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How do I turn off auto renew in the app? I know they always try to make these things hard to do but damn.

Edit- nevermind you need to do it from the desktop site. Not the app or condensed mobile version of the website
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my email says $289, did you pay in monthly last year?
Yeah, I did. 4x $70 installments. So for those of us that went that route the increase is another $50 this season.

I cancelled the auto-renew. Will reassess closer to Week 1 what my own schedule will be.

Definitely had a good run with the Colombian VPN pricing all those years... I was okay to cop $280 but the DAZN platform was shithouse to say the least. How they justify an increase without yet proving themselves is pretty brazen.

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Doesn't seem like it but it's still working, just not as user friendly
They keep pushing the date. it was supposed to be back after like 6 months of going down and that was like 4 years ago. I guess its cheaper to run a board then a tracker anyway.
Already getting notifications to come back and redeem a 10% discount offer.

Auto renew mail out must not have been received well from DAzns perspective either.


  • Screenshot_20240704_093152_DAZN.jpg
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Already getting notifications to come back and redeem a 10% discount offer.

Auto renew mail out must not have been received well from DAzns perspective either.
I doubt they made much money on it. need to cover $100m USD a year for the rights alone and then the cost they spent on having to make a working platform. Which i think someone last year said with different prices world wide its about 650k full price subs before they make a profit.

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