Competitions Join the SFA! Fantasy Football like you've never seen it before...

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Hey all,

I have posted this in here before many seasons ago but I thought it’s time to refresh the promotion.

How would you like to kick goals, take screamers and banter the shit out of the opposition all from just sitting on your backside?

The SFA is the only place on the internet where you can do this. We are currently in between Season 18 and Season 19 so we are all keen to try and win a premiership with our respective teams at the end of the upcoming season.

It’s fun, free and easy! Why not join and you’ll be sure to put your money on a team wanting to have you. Just post in this thread that you’d love to play:

For more information, check out the OP here:
SEASON 18 - Information & Sign-Up thread

AKA - SFA/Sweet FA/ Bigfooty Fantasy Footy League


HOW to sign up:

It's easy. Simply post in this thread that you would like to play. It would be helpful to provide the following:


Name (the only mandatory field, your Bigfooty name is your player name).

Preferred position 1

Preferred position 2

Preferred position 3




Preferred Team (if you have one)

How did you hear about the SFA?


Of course, it's a fantasy competition. So go ahead and make up your details (aside from your Bigfooty name of course). You can claim to be a 177cm 75kg flanker even if you're a 55 year old with back issues who has eaten a few too many pies.

Sign up here, and the clubs get a 24 hour window to bid for your services before you make a final decision on which team you will join.

We would love to have you on board. If you're not sure, have a look around the place. Or read through the basic information below.


Want to play footy from your couch? This is for you.

The Sweet FA is a fantasy football league running on Bigfooty forums. The teams consist of players who are forum members, actual people such as you. The league started in 2001 and - at the time I type this - is about to embark upon its 18th season, in 2014.

The matches are decided by a text simulator called Qooty. The matches play out entirely randomly. The simulator produces a text transcript of commentary, provides statistics, and maintains a season. This is not a dreamteam-style competition. Real performances in the AFL are irrelevant. Results here are determined entirely by the random number generating functions of a computer.

EG of the sim in action:

The sim generates statistics so you can chat about your performance:

Here at Bigfooty, in the Fantasy Footy League forum, We have somebody that simulates all of the league matches and posts them in the weekly "match threads." They usually have some volunteers assisting through such things as managing match threads and writing up reviews / previews.

The player base consists of average (in some cases downright ordinary) folks like you and me, having joined a team list, witnessed their fantasy league alter-ego perform, and entered into a virtual world of pretence as though you and I had actually been out on the field chasing the leather. To join a team list, announce your availability on this very thread.

The viability/success/growth of the league is normally agreed to centre around "activity" amongst the player base. That is to say, banter, boasting, excuse-making, big calls, dares, and any form of drama that makes the environment an interesting, amusing and perhaps volatile one for participants. Approaches vary from taking one's performance very seriously to putting oneself down at every opportunity.

Each match has its own forum thread. "Players" (and onlookers!) are encouraged to participate in these threads, with banter during the lead-up until the match details are posted there, and also to follow-up with their thoughts after the match has been played & posted.

Each team also has a thread for intraclub discussion, which is used to different extents and for differing purposes by the relevant clubs. The forum also often hosts additional discussions ranging from faux news articles to some quite heady arguments!

Just like in a real-life league, each season culminates in a finals series, a Grand Final, and a set of awards. There is no reason not to feel a sense of prestige in any of these achievements. After all, running with the concept as though its 100% bona fide, is pretty much what fantasy footy is about!

Clubs are always looking for new talent. While on-field performance is completely random, players whose real-life personas actively participate - posting regularly, adding value to the discussion and debate - are prized members of the Sweet FA community.

So if you can see the fun in a bit of role-play, and want to see yourself running around gathering possessions and kicking goals, without getting off your arse, then WELCOME TO THE SWEET FA!

We even have our own board on this forum which can be found if you click here:

If you have any questions, feel free to ask and I’ll be sure to answer them as best as I can.​

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If you join you get to insult pants all day with zero consequences. That should get the posters.

Stop hiding behind supporting the swans you flog.
Going for the necro bump there Caz :p

If anyone is up for a bit of banter and something completely different I'm looking for people to join my team, the Gumbies. It's not everyone's cup of tea but its good for a laugh.
Being honest it's run by a distinct group who get upset when someone has a difference of opinion... So sad. If you're not in the club then you'll be castigated for being different (which is what it's supposed to be about... ?).

You never answered your PM from me... Scared like the rest of them?

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Being honest it's run by a distinct group who get upset when someone has a difference of opinion... So sad. If you're not in the club then you'll be castigated for being different (which is what it's supposed to be about... ?).

You never answered your PM from me... Scared like the rest of them?
Scared of what? I've got a ton of PM's so I'm sorry if I've skipped over yours.
Main body of what text? I literally hit reply and replied.
Love you bazza.... Ratty as there's no footy here or in Oz, kind of makes a sports subscription service redundant. I miss some elements of the SFA but not the spotty teen brigade.
Come play for the Las Vegas Bears, we are as scandal ridden as the 2006 Eagles and have slot machines in the change rooms!


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