Flick pass expert
January there were people who had their lives destroyed by bushfires and didn't have a roof over their head.Was thinking today, with the benefit of hindsight I wonder how much harder the government would go now. Shut the borders straight away, no shitting around. Actually quarantine everyone who arrives in the country.
No government in Oz in January was going to say lets have a lockdown because of Wuhan.
The first cases in Oz were reported on 25 January in Oz, 3 Chinese-Oz residents who had returned from Wuhan and 1 Chinese person who traveled to Oz from Guangzhou. 15 February there were 15 cases, almost all had traveled from Wuhan or been there recently. The first death was 1st March.
On February 1, the Federal Government announced a ban on anyone arriving from, or transiting through, mainland China from coming to Australia, unless they had been outside China for 14 days.
Scotty from Marketing didn't have much political capital with the Oz public in January. A few more people than just that firey in NSW would have told him to go and get ****ed in January if there was a lockdown. I would have been one of them.
These things are always a balance.
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