Opinion Jeff Kennett News, Media etc.

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I think the problem is you can't discuss Jeff Kennett without discussing politics.
Didn't used to be the case, not until Jeff himself made political attacks his #1 priority.

I've never agreed with him politically but i always respected the man for his work at hawthorn.

I dont any more. The constant tantrums are hurting the club.

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Unlike in politics, the Hawthorn footy club shouldn't be happy with a leader whose practices are seen unfavorably by a large portion of the constituents he represents. You might aim for 50% of the vote as acceptable as a political leader - but that's not so fantastic if half your clubs supporters don't like your agenda and style.
It's become debatable the good he does, because on deliverables he's not so much in recent years. His focus on personal distractions only exacerbates this perception because we want an all in manager, much as we expect all for one in the way we play at Hawthorn.
Our club doesn't have a clear respected voice in the AFL, and that's largely because of Jeff and his style.
From that, our agenda as a club doesn't get promoted or put forward in a way that effects the change we seek.
On the new training facilities, I think it's fair to say the original delivery date has long gone, we don't have clear updates on what and when we can expect it, and it is being largely fabricated in the background fog of managed missives because true progress has been less than stellar. It's an uncomfortable reality.
In terms of progress as a business model, I don't see that he has delivered very much either. It's an area I frankly held the most original hope thinking his business contacts would produce new and impressive sponsorships and opportunities. Out of the box stuff. Again, not exactly wowing.
A representative Women's team? Nope.
A clear direction on the Tasmania partnership? Uh uh.
On field success for the senior men's team? Uhhhh.....let's put it this way, he can't claim to have kept the team humming and in contention. While it's obvious his actual hand in the playing results is extremely limited, it's one of those things that managers claim when things ARE going well..."See fellas, look at how the teams under my stewardship are doing!"

I would hope it was clear to Hawk supporters on this forum that regardless of whether you agree with Jeff's politics, or social agenda, or style, or any other bloody thing, we could agree on whether he was good for the footy club.
If that's in question, do you really want to get into contentious political discourse or discussion on best system for improving our social fabric in society? Clearly people are no longer happy with his leadership and this aint the end of the world folks. You're not fighting for your way of life like you imagine politics somehow delivering.

That should be enough. Hawthorn supporters know what success looks like and want to get back to it, and if a large proportion don't think Jeff's assisting, and in fact hurting that pursuit, it should be enough for everyone to want a unified and agreed upon alternative.
The fact that there isn't one is either weird happenstance, or also a product of it being difficult to find people who want to work WITH Jeff in transition and on his agenda, or conversely get in the pit with a man like him. What do you think most people would think re working at Hawthorn after seeing his dealings with the AFL, it's clubs, political figures, and anyone else he disagrees with.
Successful people don't need that in their lives, so they stay in the background and support quietly and anonymously.
Also not so bueno for Hawthorn's future in my estimation.

If you remember some footy leaders like John Elliott, Alan McAlister, drongo McGuire, then you recognize our current prez.
Sure, he may be right on some things and wrong on others, but the biggest question for most people listening to him is does he want what's best for Hawthorn or what's best for Jeff Kennett and his view on the way the world should run.

I don't mind if you want him to get back into politics and change the world to one you like more.
I DO mind if he thinks the Hawthorn footy club is his platform for doing so. This aint a political party, this is a storybook sporting club built on the backs and hearts of those who suspended all differences to unite to bring glory to it's supporters, just like it's current leaders should be CLEARLY doing.
Brilliant and articulate post. 👍

I too have wondered just what candidates we’d have for the board, if we’d not had such a political firebrand at the helm picking fights with every third person who mutters their name.

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If you want to put your political views ahead of your footy club, that is absolutely your right. But don't try and pretend otherwise so you can keep playing the self righteous victim. It's so transparent.

Jeff is also prioritising his political views too and that is what is pissing many of us off.

Jeffis a clever, calculating man, he knows exactly what he is doing and doesn't give a fu** if it hurts the club.

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If your a journo and want a headline - just ring Jeff.
Unlike in politics, the Hawthorn footy club shouldn't be happy with a leader whose practices are seen unfavorably by a large portion of the constituents he represents. You might aim for 50% of the vote as acceptable as a political leader - but that's not so fantastic if half your clubs supporters don't like your agenda and style.
It's become debatable the good he does, because on deliverables he's not so much in recent years. His focus on personal distractions only exacerbates this perception because we want an all in manager, much as we expect all for one in the way we play at Hawthorn.
Our club doesn't have a clear respected voice in the AFL, and that's largely because of Jeff and his style.
From that, our agenda as a club doesn't get promoted or put forward in a way that effects the change we seek.
On the new training facilities, I think it's fair to say the original delivery date has long gone, we don't have clear updates on what and when we can expect it, and it is being largely fabricated in the background fog of managed missives because true progress has been less than stellar. It's an uncomfortable reality.
In terms of progress as a business model, I don't see that he has delivered very much either. It's an area I frankly held the most original hope thinking his business contacts would produce new and impressive sponsorships and opportunities. Out of the box stuff. Again, not exactly wowing.
A representative Women's team? Nope.
A clear direction on the Tasmania partnership? Uh uh.
On field success for the senior men's team? Uhhhh.....let's put it this way, he can't claim to have kept the team humming and in contention. While it's obvious his actual hand in the playing results is extremely limited, it's one of those things that managers claim when things ARE going well..."See fellas, look at how the teams under my stewardship are doing!"

I would hope it was clear to Hawk supporters on this forum that regardless of whether you agree with Jeff's politics, or social agenda, or style, or any other bloody thing, we could agree on whether he was good for the footy club.
If that's in question, do you really want to get into contentious political discourse or discussion on best system for improving our social fabric in society? Clearly people are no longer happy with his leadership and this aint the end of the world folks. You're not fighting for your way of life like you imagine politics somehow delivering.

That should be enough. Hawthorn supporters know what success looks like and want to get back to it, and if a large proportion don't think Jeff's assisting, and in fact hurting that pursuit, it should be enough for everyone to want a unified and agreed upon alternative.
The fact that there isn't one is either weird happenstance, or also a product of it being difficult to find people who want to work WITH Jeff in transition and on his agenda, or conversely get in the pit with a man like him. What do you think most people would think re working at Hawthorn after seeing his dealings with the AFL, it's clubs, political figures, and anyone else he disagrees with.
Successful people don't need that in their lives, so they stay in the background and support quietly and anonymously.
Also not so bueno for Hawthorn's future in my estimation.

If you remember some footy leaders like John Elliott, Alan McAlister, drongo McGuire, then you recognize our current prez.
Sure, he may be right on some things and wrong on others, but the biggest question for most people listening to him is does he want what's best for Hawthorn or what's best for Jeff Kennett and his view on the way the world should run.

I don't mind if you want him to get back into politics and change the world to one you like more.
I DO mind if he thinks the Hawthorn footy club is his platform for doing so. This aint a political party, this is a storybook sporting club built on the backs and hearts of those who suspended all differences to unite to bring glory to it's supporters, just like it's current leaders should be CLEARLY doing.
Great post.
After seeing Jason Dunstall trending and reading many of the tweets, I wonder if he has been asked or would consider being President. He did after all land us Clarko.
After seeing Jason Dunstall trending and reading many of the tweets, I wonder if he has been asked or would consider being President. He did after all land us Clarko.
Then once he's back at the club on an official capacity, maybe we can Rookie List him then get him to charge out of the square on game day!!!
After seeing Jason Dunstall trending and reading many of the tweets, I wonder if he has been asked or would consider being President. He did after all land us Clarko.
Does he have 2 accounts? I just looked at the one I follow and he hasn't posted since 2018.
Does he have 2 accounts? I just looked at the one I follow and he hasn't posted since 2018.

it was other posters tweeting about his performance on 360 the last couple of days
Dear Members,

Today marks a big day for the club. So let me explain comprehensively.

About three weeks ago our coach, Alastair Clarkson, approached his direct report and Head of Football Rob McCartney, and suggested that, given what had occurred at Collingwood, maybe the time had arrived when we at Hawthorn should consider the club’s position regarding our future coaching needs.

Rob elevated Alastair’s suggestion to our CEO Justin Reeves who in turn elevated it to me as President. Given Clarko had raised the matter, and out of respect to him, I notified Board members on Friday 25 June that at our scheduled Board meeting on Monday 28 June we would be discussing Alastair’s request.

After a long discussion at that Board meeting, we made two important decisions.
1. That we would not renew Alastair’s contract when it expired at the end of the football season in 2022, and
2. That we want him to complete his contract with us and coach the team in 2022.

Let me briefly explain the thinking behind each decision.

Alastair by the end of 2022 will have been our senior coach for 18 years.
By any assessment that is a long time for any individual to be in the same job with the same employer, in this case our club. Alastair, with the players he has had at his disposal along those 18 years, has been remarkably successful, and no coach has matched his record in recent times.

However, the club has been pursuing a strategy that is building our team of and for the future. In considering the next five to 10 years, it was felt extending Alastair’s contract into that period was simply unrealistic. It would have extended his term as coach to 23 or 28 years. We needed to put into place the leaders for the next decade, and that includes the coach.

We informed Alastair of the Board’s decision last Wednesday 30 June. Both Alastair and the Board decided not to make any announcement until this week to ensure we did not interfere with the build-up to Shaun Burgoyne’s wonderful 400th game.

Alastair, as you know, was the force that encouraged Sam Mitchell back to Hawthorn two years ago. It was always hoped that Sam would prove worthy of one day succeeding Alastair as senior coach.

The first year he was with us Sam was an assistant coach to Alastair. This year, to further his experience, we appointed Sam the coach at Box Hill to give him the experience of managing and being responsible for his own team, while also being Head of Development at Hawthorn. Sam is discharging both roles admirably.

The Board is convinced Sam will make an excellent senior coach post Alastair and puts him in place potentially for the next decade. The same applied when Alastair was initially appointed. He had been an assistant coach, was brimming with energy and ideas and just wanted the opportunity to prove himself.

The Board and I see the same attributes in Sam. He is clearly ready to prove himself. That said another year, next year at Box Hill, and continuing to work with Alastair before taking over the role at the end of next year will be the perfect preparation.

To me Alastair has always been a teacher and the most educated coach in the AFL because of the trips he made overseas each year to visit other sporting codes and inspect facilities. Part of his role next year will be to better prepare Sam for his future responsibilities. So, we are informing our staff, players and administration of the decision today and I wanted you to know the history of this decision.

Alastair sits alongside John Kennedy Snr and Allan Jeans as one of our most successful coaches. He will always be part of our fabric, whatever he decides to do with his life when his contract with us concludes next year.

In terms of the second Board decision, the comment is simple, we do not break contracts. This is not the end, but a comma in the history of the Hawthorn Football Club and development of our playing group.

It is the planned and structured transition of personnel within the club. These transitions must take place and should always occur as naturally and as orderly as possible. We at Hawthorn are doing that now.

We have seen a few glimmers of success on the field in the last four weeks. Even last week, with many players injured, our boys never gave up, so there is a real light at the end of the tunnel.

There will be plenty of time to say thank you to Alastair and his family towards the end of next year and salute his remarkable achievements. Depending on what he decides to do, we hope he will stay involved with the club in a way to be defined. But right now, it is on with this weekend’s game.

I know some of you will be upset at our decision, but that is the responsibility of your Board. To make the right decision for the growth and success of our club. Where at times we must put our emotions into second place and make the tough but right calls for our future.

We have reappointed our CEO’s contract till 2026, we now have our coaching succession in place, and in two years my successor will take over at the 2023 AGM.

The leadership team will then be in place for the best part of the next decade, from both a football and administrative perspective as well as our Kennedy Community Centre success and occupation.

Stay well and Go Hawks!


Jeff Kennett

Hawthorn Football Club
So we lose Clarkson but keep Kennett until 2023*

*that would assume he keeps his word, which there is no reason at all to assume.

A nightmare is what it is
So we lose Clarkson but keep Kennett until 2023*

*that would assume he keeps his word, which there is no reason at all to assume.
Glass half empty for you

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We have reappointed our CEO’s contract till 2026, we now have our coaching succession in place, and in two years my successor will take over at the 2023 AGM.

Well, this could be Jeff’s legacy with our club. If it’s successful, then great. If not, this might become the most important decision he makes.

feels to me he’s finally got his man. He’s talked about the length a guy can be a club a lot in regards to Clarko, and he’s finally got the excuse to make the change.

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Opinion Jeff Kennett News, Media etc.

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