNL 2023 Div 1 discussion

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