Heath Shaw's smother

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And to cap this memorable football moment off that will be shown for many a year to come was the brilliant commenting by Committee... he came up behind him like a librarian.
Nice, ofey, very nice (btw, wtf is "ofey"?? Personally, am thinking of swapping my moniker from "September Action" to "October Victory").

ofey was the pen name of my favorite scientist. Just that this is my handle on every forum I'm on.

Actually have any of you thought about the goalkeeping dive by Daisy yesterday? I know in the context of the game at that stage it didn't mean as much but c'mon, that was commitment to the cause!

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I went absolutely nuts at this passage of play (sorry to my neighbours), definetly the highlight of the game. I felt a little better knowing that's how desperate he was.
Same here. Went absolutely mental high fiving everyone around me. Such an inspirational moment. Will never forget it. :D
Love the Saints fans' reaction, absolute gold!

As for the smother, Heath was pretty proud of it at the Dinner last night, don't think he will be shutting up about it any time soon.


That smother is a great moment that all who watched the game will remember for a long, long time. When it happened, I immediately thought of Daniel Chick's smother/sheppard/handball to Hunter to goal in West Coast's GF win. It's not really the same thing at all, but it's always the first thing I think of from our day in 06. It will be the same for me with Shaw's smother.

Btw congratulations to all of you!
Amazing smother! It pretty much set the tone for the rest of the game. The fact that it was Riewoldt's kick that was smothered makes it even sweeter :p.

Well done Shaw! :D

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So, in 2010 Heath Shaw was a hero for this smoother on 1 sooky lala AKA Nick Riewoldt, now everyone wants his head on a plate.

Have a look through the footage here and calm down people. Heater is still a required player IMO and if the Hawks wanted to trade Buddy everytime he had a brain snap he'd be long gone.

Fortunately in 2010, in Heaters last game he'll be remembered as a hero and someone that will never leave the club and unfortunately in Heaters last game of 2013 he's remembered for 1 action that cost us a goal.

Even ledger now I guess
So, in 2010 Heath Shaw was a hero for this smoother on 1 sooky lala AKA Nick Riewoldt, now everyone wants his head on a plate.

Have a look through the footage here and calm down people. Heater is still a required player IMO and if the Hawks wanted to trade Buddy everytime he had a brain snap he'd be long gone.

Fortunately in 2010, in Heaters last game he'll be remembered as a hero and someone that will never leave the club and unfortunately in Heaters last game of 2013 he's remembered for 1 action that cost us a goal.

Even ledger now I guess
Nice bump....& very timely.
Not really, these guys have well and truly been celebrated sufficiently and for a long while. They aren't retired, the 'we won a flag so you can't bag him/ mor is ubtouchable' is irrelevant at this point in time.

He is costing us at the moment and needs to shape up or ship out.
I like Shaw. I understand why he acts the way he does (partly because I have ADHD myself) so I can totally sympathise with him and the way he goes about things. Sometimes it can be seen as counter productive but as a whole, he just wants what is best for the club. As for people being annoyed at him for costing us that goal against Port? I was pretty angry but then remembered how he was one of the main reasons as to why we won the 2010 Premiership and the anger goes away pretty quickly.

He may have his occasional brain fades but if Barry Hall can sort them out when he went to the Bulldogs then I'm sure Shaw can. He's a vital part of our backline. If we were to get rid of him, who would we replace him with? That's the question that a lot of people seem to forget about. We don't have a ready made replacement for somebody that will deliver as much as he does. This year wasn't the best for him but that's mainly due to Toovey being injured and Shaw having to play in a position that he isn't too good at and doesn't like. Those things just happen.

We as supporters shouldn't be so quick to judge considering he was one of our Premiership heroes and now everybody wants his head? Take a minute to think about what he has done for our club and how he bleeds black and white, just like the rest of us.
I like Shaw. I understand why he acts the way he does (partly because I have ADHD myself) so I can totally sympathise with him and the way he goes about things. Sometimes it can be seen as counter productive but as a whole, he just wants what is best for the club. As for people being annoyed at him for costing us that goal against Port? I was pretty angry but then remembered how he was one of the main reasons as to why we won the 2010 Premiership and the anger goes away pretty quickly.

He may have his occasional brain fades but if Barry Hall can sort them out when he went to the Bulldogs then I'm sure Shaw can. He's a vital part of our backline. If we were to get rid of him, who would we replace him with? That's the question that a lot of people seem to forget about. We don't have a ready made replacement for somebody that will deliver as much as he does. This year wasn't the best for him but that's mainly due to Toovey being injured and Shaw having to play in a position that he isn't too good at and doesn't like. Those things just happen.

We as supporters shouldn't be so quick to judge considering he was one of our Premiership heroes and now everybody wants his head? Take a minute to think about what he has done for our club and how he bleeds black and white, just like the rest of us.

Forgive the intrusion on your board (not a total instrusion Collingwood is my 2nd team :))
This is an excellent post and agree with every bit of it.
As a bulldogs supporter the Hall experiment definately worked for us, in fact by the end of his contract he was very much into a mentoring educating role with our young forwards, like OP said no reason Shaw cant be the same thing for Collingwood
I like Shaw. I understand why he acts the way he does (partly because I have ADHD myself) so I can totally sympathise with him and the way he goes about things. Sometimes it can be seen as counter productive but as a whole, he just wants what is best for the club. As for people being annoyed at him for costing us that goal against Port? I was pretty angry but then remembered how he was one of the main reasons as to why we won the 2010 Premiership and the anger goes away pretty quickly.

He may have his occasional brain fades but if Barry Hall can sort them out when he went to the Bulldogs then I'm sure Shaw can. He's a vital part of our backline. If we were to get rid of him, who would we replace him with? That's the question that a lot of people seem to forget about. We don't have a ready made replacement for somebody that will deliver as much as he does. This year wasn't the best for him but that's mainly due to Toovey being injured and Shaw having to play in a position that he isn't too good at and doesn't like. Those things just happen.

We as supporters shouldn't be so quick to judge considering he was one of our Premiership heroes and now everybody wants his head? Take a minute to think about what he has done for our club and how he bleeds black and white, just like the rest of us.
I have a question for you Williamc99. You have acknowledged that you also have ADHD. How difficult would it be for Heath Shaw to be able to function as a footballer without being able to use dexamphetamine or Ritalin or any other drug prescribed for ADHD? Do you think that his on field outbursts and frustrations would be such a problem if he were allowed to take the medication generally prescribed for his condition?
I have a question for you Williamc99. You have acknowledged that you also have ADHD. How difficult would it be for Heath Shaw to be able to function as a footballer without being able to use dexamphetamine or Ritalin or any other drug prescribed for ADHD? Do you think that his on field outbursts and frustrations would be such a problem if he were allowed to take the medication generally prescribed for his condition?

Very good question TheGreatGrundy.

I was on a drug called Concerta for years. The main reason why I stopped taking it was because it made me a very unsociable person. Granted, you don't need to be sociable as a footballer but it was a little extreme. It did however curb my anger, make me concentrate more. It did make me a little sluggish at times instead of having the energy that ADHD or ADD gives you without being medicated. If he were to start taking medication to curb the effects that ADD give him, it wouldn't be detrimental to his footballing career. In fact it would probably curb the anger and frustrating he often has. Would make him quieter but I would assume he likes being the class clown of sorts. Like I said, it wouldn't affect him negatively. I was on various medication through the years I used to play sports and it never effected me negatively.
Very good question TheGreatGrundy.

I was on a drug called Concerta for years. The main reason why I stopped taking it was because it made me a very unsociable person. Granted, you don't need to be sociable as a footballer but it was a little extreme. It did however curb my anger, make me concentrate more. It did make me a little sluggish at times instead of having the energy that ADHD or ADD gives you without being medicated. If he were to start taking medication to curb the effects that ADD give him, it wouldn't be detrimental to his footballing career. In fact it would probably curb the anger and frustrating he often has. Would make him quieter but I would assume he likes being the class clown of sorts. Like I said, it wouldn't affect him negatively. I was on various medication through the years I used to play sports and it never effected me negatively.
Because the drugs are similar to speed, the thinking behind the ban would be that it gives players an unfair boost. However, my understanding is that the drugs calm the sufferer rather than hyping them as speed would do to the normal person. Do you think that ADD/ADHD sufferers should be allowed to use the medications given the different effect upon them?
The drugs do nothing but calm the person. As I am right now, I am a lot better than I used to be but I'm as wild as ever, can't stop moving, loud, weird you name it. I am worse than how Shaw portrays himself in CFC videos and on the field. When I was taking tablets, it really did nothing but calm myself down, make me think before I acted, no loudness, just got on with it without saying much to anybody. I definitely think they should allow medication to be taken. I'd much rather they take it and actually not have brain snaps then be a decisive factor in why we lost a game.
The drugs do nothing but calm the person. As I am right now, I am a lot better than I used to be but I'm as wild as ever, can't stop moving, loud, weird you name it. I am worse than how Shaw portrays himself in CFC videos and on the field. When I was taking tablets, it really did nothing but calm myself down, make me think before I acted, no loudness, just got on with it without saying much to anybody. I definitely think they should allow medication to be taken. I'd much rather they take it and actually not have brain snaps then be a decisive factor in why we lost a game.
Thanks for your honesty. Apparently Shaw is very much as you describe yourself with the boys. Players always name him as the loudest player in the group. In my experience with ADD/ADHD sufferers, I would have said exactly what you have, that the players should be allowed to take the medication.
Well I've always noticed that whenever there is the Black and White Show, whenever Shaw seems to come on he's never serious, always goofing around, always being loud as if he is trying to be the centre of attention. I know I do the same thing. With him he has ADD but I've got ADHD so I have more traits so I can definitely see what he might be suffering from. For me personally, I have to do whatever is on my mind, whether it's be weird, goof around or be loud. I am exactly sure he is the same.

Another thing I have noticed amongst people who suffer from ADD/ADHD is that they get totally involved in something. For example, I am a person who gets addicted to things. I put all my thoughts and energy into doing that one particular thing. If it doesn't go right or if anything messes up, I throw the shits and go into total anger mode. Perhaps this can be the same as what Shaw is doing when he plays Football? He might invest in it so much, put his every fibre of his body into it that if anything goes wrong he can't help but get angry? I know my example isn't exactly the best comparison but I am like that with anything so perhaps he is the same. It would certainly explain why he acts the way in which he does.

There's passion and there's overkill and people like myself and Heath Shaw need to find that line because it can totally alienate whoever is around you. I know it has for me in the past and it's certainly starting to have that affect on Shaw.

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Heath Shaw's smother

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