Beauty & Style Men wearing make up

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moisturiser is a bit different to things like foundation...


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lipstick/lipgloss on guys is just not right. i pissed myself laughing when i saw bieber wearing pink/purplish lipstick in 1 of his vid clips. my belieber mother stuck up for him saying "but but but its his shirt. it makes it LOOK like he's wearing lipstick. its not his fault!"
plucking eyebrows because you have developed a verander on your forhead = permissable

ROFL. You should tell that to Garry Lyon... :D

I also use moisturiser on my dry hands.


Someone wearing Foundation is like someone wearing a skirt

Hahaha, I feel sorry for guys tho- in the instance when I get a very embarrassing zit, some foundation applied and bam- zit gone.

Guys dont really have that option do they..
Keeping your facial hair tidy and using moisturiser is fine. Wearing foundation, eye liner and lipstick is a bit fruity. Its all good and well saying you are comfortable with yourself but you may want to consider you are batting for the other team. Do you feel comfortable enough to wear dresses too?
What's your take on it?

I for one don't mind it. Any advantage you can take, you should. It's not homosexual at all and I think anyone who claims so is most likely a homophobe.

The only sort of makeup acceptable on a guy is skin toned clearasil.
What the **** is wrong with guys these days that think wearing makeup is acceptable, either reattach your **** or come out of the closet.
As for your last line, you are trying to justify your gayness.

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I don't see a problem with eye-liner/nail polish, they've both been around in certain social groups for long enough now to not be a shock to anybody IMO.

Lipstick on the other hand just makes me think "Why? You off to a Rainbow party?".

I use to do the whole eye-liner/nail polish thing but I simply can't be ****ed doing that shit day to day. More of a night out/gig thing. No different from a lot of stupid fads really; crocs, plunging v neck shirts, those god damn glittery shirts. All pretty stupid really, but if you're verbally (or possibly physically) abusing someone for what they wear or how they look than you've got more problems than them IMO.
was waiting for the green day reference.

Aftershave balm = ok

plucking eyebrows because you have developed a verander on your forhead = permissable

foundation, eyeliner, nailpolish = sorry, you have gone too far, do not pass go, do not collect $200


Only exceptions - Robert smith, Bowie in the 70s, Billy Joe from green day and marilyn manson perhaps.
Daniel Johns is not an exception and merely looks like a twat with his guyliner.
I'm another who gets dry winter hands so I moisturise to keep them milky soft (or at least to prevent them from crusting over).

I once donned eyeliner and nail polish, but it was a dress-up party and I went as an emo. In any other circmstance that shit ain't right.
What the ****. I was born in the wrong era.
Skin care stuff like moisturiser I can understand not that I use any of it myself, but what the hell is with all the justifiying going on? 'It's ok, I only wear eyeliner/foundation when I go out, not everyday'
I literally have gay friends that are more manly than you lot.
Please return your genitals, you are not fit to reproduce.

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Beauty & Style Men wearing make up

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