FTA-TV Masterchef Australia 2

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Re: Masterchef Australia


Re: Masterchef Australia

This is going to sound like a strange question (considering I've never watched this show) - what's the great appeal of Masterchef Australia? Every second person I know seems to be obsessed with it. I never got around to seeing it (mainly because I kept forgetting to watch it), and obviously don't have the chance now that the season is over. From what I gathered from the ads, isn't it just like an Australian version of Hell's Kitchen, except much more 'friendly' and without Gordon Ramsay's trademark antics? Maybe it's just my personal taste, but I don't see why that's got such massive appeal, especially among a lot of the people I know (both males and females in their early 20s who'd probably struggle cooking anything more difficult than spaghetti bolognaise).
Re: Masterchef Australia

Good competition. I felt both contestants did well to prepare such a complex dish. Congrats to Julie.
Re: Masterchef Australia

Says it all really. :thumbsu:

I didn't watch it but it looks like a natural reaction to me. Why shouldn't he be bitter over having been railroaded out of the competition unjustly and seeing a lesser chef win? Someone who at the very least was the 5th or 6th best chef in the competition.

You display a lot of bitterness in your posts are you just like Chris?
Re: Masterchef Australia

Calling me numbnutz as you're only comeback is quite sad and pathetic. Especially seeing you're getting owned by a "grade sixer".

According to your past posts on this forum, 90% of them have been lies so I highly doubt you are an accountant. Even if you are, enjoy hell :D.

So Chris is so up himself that he's a bad cook and his bankrupcies prove that?

You are a moron of the highest order Mantis.

P.s Your post made no sense. You are a hell of a lot smarter than me when I get out of sixth grade? .....wat?

She said she is in accounts, not an accountant - why tarnish a whole profession.
Re: Masterchef Australia

Great last episode marred by the taste test at the start which is basically a lucky dip.

Why Poh decided to not follow the exact recipe with the desert is beyond me but thats the way she has been the whole competition I guess.

Julie was not my choice to win but she just happened to always make the 2nd worst dish in the last week and scraped through in the end

Spectacular success of a show and Ten ought to be commended for it.

I was a sceptic when they changed the very good original UK formula but it actually matched it in the end.

Yep, i agree with all that.

The last week was a real letdown for me, but overall it was a brilliant show and i can't wait for season two (which has a filming schedule of October through June, btw).

Congratulations to Julie on the win.
I don't believe she was in the best five cooks on the show but you cannot fault her attitude and determination, and she clearly outpointed Poh during the finale.

This thread was good up until a two weeks ago before all the nutjobs decided to join.

We had a good core group of about 10 regular contributors throughout that made this thread one of the better, more interesting reads on Bigfooty, but over the last few weeks a couple of people have joined the thread, dragged it down to the gutter and turned it into a flame war and shitfest.
Hopefully by the time series two starts those people find a new play toy for their trolling and personal slanging matches and leave us in peace.
Re: Masterchef Australia

He was the most talented there but got eliminated because he f**ked up. End of story.

If it was a pure ratings grab, Justine would have lasted until the final. Interest would have been unbelievable if it was Justine v Julie.

PS : When you are rating 2.5 million plus the ratings start to become irrelevant. Its not like they needed Julie so it wouldn't be boned.

I don't think the show was rigged, or have any kind of a conspiracy theory.
However, I do thing that maybe somewhere in the format the show was let down to allow Julie through som many elimination challanges.

I think a CHef should have consistancy, something she didn't show.

I don't think the help from Curtis would have helped her, aside from the fact we don't know what he and he other judges said to Poh that didn't make the final edit, I think Poh shot herself in the food when she decided tochange the recipie, from there she was toast.

I think you could also tell from watching, he sorbet was going to struggle with so lettle time in the machine.

Contrats to JUlie, though.
Ratings in.

Averaged 3.28 million over the two hours.
Peaked at 3.7 million when the winner was announced.

Pretty sure thats the highest rating show for the decade, beating first Oz Idol Final, Olympics and various AFL and NRL grand finals.

Ch Ten is going to kill them financially next year. God only knows what rates they will be able to set for Masterchef Season 2.
Ratings in.

Averaged 3.28 million over the two hours.
Peaked at 3.7 million when the winner was announced.

Wow, those figures are unbelievable.
I thought they might pull 3 million, but to peak at 3.75 million is absolutely incredible.
That equates to a market share for the night of about 40%, which is amazing.

Pretty sure thats the highest rating show for the decade, beating first Oz Idol Final, Olympics and various AFL and NRL grand finals.

It's the third highest rating achieved since the current system started, but the highest for a non-sporting event.

Ch Ten is going to kill them financially next year. God only knows what rates they will be able to set for Masterchef Season 2.

Good on them, too.
I don't watch very much FTA television at all, but Ten always seem to invest more in local production and take more risks (which also means more failures) than the other networks, so full credit to them for finding a gem like Masterchef.

I don't have high hopes for 'The 7pm Project', but geez, it's been given the best rub possible and has no excuse if it doesn't rate it's arse off during the first week, at least.

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Ratings in.

Averaged 3.28 million over the two hours.
Peaked at 3.7 million when the winner was announced.

Pretty sure thats the highest rating show for the decade, beating first Oz Idol Final, Olympics and various AFL and NRL grand finals.

Ch Ten is going to kill them financially next year. God only knows what rates they will be able to set for Masterchef Season 2.

Heh, heh, brilliant ratings move to toss out Justine and Chris and ensure Julie made the finals. Ensured drama and controversy around the water coolers and family discussions for the last four days.

Found the final very interesting.

They set the bar very low !- chook and chocolate. Obviously to play to Julie's strengths, but give Poh a reasonable chance.

And Chris - made one of those tempered chocolate things without any fuss and bother in the romantic dinner test!
Heh, heh, brilliant ratings move to toss out Justine and Chris and ensure Julie made the finals. Ensured drama and controversy around the water coolers and family discussions for the last four days.
Julie v Justine would have been way bigger and would have been the final the tv execs would have wished for.
Found the final very interesting.

They set the bar very low !- chook and chocolate. Obviously to play to Julie's strengths, but give Poh a reasonable chance.

Family show so they show foods that the everyday person could relate to. There has always been a big focus on desserts on MC.

If you think they wanted Julie to certainly win then why would they have a taste test. That result could have gone anywhere and been the difference between winning and losing. Poh could have scored 15 for instance and Julie 3 and the result would be all over. There is just far too much randomness and if you think it was rigged then they would have wanted to cover every possible angle.
And Chris - made one of those tempered chocolate things without any fuss and bother in the romantic dinner test!

Not relevant - he wasn't in the final.
Julie v Justine would have been way bigger and would have been the final the tv execs would have wished for.

Family show so they show foods that the everyday person could relate to. There has always been a big focus on desserts on MC.

If you think they wanted Julie to certainly win then why would they have a taste test. That result could have gone anywhere and been the difference between winning and losing. Poh could have scored 15 for instance and Julie 3 and the result would be all over. There is just far too much randomness and if you think it was rigged then they would have wanted to cover every possible angle.

Not relevant - he wasn't in the final.

Not ever going to win this argument -Julie was't my choice to win either, but I think she deserved her win on the night. She produced to me the better dishes.

But, I'm sure somewhere a long the line someone who thought the show was rigged will tell you Julie knew the ingredients, and played a long to make the results look close, she won fair and square astnight plain and simple.

To me, Curtis's advice to Julies sorbet was irrelivent, when Poh on poupose shifted away from Mat Moran's recipe, she deserved to do from there, especially with a desert, that is almost always a no no.

The only thing I'd query about the series is not the contenstant, the judges - I think they all had a right to be there and did a good job, and the series as a whole was great, I loved watching it - I didn't see the UK series - I wonder if there needs to be any slight shift in format next year where some kind of consistance plays a role would be my only query, nothing major, because I think most of it worked well.
Julie v Justine would have been way bigger and would have been the final the tv execs would have wished for.

Yes, that would have been good but doubt if the judges would have felt comfortable about bouncing just Chris, when he and Justine had been the stand out favorites so so long. Also if Justine had been there it is unlikely Julie would have stood a prayer in the final. They wouldn't have wanted a wipe out finish. Julie and Poh were much more evenly matched because of Poh's erraticism. And as long as you didn't set the bar too high technically ....

roast chicken, honestly! For the final?

Family show so they show foods that the everyday person could relate to. There has always been a big focus on desserts on MC.

Heh, heh, that's a good explanation as to why they set such mundane challenges for the final night compared to what had gone before!

If you think they wanted Julie to certainly win then why would they have a taste test. That result could have gone anywhere and been the difference between winning and losing. Poh could have scored 15 for instance and Julie 3 and the result would be all over. There is just far too much randomness and if you think it was rigged then they would have wanted to cover every possible angle.

??? If either of them had scored 3 in a taste test you'd have to ask what they doing in the cast in the first place!

Not relevant - he wasn't in the final.

Yes it is very relevant because it highlights that the final challenges were not really challenges, compared to what went before. Chris is hardly known for his dessert expertise but he had no difficulty with a choc cone.
IT was nice to see Julie win masterchef! see might not have been the best cook there,but she made it though and was doing for the right reasons.chris looked so bitter well its he's own fault and the judges bringing back poh and the others was wrong move seemed to be the biggest loser of cooking.the judges thou the show bent over backwards for poh and made me sick in the guts.go julie you go girl
Ratings in.
Averaged 3.28 million over the two hours.
Peaked at 3.7 million when the winner was announced.

And who was it who scoffed at my prediction of 2.5m;)

The only thing I would change format wise in S2 is having the contestants voting each other out. Leave that up to the judges and avoid anyone being eliminated for strategic reasons.

I also wonder if a highlights DVD will be released I'd certainly think about buying it and there's certainly a huge market.
roast chicken, honestly! For the final?

Heh, heh, that's a good explanation as to why they set such mundane challenges for the final night compared to what had gone before!

I kind of agree- to be honest, I don't think last nights challages really put them under pressure - I would have thought cook a 3 course meeal in 2.5, or 3 hours, a taste test, and maybe another element would have been more fitting.

The 3 cours meal, although done already, would have put them under more pressure, and given them a far greater test that the one dish in the invention dest last night.

As for the chicken - I think because it was used for the first challange in the series, it was nice to see how far they'd come, and in that challange, I think they both have.

The dessrt - while I think it looked great, and I sure would love to taste it sometime, Adrianos heart attack on a plate cake was far more complex and a far greater challange -at least in apperence, anyway.

As I said,on the night you can't knock Julie - she was to me a clear winner on the night.
And who was it who scoffed at my prediction of 2.5m;)

The only thing I would change format wise in S2 is having the contestants voting each other out. Leave that up to the judges and avoid anyone being eliminated for strategic reasons.

I also wonder if a highlights DVD will be released I'd certainly think about buying it and there's certainly a huge market.

The only thing that has been shown along these lines is Channel 10/Master Chef are releasing Master Class on DVD on November 5th,
They should have recorded a Survivor style reunion show and tacked it on the end of the finale.

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FTA-TV Masterchef Australia 2

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