Cousins on the Gold Coast

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the question is what the **** are a current affair doing following him? he can do what he likes hes no longer an afl player.

Even ACA "conceeded" that.
Tracey Grimshaw said that they offered the footage to both West Coast and the AFL, and both gave them the same response. He's not our problem anymore.
What a load of sh*t. He's leaning over the shoulder of the guy sitting down, obviously pissed, and yabbering something in his ear. ACA, I wouldn't wipe my butt with your 'journalism'....
You guys are just as bad as ACA..Benny was not doing you guys live under a rock? didnt even look like it in teh slightest..bloke bent down for 5 seconds...STOP PRESS!!

Couldn't agree more. He bent down. He did about as much coke in that footage as I did just now when I leant down and scratched my foot. Complete and utter bullsh*t media beat up....

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What a load of sh*t. He's leaning over the shoulder of the guy sitting down, obviously pissed, and yabbering something in his ear. ACA, I wouldn't wipe my butt with your 'journalism'....

Maybe he was doing lines out of the guys ear ?

Lol at you westcoke eagles fans that continue to defend the low lifes actions . No wonder there is a drug culture running rife through the club with that kind of bury your head in the sand attitude :thumbsdown:
You guys are just as bad as ACA..Benny was not doing you guys live under a rock? didnt even look like it in teh slightest..bloke bent down for 5 seconds...STOP PRESS!!

ACA should be ashamed fact is Cuz can spend time with his pals if he wants...

Oh yeah BTW this whole Schoolies beat up teh Versace Hotel is no where near Caval...where schoolies is based...
bunch of flogs

leave him alone, he has done wrong in past but sh!t give him abreak

Cousins wasn't staying at the Palazzo Versace, though, he was staying at an apartment building in Main Beach (it has been named in the media so I don't need to identify it here). Rest assured there were quite a few schoolies staying in Main Beach, not that it means anything, just making sure the facts are out there.
I don't see the problem with benny being at "schoolies" week, everyone knows there are always "toolies" there as well & let's face it, Benny would have to be the biggest "toolie" in Australia. :D

Correct. The only thing gayer than Cuzz rocking up to toolies week, is when you see Dermie at nighhtclubs in Melbourne. GUYS check your age on your id. You are no longer children!!
Maybe he was doing lines out of the guys ear ?

Lol at you westcoke eagles fans that continue to defend the low lifes actions . No wonder there is a drug culture running rife through the club with that kind of bury your head in the sand attitude :thumbsdown:

I'm not defending him at all. I am saying he is not doing coke in that video. Si comprende??? Have you actually watched the video? He is an idiot for what he has done, and I'm no fan of his anymore. You, just like all the other imbeciles, have fallen for that pinnacle of gutter journalism, ACA, hook, line and sinker...

Amusing that you have the gall to lecture me when you have a white collar criminal for a president...
You guys are just as bad as ACA..Benny was not doing you guys live under a rock? didnt even look like it in teh slightest..bloke bent down for 5 seconds...STOP PRESS!!

ACA should be ashamed fact is Cuz can spend time with his pals if he wants...

Oh yeah BTW this whole Schoolies beat up teh Versace Hotel is no where near Caval...where schoolies is based...
bunch of flogs

leave him alone, he has done wrong in past but sh!t give him abreak
thats right, he was using his nasal resin to fill in a crack on the table's surface. benny's always been one to do charitable acts
I'm not defending him at all. I am saying he is not doing coke in that video. Si comprende??? Have you actually watched the video? He is an idiot for what he has done, and I'm no fan of his anymore. You, just like all the other imbeciles, have fallen for that pinnacle of gutter journalism, ACA, hook, line and sinker...

Amusing that you have the gall to lecture me when you have a white collar criminal for a president...

was he doing 'bag' instead?
Maybe he was doing lines out of the guys ear ?

Lol at you westcoke eagles fans that continue to defend the low lifes actions . No wonder there is a drug culture running rife through the club with that kind of bury your head in the sand attitude :thumbsdown:
Notice other club supporters are defending him too? No I thought not, stupid hater. :rolleyes:

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I'd be more concerned with the type of person my daughter was hanging out with than their age. I'd worry about that age thing next. Prefer my daughter to date an older guy who had a good job, good family etc than an 18 year old bum feral piece of crap.

Bottom line is regardless of if your 17-18 year old daughter is seeing an 18 year old guy or a 30 year old guy, she is getting pumped, flat out.
Reminds me of the intro line in the streets song "when you wasn't famous"

I know it wasn't a camera phone but a sign of the times.

Here's an idea.....if ya going to do that, go inside to the bathroom. ****, just go inside. His sloppiness is stupidity. Most people are more discrete than that and they know they don't have a hungry swarm of media following there every move.

I've said since the beginning that I doubt that Ben is a full on "drug addict" in the sense that most people think. I still think he is closer to someone who just loves his gear a bit to much when he is partying and socialising than he is to someone who has a full on addiction.

It's like he is addicted to partying on drugs. I'm sure he would have no trouble going a couple of weeks without if he didn't go out or was training and playing. It's when he socialises that this "addiction in certain circumstances" kicks in.

It's more a "mind not willing" than an actual addiction where he must have it all the time. This is a real scenario. I know heaps of people who if you only saw on weekends or out that you would think had a drug problem but if they lay low for a few weeks and don't head out they wouldn't have any gear and wouldn't feel they had to either.

It's also hard for a regular weekend warrior to go out for a big night on the town without having a pep up. They get tired earlier and faster, they get drunk quickly and it takes a while before they can go out for a night to 5 am unassisted.

Of course, Ben couldn’t tell the afl etc that as they would be even less understanding if they thought his addiction was “partying and having a good time”

Having a drug addiction that he is addressing on an ongoing basis is a lot better and easier situation for him since he knows everyone thinks he is an addict anyway. Might as well admit it and use it to your advantage to return to footy. It also allows for “slip ups” along the way as relapses are common with addicts. Clearly he would prefer that he didn’t need to play this card but LA and the GC on the weekend show he aint smart enough for that so the drug addict in treatment line actually has its advantages.

You wait and see, if he decides he is fair dinkum about playing afl in 09, when the time comes to prove he is fit to resume he will fly through all the test and the hoops they put in front of him and he will pull his head in for a period of time to achieve what he wants (to play footy).

He has plenty of time to do all that, doesn’t need to start yet (although it would be bloody advantageous if he could avoid slip ups like being caught on camera allegedly snorting a rail) when there isn’t anything really on the line, yet. Do it later on when it starts to head towards crunch time. I’d be very confident though that had he been drafted Saturday that he wouldn’t have been partying on the GC and his biggest issue would be that it sucks that he isn’t going to be able to get off tap for at least a year as he is going to be pissing in a cup as often as he is a toilet. It’s more than luck that he has never tested positive to a drug test. It’s because there is a level of control there that wouldn’t be present in a full blown addict. I’m not saying he doesn’t have an issue but it is a different mindset than to someone who must have drugs on a regular basis or they will lose it. I’m sure people will shoot me down and I may be wrong with what I am saying but everything I’m saying is from experience of seeing it first hand on numerous occasions and understanding the mindset that causes it to occur when to most normal folk it can only be explained away as a person who is very sick and has a serious addiction.

He is 29. Drugs have cost him his job and are the reason is banned from his occupation of the last 12 years. His reaction to that ban - he heads to party central, the Gold Coast, and parties hard. The video is not conclusive but the implications of it are fairly obvious.

For mine he has reached the point where he only knows 2 ways to fill up his days. Training and playing Footy is one. The wonderful euphimism 'Partying' is the other. Can't see any other way to describe him than an addict. If he can't find ways other than partying to fill his time then footy won't have him back. What then?
I'd be more concerned with the type of person my daughter was hanging out with than their age. I'd worry about that age thing next. Prefer my daughter to date an older guy who had a good job, good family etc than an 18 year old bum feral piece of crap.

Bottom line is regardless of if your 17-18 year old daughter is seeing an 18 year old guy or a 30 year old guy, she is getting pumped, flat out.

Get back to me when you have a daughter, an old predator is not someone you want around your daughter. :rolleyes:

OH by the way, Cousins is not the sort of person I'd want my daughter hanging around with, a self obsessed junky, who only cares about himself, is the last person anyone wants near their daughter.
I'd be more concerned with the type of person my daughter was hanging out with than their age. I'd worry about that age thing next. Prefer my daughter to date an older guy who had a good job, good family etc than an 18 year old bum feral piece of crap.

Bottom line is regardless of if your 17-18 year old daughter is seeing an 18 year old guy or a 30 year old guy, she is getting pumped, flat out.
reassuring words for all you fathers out there.
He is 29. Drugs have cost him his job and are the reason is banned from his occupation of the last 12 years. His reaction to that ban - he heads to party central, the Gold Coast, and parties hard. The video is not conclusive but the implications of it are fairly obvious.

For mine he has reached the point where he only knows 2 ways to fill up his days. Training and playing Footy is one. The wonderful euphimism 'Partying' is the other. Can't see any other way to describe him than an addict. If he can't find ways other than partying to fill his time then footy won't have him back. What then?
he'll end up a drug f**ked old bag hag, and look like Stevie Wright
I'd be more concerned with the type of person my daughter was hanging out with than their age. I'd worry about that age thing next. Prefer my daughter to date an older guy who had a good job, good family etc than an 18 year old bum feral piece of crap.

Bottom line is regardless of if your 17-18 year old daughter is seeing an 18 year old guy or a 30 year old guy, she is getting pumped, flat out.

Please don't breed ! :eek:
Re: Is it right to be following Ben around?

Cousins filmed at Schoolies week

November 26, 2007 09:29pm

BEN Cousins has been filmed sniffing something from a table at a "party" apartment on the Gold Coast, says Channel Nine's A Current Affair.

The fallen football star has been on the Gold Coast for several days, reportedly partying until dawn.

A Nine film crew has been following Cousins for three days and A Current Affair is tonight running a story on the fallen star's noctural ways.

After eating at an exclusive restaurant, Cousins was filmed socialising with men and young women until early hours of Saturday morning on a veranda in the heart of the Gold Coast’s main eating and drinking strip.

It was during this time that the cameras apparently picked up Cousins leaning over to sniff something off the table.
But the reporter stopped short of revealing what the substance was.

Cousins then returned to his apartment in the light of morning.

Critics are baffled as to why the fallen AFL star, who has asked the media to leave him alone while he deals with his drug addiction, has chosen the Gold Coast during Schoolies week to hang out.

Isn't this just a bit ridiculous? Following him around and pretty much stalking him. I never liked the whole idea of the paparazzi, now the shit current affairs programs have become them too. Also, to those that complained about 7's behaviour (paying for stolen medical records), this is a good example of why it seems to be 9 that is the lowest channel (seemingly obsessed with Ben, getting the 911 tapes, the hospital records, Hutchy following him to the states, etc).

He's fair game. It's in the public interest im afraid. He's bringing it upon himself. Maybe if he did what he said he's gonna do he wouldn't have media following him all the time.

Sadly, soon I think this may all become too much for benny.
This is the biggest load of crap i have seen!!! and you sheep believe it??:eek:

Look at the footage with the sound off, without the 'reporter' leading you to what he thinks is happening.

Firstly Cousins goes to lean on the 2nd table in, so jeez missed the coke line by about 3 feet!! oh, now i see it it's over there, BETWEEN the two tables. then he leans straight down, alledgedly snorts a line and stands straight up in about 3 seconds. Doesn't grab a straw or roll up a fiver, just woosh straight up. so now they should be able to zoom in on the clown nose Cuz just created, but, oops, we don't have that footage??? let's show some schoolies fighting.

Now if you have ever had the pleasure, you would know that it takes you about 5 - 10 seconds to line it up with your nostril, with or without a straw, and if you have already partaken, it takes you about 5 mins to shut-up to actually snort the thing!!!

i think his mate was calling him over and telling him to duck down because they had spotted the camera. but that's just me. i like to think for myself. i'm guessing a lot of you are still wondering where the magician's bunny rabbit went at your 9yo Birthday party.:D
Now if you have ever had the pleasure, you would know that it takes you about 5 - 10 seconds to line it up with your nostril, with or without a straw, and if you have already partaken, it takes you about 5 mins to shut-up to actually snort the thing!!!

Oh dear appears every man and his dog over in WA are involved in the drug culture wonder your club has covered up it's players behaviour .:eek:

You really sound like a person who should be giving advice to others ...NOT !

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Cousins on the Gold Coast

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