KDFL Oct 06 -Feb 07

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Re: Kyabram District FL

a. i don't know exactly why, im not on the committee, but my imagination would be that seeing he has played with avenel his whole carreer he would be fairly limited in the players he could bring to the senior side, whereas jase can certainly bring alot more in that regard, and is also a far more accomplished player.

b. i am jumping to his defence because he is a friend of mine and i don't like to see his name rubbished by people who don't know him and certainly don't know the circumstances behind his reasons for leaving the club. if people wish to rubbish his footballing or coaching capabilities, good luck to them, this is a football forum. But to rubbish him for the type of bloke as a few posters seem to be doing is low, incorrect and gutless.

c. yes, know him very well.

d. see answer A

i would also like to add that being a quality bloke does not in any way mean that he should have got the senior job. i believe jase to be a more worthy candidate and reckon we'll have a much more competitive side than we have in the past couple of years with him in charge and far more than we would have if rick had of got the job. He's also only got himself to blame for not getting the thirds gig.

mate have only 1 log on, i think it best u put down your james bond mag its rotting your brain.
are you a virgin
Re: Kyabram District FL

i have spoken to rick of late, and he informed me exactly what went on
RE the coaching jobs, at first when he applied for the senior job with steff as his a/c the club weren't even going to give him an interview at first, until ian made his feelings fealt at a committee meeting did they agree to an interview, the interview was a waste of time as the club had no intentions of giving him the job anyway, at the end of that interview rick said will i need to submit an application for the thirds job, the response he got was, a virbal will be fine rick, so i think rick is quite entitled to feel abit agrieved and p1ssed off:thumbsdown:

Rumour has it , Rick payed out on and reduced a very close female friend to tears after a recent visit to his home. Can anyone comfirm this.

If so, the female involved is married to a club legend and a tough nut in his own right. Wouldnt like to be in his shoes if true. He may end up feeling like your namesake MIKE OCKERTS and a bit more..............

P.S. they say every dog has his day,I say beware the pissed off TIGER, if confronted run for your f****** life..... Good advise to say the least.....
Re: Kyabram District FL

Rumour has it , Rick payed out on and reduced a very close female friend to tears after a recent visit to his home. Can anyone comfirm this.

If so, the female involved is married to a club legend and a tough nut in his own right. Wouldnt like to be in his shoes if true. He may end up feeling like your namesake MIKE OCKERTS and a bit more..............

P.S. they say every dog has his day,I say beware the pissed off TIGER, if confronted run for your f****** life..... Good advise to say the least.....
i think you may have your wires crossed abit here mate, i have heard that the two missus of the so mentioned lads had a falling out, and that damien took it apon himself to go to ricks house pissed and threaten and reduce people to tears:thumbsu:
anyway its very sad to see it come to stuff like that:(

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Re: Kyabram District FL

Rumour has it , Rick payed out on and reduced a very close female friend to tears after a recent visit to his home. Can anyone comfirm this.

If so, the female involved is married to a club legend and a tough nut in his own right. Wouldnt like to be in his shoes if true. He may end up feeling like your namesake MIKE OCKERTS and a bit more..............

P.S. they say every dog has his day,I say beware the pissed off TIGER, if confronted run for your f****** life..... Good advise to say the least.....

l think both familys wouldnt want this crap on bigfooty , lm sure they will sort it out
Re: Kyabram District FL

i have spoken to rick of late, and he informed me exactly what went on
RE the coaching jobs, at first when he applied for the senior job with steff as his a/c the club weren't even going to give him an interview at first, until ian made his feelings fealt at a committee meeting did they agree to an interview, the interview was a waste of time as the club had no intentions of giving him the job anyway, at the end of that interview rick said will i need to submit an application for the thirds job, the response he got was, a virbal will be fine rick, so i think rick is quite entitled to feel abit agrieved and p1ssed off:thumbsdown:

It's verbal you twit.

And if that is all they where after, why isn't he the current thirds coach. Considering they went to his house four different times.

Are you sure he wasn't told to wait until a new committee was formed for his senior application. Get the facts mate. Not one sided versions.:thumbsdown: :thumbsdown:
Re: Kyabram District FL

I think the bottom line is the powers that be at the Avenel F.C have done everything possible to get rid of anyone with the surname Shiner, which seems a shame. The only people who seem to happy about it are the idiots who have only been at the club for 5 minutes (i.e maybe kratos and jaxbac13) for you i feel sorry . A former teamate and coach of mine has asked me to make sure i get back there for a beer a couple of times this season but in light of all the crap that has happened in the last couple of weeks i don't think i would feel comfortable there. A real shame.
Re: Kyabram District FL

I liked the Avenel talk much better when they're talking themselves up and suggesting big improvements in 2007, not all the $H1Tcanning that goes back and forth by blokes going under dodgy names.

See the Swannies fly up up . . . . time will be the judge with all these apparent distractions :confused:
Re: Kyabram District FL

I liked the Avenel talk much better when they're talking themselves up and suggesting big improvements in 2007, not all the $H1Tcanning that goes back and forth by blokes going under dodgy names.

See the Swannies fly up up . . . . time will be the judge with all these apparent distractions :confused:

True true, Doona, Pin Head and George O'Keefe would be rolling their eyes in the back of their heads.

The 80's and 90's seems a life time away.
We all talked "on the field" and got off our ar*es and won flags.
If somfink is broke Swannies, try fixing it, if it cant be fixed get rid of it...

Stop the kiddy posting and lets get back to footy.
Re: Kyabram District FL

i have spoken to rick of late, and he informed me exactly what went on
RE the coaching jobs, at first when he applied for the senior job with steff as his a/c the club weren't even going to give him an interview at first, until ian made his feelings fealt at a committee meeting did they agree to an interview, the interview was a waste of time as the club had no intentions of giving him the job anyway, at the end of that interview rick said will i need to submit an application for the thirds job, the response he got was, a virbal will be fine rick, so i think rick is quite entitled to feel abit agrieved and p1ssed off:thumbsdown:

If Rick was all about the club like half you twits seem to think he is, then he would want the club to do what they thought is best for the club, and if that involves getting someone outside the club, who is also a quality footballer and has better credentials, then he shouldnt of cracked it.
If the club decide, which they did, to go outside the club, then a true clubman should just accept it and get on with it, not turn it into the saga its become.
I know alot of people who have been around the one club for ten - fifteen years and when they got knocked back from coaching they respond with "Ok, well just let me know how I can help in other ways", not lodge a clearance and want to piss off elsewhere

Anyway....the season is getting closer boys so lets focus on what clubs are doing what in anticipation for the season ahead

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Re: Kyabram District FL

Good work Jobbytonny, this shouldn't be said in this forum.

Its bad enough that people tend to use this site for personal attacks on peoples abilities....... but yeah, family and personal matters should stay just that!
Re: Kyabram District FL

crap is ******** which is related to bull********,so that means it wasnt true........
or was it.........
Mate somthing must have happend so what all l was saying ,was that lm sure both families wouldnt want it on bigfooty especially when there has been women involved and lm guessing by your quote that you are only young so let me tell you let it go
Re: Kyabram District FL

It's verbal you twit.

And if that is all they where after, why isn't he the current thirds coach. Considering they went to his house four different times.

Are you sure he wasn't told to wait until a new committee was formed for his senior application. Get the facts mate. Not one sided versions.:thumbsdown: :thumbsdown:

It's "were" you twit. If you're going to have a crack at someone's grammar, at least get it right yourself.

Whatever the facts of the matter are, it's clear from reading the last 5 pages that Rik Shiner (and to an extent the whole Shiner family) is the devisive character in this saga. Love him or hate him, it seems everyone has an opinion on him. If he is causing this much grief maybe the Swans would be better off with him out of the picture for a season or two until everybody else can get on the same page and start pulling in the same direction without his influence - be it good or bad. Just let things settle down a bit, get behind the new coach and try to lift the club back up the ladder. Committee's are elected to make the decisions and I wonder how many people who are taking pot shots have actually put their hand up to be on a committee of a sporting club. You can't please everybody all the time - it's not an easy gig so give the guys a chance to see how this season pans out and then if you're still not happy, get on the committee next year and do something positive about it instead of taking cheap anonymous shots on bigfooty.
Re: Kyabram District FL

If Rick was all about the club like half you twits seem to think he is, then he would want the club to do what they thought is best for the club, and if that involves getting someone outside the club, who is also a quality footballer and has better credentials, then he shouldnt of cracked it.
If the club decide, which they did, to go outside the club, then a true clubman should just accept it and get on with it, not turn it into the saga its become.
I know alot of people who have been around the one club for ten - fifteen years and when they got knocked back from coaching they respond with "Ok, well just let me know how I can help in other ways", not lodge a clearance and want to piss off elsewhere

Anyway....the season is getting closer boys so lets focus on what clubs are doing what in anticipation for the season ahead

Who you calling a twit crazy??? In case you didn't realise I happened to have quite a soft spot for the SWANS, having watched a cousin run around in the early 90's and myself loitering around and filling in for me mate Jobby a few years back.

All I want to see is some harmony - surround yourself with good people and in time good things will happen, thats my pretty basic rule in life :thumbsu: That dont mean that everyone must be mates and get along but if that means someone that is a good clubman also then yuo gotta find the right mix of players and back stage workers.

Anyway this has gone in circles for long enough, who are all these recruits I keep hearing about and what possies do they play etc???
Re: Kyabram District FL

I think the bottom line is the powers that be at the Avenel F.C have done everything possible to get rid of anyone with the surname Shiner, which seems a shame. The only people who seem to happy about it are the idiots who have only been at the club for 5 minutes (i.e maybe kratos and jaxbac13) for you i feel sorry . A former teamate and coach of mine has asked me to make sure i get back there for a beer a couple of times this season but in light of all the crap that has happened in the last couple of weeks i don't think i would feel comfortable there. A real shame.

The only idiot in this area is yourself ZERO.Dont feel sorry for me as I dont for you,fancy not going down to the club for a beer because you feel uncomfortable,shows a lack of character on your behalf to me.Been alot of crap written on this site since day one but as soon as it becomes about your club it all of a sudden becomes a bone of contention.Have nothing against the Avenel footy club or the shiners,have alot of good friends there,Maybe you were one of the guys that left the club a few years ago when things started going bad for the club,thats comitment for you isnt it.Clubs go through these phases from time to time and sometimes there is a clean out at the club, this is what has happened, dont know if it were a good or a bad thing but all I know is that the swannies will fly high again soon just wait and see,hopefully the two factions can come together and sort it out and enjoy the sucess of the Avenel football club together.:thumbsu:

P.S not once did I personally attack anyone involved in the matter, I am not an aggressive person nor have I ever had a fight , just a loveable guy with a keyboard....:) :)
Re: Kyabram District FL

Find it ashame to see many people on here bagging Rick & Skins.
Ian Shiner is the most committed man I have ever seen at a football club.
Ricky is a great bloke who was a great coach and loves Avenel Football Club.
Dont know what happened there as of late.
But if I ran a football club or was going to war or just wanted someone to have a beer with I would have these two blokes anyday
Re: Kyabram District FL

Find it ashame to see many people on here bagging Rick & Skins.
Ian Shiner is the most committed man I have ever seen at a football club.
Ricky is a great bloke who was a great coach and loves Avenel Football Club.
Dont know what happened there as of late.
But if I ran a football club or was going to war or just wanted someone to have a beer with I would have these two blokes anyday

a barby at your joint wouldnt need much meat then. :p
Re: Kyabram District FL

For all you guys that love chattin about Avenel, you now have your own thread. Start bitchin on that and leave this thread for geniune footy talk.
Re: Kyabram District FL

It's verbal you twit.

And if that is all they where after, why isn't he the current thirds coach. Considering they went to his house four different times.

Are you sure he wasn't told to wait until a new committee was formed for his senior application. Get the facts mate. Not one sided versions.:thumbsdown: :thumbsdown:

well excuse me for my poor grammer kratos:( , all i'm saying is, he asked if he needed to lodge an application, the committee then told him that a VERBAL would be fine, so would a person be led to believe given their coaching record that they are first in line to get the job?
if that's not the case, do you think an explanation as into why should have taken place?
being an ex coach of the club and a premiership one at that, i think i would be p1ssed off not to be offered the thirds job as well:rolleyes:

ask the current pres if he needed to lodge a written application or if a verbal was fine, but i'm sure you won't get a straight answer there!
Re: Kyabram District FL

If Rick was all about the club like half you twits seem to think he is, then he would want the club to do what they thought is best for the club, and if that involves getting someone outside the club, who is also a quality footballer and has better credentials, then he shouldnt of cracked it.
If the club decide, which they did, to go outside the club, then a true clubman should just accept it and get on with it, not turn it into the saga its become.
I know alot of people who have been around the one club for ten - fifteen years and when they got knocked back from coaching they respond with "Ok, well just let me know how I can help in other ways", not lodge a clearance and want to piss off elsewhere

Anyway....the season is getting closer boys so lets focus on what clubs are doing what in anticipation for the season ahead
i was talking about the thirds job pal, tell me you wouldn't be p1ssed off not be a walk up start after back to back flags:confused:
or have you just stopped sh1ttin yella and wouldn't have the first clue about coaching cobber?
Re: Kyabram District FL

I thought I would just write that I hope Avenel can sort out what is going on. just remember guys the footy club is bigger that any individual. even though I have nothing to do with the Avenel footy club it is sad what is being said about it. hopefully you guys can move on with your footy as there is still time to get the ball rolling and have a successful season:thumbsu:
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