Brownlow Medallist
I enjoyed the finale. It answered some questions about why that place exists but not how our stuck residents can escape.
It's been a really good season.
I thought that baby Fatima was carrying would be that smiley monster. Julie's time traveling was confirmed, and that was a version of her from the future trying to save Jim. Who the hell that man in yellow was is anybody's guess. The reincarnation subplot confirmed with Tabitha & Jade being reincarnated souls of parents whose child was sacrificed (although I assume they were never on board since they didn't become monsters like the others.) We know this all happened when Victor was a child, and what followed was a purge where everyone except Victor was killed). So another purge is coming, which is why that demon woman told Elgin they would all go home if he helped with the baby because going home to her meant they'd all be killed so the souls could reincarnate again). That was some nasty shit they did to Elgin. The scene between Victor and his dad was touching. These thoughts are just my opinion on what happened.
It's been a really good season.