Rumour Gale may be leaving Richmond?

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Biggest injury list in the AFL, second on the ladder.

Ex Richmond player as coach.

Gold coast have the biggest injury list followed by Brisbane. GWS are just to lazy to edit their injury list, 6 blokes on there played in either AFL or Neafl and another bloke is essentially not even on their list or at least he may as well not be.
Gold coast have the biggest injury list followed by Brisbane. GWS are just to lazy to edit their injury list, 6 blokes on there played in either AFL or Neafl and another bloke is essentially not even on their list or at least he may as well not be.
Touché my dear hombre. I thought official AFL injury lists were accurate. They should be.

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aware of that which brings up a interesting point.
gws have a plethora of ex rfc people builfing the club. Whilst we have a mass of ex port people, go figure ?
Gws obviously decided having 500 first rounders was too easy. Needed to put some handcuffs on.
If true this may not be a bad move. Love BG as much as the next bloke but it is only natural in the business world that people move on. What he has done and setup with March and Peggy no one can fault. But it may be the right time for a new fresh set of ideas and direction to help the club move forward. We aren't the rabble off the field like we were 10 years ago so attracting a like for like candidate will happen fairly easily. Should he stay and this be rubbish Id also be more than happy for him to continue his journey, with some slight adjustments in the offices to keep things moving.
Ray Hall close to BOG in ever one of Richmond's Final wins over the past two decades.

Both statements are true, however when you break them down. Not really that impressive.

Are you saying gale is a jobber as a CEO?

The fact we have been a basketcase for 40/years off field and this was reverse cannot be ignored

To say he's the ray hall of ceos is a joke

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This is the last thing we need. A better offer comes up and he deserts us. What about stability benny? Before any of you berate me for showing a lack of respect: if the rumours are true, and he does leave, it'll be mutiny. He'll be leaving us in a colossal mess which in part he is responsible for.
Depends who replaces him I guess.

Absolutely, but as we have seen at out club and most others, competent ceos (let alone good ones) are few in number

I'd have liked for us to have a proper transition where we can conduct a proper CEO search

If gale walks, we will have to rush that process
Is anyone else concerned that the "Peggy & Benny" show has turned the club into social justice crusaders instead of a tough footy club hell bent on winning footy games??

The club is run by a bunch of softie lawyers. We need to harden up.

Maybe it would be good to move on Gale and a few others like Peggy and Hardwick.
Caro mentioned this rumour on Footy Classified recently. Said she didn't believe it, would be very disappointed as a Tigers fan were it true, but is a little concerned she has seen the rumour surface in the media 3 times now.
I'll be disappointed if Gale leaves the club. He has turned the off-field fortunes of the RFC around, and he needs to be commended for that. IMHO his only real mistake has been the DH contract extension, and no doubt he has learnt his lesson there.

Benny is a true Richmond man. IIRC he was basically forced into retirement when the club offered him a pittance to keep playing after 2001.
Are you saying gale is a jobber as a CEO?

The fact we have been a basketcase for 40/years off field and this was reverse cannot be ignored

To say he's the ray hall of ceos is a joke
I am simply saying that both statements are correct, but not that impressive when you break them down. At the end of the day Gales biggest contribution to the reversal of basket case status of which you speak, was nothing more than a corporate white collar tin rattle. Beyond that the rest of his tenure to date has simply been reasonable without being great. This "war chest" that Club talks of has delivered nothing and the Football Department is a shambles. The fact that this Board lead by Gale and O'Neil went the Profit over Premierships route doesn't impress me now that the Club is using more black pens than red.
I am simply saying that both statements are correct, but not that impressive when you break them down. At the end of the day Gales biggest contribution to the reversal of basket case status of which you speak, was nothing more than a corporate white collar tin rattle. Beyond that the rest of his tenure to date has simply been reasonable without being great. This "war chest" that Club talks of has delivered nothing and the Football Department is a shambles. The fact that this Board lead by Gale and O'Neil went the Profit over Premierships route doesn't impress me now that the Club is using more black pens than red.

If the white collar tin rattle was so easy, why did it take 40 years to happen?
Done an outstanding job with the non-FD side of things.But as i alluded too on a thread on the MB maybe we should look outside.BG played in an era of failure like most over the past 35yrs,What would he know whats required to have success on field?Not his fault but maybe he and others on the board while thinking they know the right formula actually don't.
Could be a blessing if he accepts the MCC job.

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