Exactly, both are in 3rd year and first year as full time inside midfielders. I am confident in 2 years they will be killing it. Oliver and Petraca were nowhere near current performances in their 3rd year. Look at Walsh this year, playing inside and is nowhere close to performances on the outside last year and he is in his 4th year. How long did it take Miller to become 2 way running beast.Rowell and Anderson are 20 year old kids. To expect much more then what they are producing (which is pretty damn good) is a bit of a stretch mate.
Anderson still needs to work on his upper body, some of his tackling is poor, and not running himself into complete exhaustion so he can't kick. Some of his decisions are still poor. But he is a great talent and plays very good footy already.
Rowell first half against Lions convinced me he will be great too in a couple of years despite injuries. That was some fine performance early in the game.
My obvious question for selection committee would be why do you play them full time inside right now. Why not have Swallow there. Why not lessen their load. The only answer I can come up is that the sooner they go through full load inside the better for us (in the next year or two) provided their bodies can handle it. Right now, I don't like this approach.
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