Feedback Error messages and other issues on the site.

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I've had 'page unresponsive' in Chrome on BF a couple of times but not for a while.

I'm thinking its more a browser issue than a BF issue. Chrome can be a bit temperamental sometimes.
Hey Chief, this is what I get:


I'm using IE

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I'm not 100% convinced my problems are due to the BF site.

Although I haven't recently added or upgraded any Chrome extensions or plugins, I have uninstalled most of them and will see how I go.

I might even uninstall and reinstall Chrome itself.
I'm not 100% convinced my problems are due to the BF site.

Although I haven't recently added or upgraded any Chrome extensions or plugins, I have uninstalled most of them and will see how I go.

I might even uninstall and reinstall Chrome itself.
This thread's existance is proof enough that BF is the issue for most people.
I'm guessing reloading every page 5 times a minute is just part of the Big Footy experience these days?

It's been happening for 2 weeks now and nothing seems to have changed.
Yesterday afternoon, from about 3:30 till 6pm It was happening every time I clicked a new thread. I was getting that No Data error. To be fair it was the only time that day it happened.
Just reporting that I haven't had any issues for the past week. I started using BF on Safari, that didn't last long, I went back to Chrome. But no problems to report.
I'm still getting them, funny thing is it only seems to be around this time. 3:30-5pm.

Don't get them at home using mac, but always at work on a pc. It is very possible it's my computer but it only happens on BF so I don't know.

It actually happened twice trying to post this which I laughed about.

In case it helps, this is what I get
Error 324 (net::ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE): The server closed the connection without sending any data.

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Having to login after each page or thread!...the message comes up as not logged in, try that, read a page or two, then it will happen again..

Had to do it again just to get onto this thread..
Have you ticked 'remember me'?
No, but I never do, and never have any trouble.......I'm happy just typing in my name each time, that doesn't bother me..

This time I haven't had the really was strange when it was happening though..

...thanks for your quick response
I have that problem every so often. It's a problem with a corrupted cookie.

You can fix it by ticking 'Remember Me', but if you don't want to do that you can just clear cache and restart browser.
I opened a thread, started by a person other than me, wishing to edit the opening post to add a "Thread Prefix" (as a mod of the board).

View thread is fine. Click Edit is fine. But when I click "go advanced" to move from inline to full edit, I get no action, and "! Error On Page" comes up.


I originally thought maybe it was because I had about 20 different tabs open and had clicked Go Advanced on each one in chain, but I went back and tried one on its own, and still got the same error.

Webpage error details

User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/4.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; Media Center PC 6.0; BRI/1; MASM; .NET4.0C)
Timestamp: Sat, 28 May 2011 02:17:25 UTC

Message: 'document.body.appendChild(...)' is null or not an object
Line: 11
Char: 9584
Code: 0
Running Chrome 11.0.696.71 on Mac OSX 10.6.7.

As much as it pains me, I have disabled Adblock v2.4.9 to see if things become more stable.
Has no one had any site issues lately?

I have not had any issues on Chrome/Mac OSX SL since I disabled the Ad Block extension. It could just be a coincidence, but I'll turn it back on and see how I go.

Maybe Ad Block is responsible for some people's browser crashes?
Google Chrome 11, Windows 7


Getting this message regularly, usually when trying to access threads. Seems to be occurring more and more, recently.
I am still getting this constantly as well... perhaps once every 5-10 page loads. It's shocking, especially when trying to mod. My specs are the same as bender's.

At the moment I'm using IE on BF simply because of this error on Chrome, and FF4 takes about a week in order to render a page completely. It's not very satisfactory.

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Feedback Error messages and other issues on the site.

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