Official Team Thread Mt. Buller Demons | S35 Team Thread | Do you want to build a snowman?

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Coach's/Clubman Award
As is custom around here, the Mt. Buller Coach's/Clubman award is tonight to be handed out by our mentor and cultural nidus Richard_Cranium … let’s wait and see if he has remembered to come along and post…
One of the biggest travesties of last season – and I take personal responsibility for this one – is the fact that sausageroll didn’t get nominated for the All-SFA team at half back.

On top of the mountain of work he did compiling our posting and on-ground stats all last season (and his tireless work supporting the opposition each week), this guy kicked arse on the field and deserves recognition.

In a season where we were consistently pummelled by a lack of whole-ground defence, a lone baked savoury good stood up each and every week. He outperformed all other nominated half back flankers in the entire of the league, and more than earns his recognition as our club's best defender.

We salute you sausageroll and congratulate you on winning this season’s Best Defender award.

Let it be a down-payment on your upcoming All-SFA dominance.

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Did you forget I actually kicked a couple of goals for the opposition? I was basically a half forward for them.

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This award – formerly known as the Best Rookie award – has been named in memory of our beloved and much-missed teammate Deaneus! . It recognises posters who are new to the league and who have made a contribution to our club from the very beginning.

We enjoyed two new posters at the Demons across Season 35 – each of them made an impact with their wit, engagement and contribution to the culture of this great club.

However, the poster that has won the Deaneus! Award for Season 35 is cartwright .

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We thoroughly enjoyed seeing how well you have integrated into our club. While you’re still making your way in a league that is incredibly overwhelming at times, we feel like you’re built of the right stuff to enjoy a nice career at Mt. Buller.

Congratulations on this well-earned recognition.
Congratulations cartwright

Hope you have a long and successful career at the Demons
Gonna have to write this one off the cuff because I have a problem accessing my notes.

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls.

Tonight, I write to you tonight from a very unfortunate position. I’m presently stuck between two Where’s The Gold? poker machines at the Brunswick Junction Oval. It was in this position that I felt that I’d be impossible to find in a game of hide and seek after the Round 2 game.

I have since learned that the Round 2 game against the Roys was actually a home game for Mt. Buller, and that nobody in fact was even at the Brunswick Junction Oval pokies on the evening I decided to hide.

Because of my advanced age and lack of movement, I’ve been able to maintain sufficient caloric load to stay alive, by eating crumbs and dust. I did try to get someone to notice me and save me in subsequent rounds of Roys home games, but they’re all deaf.

Anyway, I’m still able to type and post this, because my Nokia 3210 has still not run out of battery.

I felt like I should give my award tonight to someone who I feel would be best positioned to find me and save me from this godforsaken place.

I gave this award to the same person a few seasons back, when I was in a less precarious position, but since then I’ve noticed this bloke rock up and kick arse pretty much every week, without much recognition from any of you other bozos.

He’s someone that continually contributes to the fabric of the Mt. Buller Demons – the club that I’m so proud of coaching.

moginie – it is you who I speak of.

Coach's Award
Ummm. OK.

The bloke hasn’t been the same since Van_Dyke stopped bringing him those special Chinese medicine tablets. Regardless, he makes a great point with respects to moginie – he’s the kind of poster that would have your back every time. He’s exactly the kind of poster that would come and find you if you were stuck between to poker machines.

We love him and we’re glad he’s getting this recognition. Thanks for being you, moginie !

Coach's Award.png
Gonna have to write this one off the cuff because I have a problem accessing my notes.

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls.

Tonight, I write to you tonight from a very unfortunate position. I’m presently stuck between two Where’s The Gold? poker machines at the Brunswick Junction Oval. It was in this position that I felt that I’d be impossible to find in a game of hide and seek after the Round 2 game.

I have since learned that the Round 2 game against the Roys was actually a home game for Mt. Buller, and that nobody in fact was even at the Brunswick Junction Oval pokies on the evening I decided to hide.

Because of my advanced age and lack of movement, I’ve been able to maintain sufficient caloric load to stay alive, by eating crumbs and dust. I did try to get someone to notice me and save me in subsequent rounds of Roys home games, but they’re all deaf.

Anyway, I’m still able to type and post this, because my Nokia 3210 has still not run out of battery.

I felt like I should give my award tonight to someone who I feel would be best positioned to find me and save me from this godforsaken place.

I gave this award to the same person a few seasons back, when I was in a less precarious position, but since then I’ve noticed this bloke rock up and kick arse pretty much every week, without much recognition from any of you other bozos.

He’s someone that continually contributes to the fabric of the Mt. Buller Demons – the club that I’m so proud of coaching.

moginie – it is you who I speak of.

Congrats moginie 😍
A fantastic team mate and one of the people I really look forward to posting with each week. Always fun, always easy going, always remembering that we’re all just playing a game here for fun.

Great call mang.

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Eth Award
The Eth Award is named after one of the greatest captains, player and teammate of this great club. Introduced a number of seasons ago, the Eth Award is voted on by players and is an accolade to be incredibly proud of.

Past winners of this award include Hate, Tarks, Headless (multiple times), Van_Dyke, Callums_Guns, myself, Oddhawk and Yakker.

This season we had a really strong spread of votes across a number of posters, which again highlights just how many great contributors we have in our squad. We honestly have the best, most stable and engaged leadership group in the land – it’s packed full of club and league legends and we’re always keen on ensuring we’ve got the best people in the league across the running of our club.

The winner of the Season 35 award is someone who has shown renewed vigour and engagement with the league after such a long time. He’s undoubtedly one of our sharpest posters when up and about and in addition to his increased posting, his contributions to our season team thread (posting round summaries and posting/sim stats) have been incredibly highly valued.

sausageroll does these things unasked and with no fuss. He has shown tremendous initiative to help keep our club running smoothly and I am so excited that his contribution has been recognised by our club.

This is his first Eth Award, and I'm certain it won't be his last.

Congratulations snags. We love you!

Eth Award.png
Ummm. OK.

The bloke hasn’t been the same since Van_Dyke stopped bringing him those special Chinese medicine tablets. Regardless, he makes a great point with respects to moginie – he’s the kind of poster that would have your back every time. He’s exactly the kind of poster that would come and find you if you were stuck between to poker machines.

We love him and we’re glad he’s getting this recognition. Thanks for being you, moginie !

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💯 love moginie
Hall Of Fame.png

Before we move onto the final count for tonight’s Deestroy Medal, we should take some time to recognise some people.

Firstly, I was very proud to take my place in the Mt. Buller Hall Of Fame during Season 35. This club represents a second family of mine, and I’m so very proud to continue leading it and spending time with you all.

Being elevated to the Hall of Fame is probably my single greatest personal honour in this league, and I’m feeling very fortunate.

But now for another announcement. We have elevated another poster to our club’s Hall of Fame in Season 35.

This is a poster who has played 221 games for Mt. Buller and is already ranked 9th for possessions and 4th in marks in our all-time standings.

Perhaps more importantly, this poster has spent a many number of seasons in our leadership group, and has proven thoughtful, passionate and balanced throughout his time in the leadership position. He works hard to support our club, advocate for us and create resources that allow us to engage and have more fun.

He’s a vibrant and funny match thread poster and fits our posting culture like a hand in glove. It’s honestly a surprise he was ever at the Bombers and the Furies.

Of course we’re tonight officially elevating our perennial EKA hopeful, sausageroll to the Mt. Buller Demons Hall of Fame.

He becomes just the 18th player to have this honour across our club’s 35-season history. It’s beyond well-earned.

Congratulations, dear friend!
The Eth Award is named after one of the greatest captains, player and teammate of this great club. Introduced a number of seasons ago, the Eth Award is voted on by players and is an accolade to be incredibly proud of.

Past winners of this award include Hate, Tarks, Headless (multiple times), Van_Dyke, Callums_Guns, myself, Oddhawk and Yakker.

This season we had a really strong spread of votes across a number of posters, which again highlights just how many great contributors we have in our squad. We honestly have the best, most stable and engaged leadership group in the land – it’s packed full of club and league legends and we’re always keen on ensuring we’ve got the best people in the league across the running of our club.

The winner of the Season 35 award is someone who has shown renewed vigour and engagement with the league after such a long time. He’s undoubtedly one of our sharpest posters when up and about and in addition to his increased posting, his contributions to our season team thread (posting round summaries and posting/sim stats) have been incredibly highly valued.

sausageroll does these things unasked and with no fuss. He has shown tremendous initiative to help keep our club running smoothly and I am so excited that his contribution has been recognised by our club.

This is his first Eth Award, and I'm certain it won't be his last.

Congratulations snags. We love you!

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Without doubt sausageroll runs the best team stats I’ve seen in my time here. One of the reasons I wanted to come to the Dees was this poster, just always makes others around him happy and the banter between him and Tarks has me in stitches.
Love you sossage 🫶
Round 11
Round 11.png

What we liked…
  • Might this be the only time this season that we needed to play the Furies? Hopefully, yes!
  • Look, to be fair we really enjoyed ShaunDuggan ‘s company and James Colorado is really fun too. Not sure about the Chicken Kiev with Rice guy, though.
  • 17 match thread contributors (so bloody good in context of who we were playing and our season to date).
  • Generous doses of FUN thanks to sausageroll
Round 11.png
  • We DIDN’T LIKE Greenery leaving us after this round, but we were happy to welcome home Callums_Guns for what we’re CERTAIN will be a VERY LONG TIME. Right?
What the SIM said…
  • The SIM initially told us that we would lose again, because we were losing at half time. HOWEVER, it was all just a funny trick and we BLOODY WELL WON A GAME.
  • It was a 17-point win and we cried because of how much we were laughing.
  • jmoo wan and Greenery kicked 3 goals each.
  • sante had the ball on a string (27 touches and 10 marks).
  • Marlowe had a turn in the ruck and got 14 hitouts. That’s good!
  • cartwright did cartwright things, and Tarkyn_24 laid 4 tackles.
Round 11 Votes

3 – sante
2 – cartwright
1 - Tarkyn_24
Without doubt sausageroll runs the best team stats I’ve seen in my time here. One of the reasons I wanted to come to the Dees was this poster, just always makes others around him happy and the banter between him and Tarks has me in stitches.
Love you sossage 🫶
He's one of the reasons I joined MBD in the first place, honestly. His posting as an opponent (along with Yak and Headless) was something I wanted to be a part of.
Round 12
Round 12.png

What we liked…
  • The Warriors are sometimes nice to post against. Does it have anything to do with their relatively high Fremantle supporter ratio? I’m not ruling it out.
  • Although it’s a West Coast supporter that makes me smile
Round 12b.png
  • Callums_Guns came home and starting posting for our club again and we all felt good about it
Round 12a.png
  • 22 match thread posters again? Yep, don’t mind if I do.
What the SIM said…
  • “Back to the honourable losses, Demons. You’ve had your fun!”
  • A match generally devoid of statistical awesomeness
  • However, Tarkyn_24 enjoyed a solid game in the guts (20 touches, 8 tackles)
  • Wosh – in her first game at FF for the season – kicked 7 goals!
  • Hate returned to the ruck and tallied 15 hitouts, 23 touches and a goal!
Round 12 Votes

3 – Tarkyn_24
2 – Wosh
1 - Hate
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Before we move onto the final count for tonight’s Deestroy Medal, we should take some time to recognise some people.

Firstly, I was very proud to take my place in the Mt. Buller Hall Of Fame during Season 35. This club represents a second family of mine, and I’m so very proud to continue leading it and spending time with you all.

Being elevated to the Hall of Fame is probably my single greatest personal honour in this league, and I’m feeling very fortunate.

But now for another announcement. We have elevated another poster to our club’s Hall of Fame in Season 35.

This is a poster who has played 221 games for Mt. Buller and is already ranked 9th for possessions and 4th in marks in our all-time standings.

Perhaps more importantly, this poster has spent a many number of seasons in our leadership group, and has proven thoughtful, passionate and balanced throughout his time in the leadership position. He works hard to support our club, advocate for us and create resources that allow us to engage and have more fun.

He’s a vibrant and funny match thread poster and fits our posting culture like a hand in glove. It’s honestly a surprise he was ever at the Bombers and the Furies.

Of course we’re tonight officially elevating our perennial EKA hopeful, sausageroll to the Mt. Buller Demons Hall of Fame.

He becomes just the 18th player to have this honour across our club’s 35-season history. It’s beyond well-earned.

Congratulations, dear friend!
Welcome to the cool kids club sausageroll, been a fantastic teammate for so many seasons now
Round 13
Round 13.png
What we liked…
  • A really active thread from both us and our competitors – it helped the week pass quickly as we were certainly heading for another loss!
  • Wosh somehow found the energy to punch out 167 posts! What a star 😊
  • Headless was up and about again, contributing strongly and making us all smile
Round 13.png
  • 24 match thread posters from the Demons overall – we are such an engaged and engaging Qootball club. I love it.
What the SIM said…
  • “Just because I love you, Demons, I’ll give you neither a loss nor a win. Yes; I’ll give you a DRAW just to see how that makes you feel!”
  • Headless recorded a game with -1 DT points. He recorded 1 handball and 1 free kick against. That is absolutely REMARKABLE and UNHEARD OF. He’s a star!
  • Tarkyn_24 notched up 99 DT points thanks to his 8 tackles, 1 goal and 22 possessions
  • cartwright delivered another strong game, with 21 touches and 8 tackles of her own
  • 8 GOALS from our barnstorming new FF, Wosh . Was great to watch
Round 13 Votes

3 – Tarkyn_24
2 – Wosh
1 - cartwright
The Warriors are sometimes nice to post against. Does it have anything to do with their relatively high Fremantle supporter ratio? I’m not ruling it out
that’s the spirit mang
Round 15
Round 15.png
What we liked…
  • Having a bye before having to face the LOUD Bombers! It gave us the chance to charge our batteries, so to speak. To calm the nerves after Round 13’s draw.
  • 18 match thread posters for the Demons, including some quality work by Johnny Karate
Round 15.png
  • The prospect of only having a few rounds left after this one!?
What the SIM said…
  • It told us that once again we must lose. 20 points? Sure.
  • ANOTHER 6 GOALS FROM Wosh . We probably should have called the fire brigade, for obvious reasons.
  • Johnny Karate backed up his posting with a 107-DT point game – 29 touches from the middle!
  • Hate was imperious in the ruck – 14 hitouts, 29 touches, 2 tackles.
  • Yakker managed to kick 0 goals 5 behinds, which is exactly the score that Jason Castagna managed for Richmond in the 2019 Grand Final.
Round 15 Votes

3 – Hate
2 – Wosh
1 - Johnny Karate
The Eth Award is named after one of the greatest captains, player and teammate of this great club. Introduced a number of seasons ago, the Eth Award is voted on by players and is an accolade to be incredibly proud of.

Past winners of this award include Hate, Tarks, Headless (multiple times), Van_Dyke, Callums_Guns, myself, Oddhawk and Yakker.

This season we had a really strong spread of votes across a number of posters, which again highlights just how many great contributors we have in our squad. We honestly have the best, most stable and engaged leadership group in the land – it’s packed full of club and league legends and we’re always keen on ensuring we’ve got the best people in the league across the running of our club.

The winner of the Season 35 award is someone who has shown renewed vigour and engagement with the league after such a long time. He’s undoubtedly one of our sharpest posters when up and about and in addition to his increased posting, his contributions to our season team thread (posting round summaries and posting/sim stats) have been incredibly highly valued.

sausageroll does these things unasked and with no fuss. He has shown tremendous initiative to help keep our club running smoothly and I am so excited that his contribution has been recognised by our club.

This is his first Eth Award, and I'm certain it won't be his last.

Congratulations snags. We love you!

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Wow! This is the greatest honour of my SFA career.

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Official Team Thread Mt. Buller Demons | S35 Team Thread | Do you want to build a snowman?

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