Competitions Health and fitness

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They probably have a plan tailored to that more footy specific outcome so its probably worth following.
Yep - it’s distance based as well but based on your 2km time.

Seeing marked out distances ****s with my mind so I just usually run the laps and don’t worry about the ‘prescribed’ distance and I always usually exceed it.
Hey guys i need a bit of help in regards to off season / my 5k

I’m not sure if I should do the 5k training plan or the off season running plan??

One of my RFIs was my running, so I’m trying to figure out which one I should do.

The off season is based on MAS which is what we did throughout pre season but the Nike is pace based omg

Mona fartleks, soz mate

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A better footy runner ... anyone can train to run a 5k but footy needs repeat efforts at high intensity and the ability to run while you're fatigued from wrestling and competing for the ball so its not just your legs that are tired or full of lactic acid. The sort of training an Olympic 5K runner does might help cos they put in repeat efforts at high intensity all race.

Your training needs to help you pay off what used to be (and could still be) called "O2 debt" quickly.

Running lots of laps of big ovals/400ms with one lap jogging recovery will definitely do this. There may be better ways now but I used to run 15 laps/400s (3x5 sets) with a one lap jog in between and a two lap jog in between sets. What they probably call 400m interval training. You run each lap in about a minute (maybe slower depending on your natural pace) which is perfect for fatiguing your anaerobic energy production systems.

I also found jogging not walking when you finish was important mentally.

Even if you're cooked you'll get to the next contest quicker if you instinctively jog rather than walk and you can help that by training your brain so its used to the idea of running instead of walking as you recover.

Your body will get used to this stuff anyway but training your brain is important.

Think about LDU and Judas - when they were young and unfit LDU would still jog after the play even when he was cooked. Judas walks. He's given up on running whereas LDU is still running, just not as well because he is fatigued. When you''re tired and under pressure you revert to what you've trained which is why everything from emergency services responses to military drills to musicians, martial artists etc etc all train and practice.

Judas reverts to walking in those situations, LDU keeps running.

But you're also shifting more blood thru your body when you're running than walking (HR is slightly higher) so you're paying off O2 debt and removing LA faster.

Even when you stop playing this stuff will benefit you.

I used to tree plant and pick fruit for a living and it made a difference to what I could earn in a day cos I'd go harder for longer. Back then earning a couple of hundred bucks a day was good money and being fit from all that training certainly helped me do that. It made a huge difference fighting fires too, especially a few years ago when we were doing 18 hour days, day after day for weeks on end as the entire SE coast burned.
The 400 repeats would be good but 400m recovery between them is a bit long imho. Definitely jog the recoveries.
Need to find something other than footy to talk about 😬

Anyone else run at Run Melbourne this morning?

I ran the half, took a minute off my PB, but haven't really run many halfs, old PB was during a full mara. At the start of a training block at the moment, coming off a bit of a hammy tweak, so pretty happy with the run this morning.
With all the new running shoe models coming out at the moment, there are a few good specials online.
Picked up some Triumph 20s and Magic Speed 2s for $150 a piece, that's about 40% off RRP.

City2Surf coming up next month, where I'm looking forward to having an opportunity to confront my dumb mental adversity towards running in big crowds, before the Melbourne mara in October.
With all the new running shoe models coming out at the moment, there are a few good specials online.
Picked up some Triumph 20s and Magic Speed 2s for $150 a piece, that's about 40% off RRP.

City2Surf coming up next month, where I'm looking forward to having an opportunity to confront my dumb mental adversity towards running in big crowds, before the Melbourne mara in October.
BTW I hate crowded big event start lines too. Don't beat yourself up about it.
Need to find something other than footy to talk about 😬

Anyone else run at Run Melbourne this morning?

I ran the half, took a minute off my PB, but haven't really run many halfs, old PB was during a full mara. At the start of a training block at the moment, coming off a bit of a hammy tweak, so pretty happy with the run this morning.
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Not too bad setting a pb at the start of your training block...

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Little birdy tells me at least one Shinboner had a good day today. Jonnoo absolutely smashed the Berry Long Run out
Lerderderg/Blackwood way! Awesome stuff!!! :muscle::muscle::muscle:
Haha thanks mate, just caught the end of the game on the radio, so disappointing!
Bronchitis, overseas trip, covid and a back injury have thwarted me since May, but I managed to put up 18.5km this week.

It's amazing how much fitness you lose in a few months though.
Good work, take your time, the first few back after a break are the worst, the next ones will feel better and you'll feel a heap better for getting out there!
I finally did the Wonderland Run in the Grampians last Sunday after a couple of years of signing up but having to defer. Love me some Grampians and it was a bloody bewdiful day for it. I did the 20k but there's a 36k and a 50k for the nutbags. It's a pretty long 20k. The first 6k is straight up from Hall's Gap to the pinnacle and beyond. Took about an hour!
Every run I just feel shitter and shitter, I don’t know why my body is just completely rejecting it.

Maybe I’m underfuelling I have NFI

I am running worse than what I did last year, it’s so frustrating
Every run I just feel shitter and shitter, I don’t know why my body is just completely rejecting it.

Maybe I’m underfuelling I have NFI

I am running worse than what I did last year, it’s so frustrating
I feel for you, it can be so frustrating!

There's a heap of factors that could be making you feel worse, it could be fuelling, it could be cumulative fatigue, lack of sleep, other life stresses etc.

If you can, maybe take a week or two and run without looking at your watch. Change the display so it only shows time, get rid of distance, pace etc. Just do a few runs where you run to how you feel and don't even think about trying to hit a certain distance or pace or try and compare it to something you've done previously. Just try and run and enjoy it, I know it does sound a bit corny, but taking some of the pressure and expectation off yourself really might help.
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I feel for you, it can be so frustrating!

There's a heap of factors that could be making you feel worse, it could be fuelling, it could be cumulative fatigue, lack of sleep, other life stresses etc.

If you can, maybe take a week or two and run without looking at your watch. Change the display so it only shows time, get rid of distance, pace etc. Just do a few runs where you run to how you feel and don't even think about trying to hit a certain distance or pace or try and compare it to something you've done previously. Just try and run and enjoy it, I know it does sound a bit corny, but taking some of the pressure and expectation off yourself really might help.
Yeah!! Last 2 nights around the 8 hr mark and so exhausted!!

I should also be doing more aerobic runs in this off season block too
Run some bloods if you get a chance
Did you see Darcy Vescio said they got an iron transfusion and they feel like a different person?

Lol after I saw that I downed a iron tablet
Did you see Darcy Vescio said they got an iron transfusion and they feel like a different person?

Lol after I saw that I downed a iron tablet
Low iron is def a possible reason for runner fatigue, and esp for females. Ferritin levels can be checked with a blood test, but should be something greater than 30 or so. Have heard of semi elite runners getting transfusions and it making a big difference. Not that any of us are semi elite, but even recreational runners can have low iron levels.

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Competitions Health and fitness

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