Is it possible to get an update from the following posters circa 2010/11

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Nice to hear from you friend :)

How are things?
All my best to you and the motley crue. You can pass on my well-wishes.

As for me....just the usual routine. Wake up, work, home, sleep. In between that, fck shit and eat. Dig deeper. I'm as forlorn and bored of life as ever before, disillusioned with life more so. I see no purpose, no exit out of this forsaken maze. It's all a prison of the spirit and mind. We're slaves to distractions, entertainment, and sanctioned lies. The darkness in me keeps wanting to rise. I want a grander mission in life.
Agreed friend.

Oh well nothing to do now but stink the place up :fullmoonface:

Ha, that did give me a laugh.

“Place is shit, may as well make it worse.”

Kind of makes me want to go on a “can I make every thread on the front page of bay 13 be one started by me” rampage like in days of yore.

That’s right, yore.
Ha, that did give me a laugh.

“Place is shit, may as well make it worse.”

Kind of makes me want to go on a “can I make every thread on the front page of bay 13 be one started by me” rampage like in days of yore.

That’s right, yore.

The best I’ve done is fill half the page...

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All my best to you and the motley crue. You can pass on my well-wishes.

As for me....just the usual routine. Wake up, work, home, sleep. In between that, fck shit and eat. Dig deeper. I'm as forlorn and bored of life as ever before, disillusioned with life more so. I see no purpose, no exit out of this forsaken maze. It's all a prison of the spirit and mind. We're slaves to distractions, entertainment, and sanctioned lies. The darkness in me keeps wanting to rise. I want a grander mission in life.

You’re not alone in those feelings gg. The world is populated by zombies and it’s hard to find happiness when no one can truly understand what you’re feeling.

I can only wish you good luck and best wishes.
All my best to you and the motley crue. You can pass on my well-wishes.

As for me....just the usual routine. Wake up, work, home, sleep. In between that, fck shit and eat. Dig deeper. I'm as forlorn and bored of life as ever before, disillusioned with life more so. I see no purpose, no exit out of this forsaken maze. It's all a prison of the spirit and mind. We're slaves to distractions, entertainment, and sanctioned lies. The darkness in me keeps wanting to rise. I want a grander mission in life.
I hope you find your purpose.
I was summonsed here too, like some sort of weird Betelgeuse. Don’t worry, I didn’t stay long either.

This place is still a shithole.

Bigfooty is a shithole. Well, the entire internet is a shithole. Real life sucks too; full of dickheads. I hate people who are status quo, following everyone else, not standing apart trying to make a difference by being different. Not that it matters in the macro sense. But at least one can be doing something for themselves. The small things please now. A genuine smile from a child. No judgments, no derision, no machinations or agendas. Something warm on a cold night. Something cool on a hot day. The rain pounding the window at night as you nestle into an 8 hour sleep (rare). A nice juicy hot meal that hits the bottom of the stomach. A fizzy drink that makes your nose tingle. The sound of distant life in a bubble of aloneness. All those sorts of little things. Like a man who has been in jail for 10 years and re-discovering life. If only there were actual good and solid people out there to share that with.
You’re not alone in those feelings gg. The world is populated by zombies and it’s hard to find happiness when no one can truly understand what you’re feeling.

I can only wish you good luck and best wishes.

I hope you find your purpose.

Likewise to you both, and to all actually. I am love for the individuals, tho the collective inspires such hate.
Bigfooty is a shithole. Well, the entire internet is a shithole. Real life sucks too; full of dickheads. I hate people who are status quo, following everyone else, not standing apart trying to make a difference by being different. Not that it matters in the macro sense. But at least one can be doing something for themselves. The small things please now. A genuine smile from a child. No judgments, no derision, no machinations or agendas. Something warm on a cold night. Something cool on a hot day. The rain pounding the window at night as you nestle into an 8 hour sleep (rare). A nice juicy hot meal that hits the bottom of the stomach. A fizzy drink that makes your nose tingle. The sound of distant life in a bubble of aloneness. All those sorts of little things. Like a man who has been in jail for 10 years and re-discovering life. If only there were actual good and solid people out there to share that with.

Well said, those things are beautiful. And there is real people out there gg, just not too many. But they’re there.

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Anything's possible I guess ;)

Except for aliens...

Actually aliens is one of the “conspiracies” I have no problem believing. Given life arose here the probability that it did not arise elsewhere is as close to zero as to be no odds. The important question isn’t “do aliens exist”, rather it is, “have they visited earth.”

That’s the debatable part in the discussion.
Except for aliens...

Actually aliens is one of the “conspiracies” I have no problem believing. Given life arose here the probability that it did not arise elsewhere is as close to zero as to be no odds. The important question isn’t “do aliens exist”, rather it is, “have they visited earth.”

That’s the debatable part in the discussion.

Agreed re existence, although why visit and not say hai? Or at very last eat a few of us!

Life exists, it's just not advanced enough to travel Trillions of Light years.
I’ve seen some of those threads Duritz visits on the tinfoil hats wearing page.

Some seriously funny stuff. They all post conspiracy theories, discuss at length then say they’re too scared to sleep.
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I’ve slowly been working my way around who’s who in the zoo here but am wondering as to the whereabouts (or alias) of some of these blokes from 7-8 years ago when I was strolling around in here.

The Lone Wolf
Sweet Left Foot
Braun to be wild.

Great to see some old regulars like Bayer, You don’t know Jack (Maxy), D.B. Swannie, Mofra etc still on here

Bosk is A Cut Above, Hodgepodge is Lethality, Sweet Left Foot is MaddAdam, Subaru & Duritz are still here I think

What was your name? I may know you. I used to be gogriff
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