Chris Judd? Love him or Hate him?

Chris Judd

  • Love watching him play

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hate watching him play

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Dont care

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

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Love him as a player, but the whole trade to Carlton left a bit of a bad taste in my mouth. It felt like he was interviewing clubs, when it should have been the other way round.

LOL......whats the point of a club interviewing him if he wont agree to be traded there and they arent a chance to get him in PSD.

The guy didnt make a fool of himself in the media like Michael "I have a team in place and Im ready to coach now" Voss.
Voss just hyped himself up in the media then wasted clubs time :thumbsdown:

Why wouldnt a player meet with a prospective new coach and admin before signing a long term contract.

Judd didnt stuff anyone around, he did what he wanted to do quickly then made a decision. To suggest he handled the situation poorly just seems like sour grapes.
Judd was one of my favourite players at West Coast. I loved seeing him playing footy.

But when he left, and went to Carlton, i did lost a lot of respect.

It is by no means jealousy, which people will be quick to jump to. The whole Judd saga got worse and worse whenever he opened his trap.

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I don't know why everyone made such a big deal about the interviewing of clubs. If J Brown were to leave Brisbane there is no way he would just say trade me back to any Vic club, he would pick, without a doubt as would any other player in the same position.

brown being brown would do it in a far more tasteful manner. He's far more 'what you see is what you get' than judd.

Thank god its a hypothetical so it will hopefully never be put to the test lol
17 people don't like watching one of the best couple players in the comp play the game? Love or hate him as a person (very petty reason to hate him, as well) at the very least you must admit he is exciting to watch.

To be fair - the thread title is, Chris Judd? Love him or Hate him?.

I do neither - so I chose don`t care.
Love him for going back to Vic.

Hate him for not going back sooner.

He looked embarrassed in '06 when Ben Dover joined him on stage and signalled the next Powerplay...perhaps that is why he left WC?
I honestly can't stand the c**t.
And before you say I only hate him because I'm a Collingwood supporter & he decided to go to carlton instead of Collingwood. I couldn't care less.
I never really wanted him at Collingwood, he is just one of those players that I can't stand & I doubt it would make any difference what club he was at. Yes, he is probably a very good player but that's where it stops there for me.
He has about as much personality as a chair.
A stuck up w*****.
Completely full of him self.
He needs a good punch in the face!

I'm glad he isn't at Collingwood..... he's a injury ridden Lemon imo..... LOL
Probably. But would he hold a press conference every couple of days to rule out an unsuccessful club?

Or would he keep it low key, make the deal and then tell the world about it?

He didn't hold press conferences every couple of days. He released a couple of statements (in fact, I can only recall one, the Melbourne one), but wouldn't you, if you had the press hounding you 24/7?

The media made it more of a big deal than it was, not Judd.
I'd bet every last dollar to my name that had Judd picked anyone but Carlton, all this shit (or at least most of it) would be non-existent. When he was on the market there were people sucking up from all four clubs he nominated, supporters marvelling at how great he would be for the club, how great a role-model he is for supporters and young players, how much they supported his decision to return home etc etc. All the while he was quietly going through the process, with the media reporting his every move, every scratch of his arse or pick of his nose. Things came out about how he apparently only wanted to play at the MCG, how he wanted to play finals and in front of bigger crowds, even though there is no evidence of him ever saying any such things (except for liking the idea of playing in the blockbuster games here, which 3 of the teams ticked anyway). So to put a stop to all this crap being written, he makes a statement to say that he was now tossing up out of two clubs. Great, the guy has some more thinking to do, but two of you need not lose any more sleep over it.

Had he chosen Melbourne, everyone would marvel again at how wonderful a guy he is by choosing to play for the team he supported as a kid and to help out a struggling club. If he went to Collingwood, oh it's the logical choice because of the Lexus Centre, Eddie's business contacts as well as a finals-calibre list. Had he chosen Essendon it would also seem a logical choice because of the club's marketability, that it would complete "the best spine in football" and would fill the void left by James Hird. I won't even mention Richmond. All of whom would've offered the same money, or close to it.

Then he picks Carlton. BANG.

"OMG he's a sellout. He's a mercenary. I hope his groin goes and he never plays again. He's finished anyway. It's all about money, why else would he wanna go to Carlton?? He's arrogant. How dare he have the nerve to choose his place of work. This was all planned, they tanked to get him. Pratt used his dirty money ripped off from battlers to buy him off. Blah blah blah." (I fully expect someone to deliberately misquote me here btw). I've never seen so much crap written on an internet forum in my life, and that's saying something.

I'm rapt he chose my club, but had he chosen somewhere else I'd still respect him as much as I did last seasons. But regardless of who he chose, the crap that gets written here on a daily basis is a ****ing joke. The guy said he wanted to come home. The guy said he chose Carlton because he saw a future there, and because they were best equipped to give the Eagles a half-reasonable deal none of the others could or would (The guy actually gives a shit?? OMG! :eek:). Up until a few months ago no-one would've questioned one word this man says, but now it seems anyone can make bullshit defamatory statements without proof or basis in reality, and the herd will follow. Until any of the rocket scientists here can come up with actual proof that any of the reasons he's given aren't genuine, I'll be happy to listen (and no, Paul Gardner's whinge doesn't count).

Til then, he chose Carlton, so get the **** over it :thumbsdown:

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Don't think Carlton will have a top-8 season, but Juddy will certainly improve them to maybe 9-13 or 10-12, he's an awesome player whether you like him or not

Freo suck.


I wouldn't have minded Chris Judd playing for Carlton as much if he wasn't captain. I just don't get it. How can you jump from one captaincy into another? It makes me so confused. :confused: I was with a couple of dockers supporters when I found out and they were more amazed than me, couldn't believe it, and felt sorry for players like Nick Stevens. I think that's the point when I just thought "Nup, I don't care how good he is or was, that's it for me." My respect for Chris Judd? I don't think there is even any there tbh. Don't particularly like him as a person - can't stand him actually (hope there's not too many Garry-Juddy love fests on TFS this year), and imo there's alot more to being a footballer than just having the ability so despite his talent (which is great) I can't say I respect him as a footballer either. So even though it sounds as though I hate him,it's not that - it's more that there is no respect there so I voted for 'don't care'.
Love watching him play.
Seems to be void of charisma off the field.
Dissappointed that he happily takes up so much of the salary cap. Reflects poorly.
I honestly can't stand the c**t.
And before you say I only hate him because I'm a Collingwood supporter & he decided to go to carlton instead of Collingwood. I couldn't care less.
I never really wanted him at Collingwood, he is just one of those players that I can't stand & I doubt it would make any difference what club he was at. Yes, he is probably a very good player but that's where it stops there for me.
He has about as much personality as a chair.
A stuck up w*****.
Completely full of him self.
He needs a good punch in the face!

I'm glad he isn't at Collingwood..... he's a injury ridden Lemon imo..... LOL

And who ever said Collingwood chicks have no class ?
Neither hate nor love watching him play, Total indifference. I just hate the sound of the commentators spontaneous orgasms when they overrate everything he does.

Good footballer, yes.

best going round, No.

Once in a generation player, ROFLMAO
Geez I hope it doesn't filter back to him that you "don't have a great deal of time for him" - he'll be shattered.

The question was asked and the question was answered on a place where questions are asked and answered.

What`s your problem? This is not about what Chris thinks - it`s about what we think.
I honestly can't stand the c**t.
And before you say I only hate him because I'm a Collingwood supporter & he decided to go to carlton instead of Collingwood. I couldn't care less.
I never really wanted him at Collingwood, he is just one of those players that I can't stand & I doubt it would make any difference what club he was at. Yes, he is probably a very good player but that's where it stops there for me.
He has about as much personality as a chair.
A stuck up w*****.
Completely full of him self.
He needs a good punch in the face!

I'm glad he isn't at Collingwood..... he's a injury ridden Lemon imo..... LOL

Ok, I can understand that you don't like him, fair enough, but don't say your glad he isn't at Collingwood because you would love to have him in your team, as would any other Collingwood Supporter. The guy is an absolute champion, face down. Pretty harsh on the ugly call as well considering he has one of the hottest birds in his bed every night!!!!
I actually feel sorry for him.

Eventhough he won a premiership with the Eagles, I don't think thats the way he wanted to do it... He never really seemed one of the boys over here..

All the side issues were a horrible joke in his mind. A nightmare of publicity that has nothing to do with the game......

I think being one of the boys is what he is looking for at Carlton. One for all and all for one... Doing it from the bottom, is the best challenge.

That thats faith within a group.....Which equals Satisfaction.......Ahhhhhhh
Ok, I can understand that you don't like him, fair enough, but don't say your glad he isn't at Collingwood because you would love to have him in your team, as would any other Collingwood Supporter. The guy is an absolute champion, face down. Pretty harsh on the ugly call as well considering he has one of the hottest birds in his bed every night!!!!

He would be a great player to have in our team, every single team would want him at their team. I just don't like him. Simple as that. Never have, never will.

& why the heck would I care who he sleeps with? her so called "beauty" obviously hasn't rubbed off on him at all.....
I honestly can't stand the c**t.
And before you say I only hate him because I'm a Collingwood supporter & he decided to go to carlton instead of Collingwood. I couldn't care less.
I never really wanted him at Collingwood, he is just one of those players that I can't stand & I doubt it would make any difference what club he was at. Yes, he is probably a very good player but that's where it stops there for me.
He has about as much personality as a chair.
A stuck up w*****.
Completely full of him self.
He needs a good punch in the face!

I'm glad he isn't at Collingwood..... he's a injury ridden Lemon imo..... LOL

Very, very bitter for one so young. :cool:
I honestly can't stand the c**t.
And before you say I only hate him because I'm a Collingwood supporter & he decided to go to carlton instead of Collingwood. I couldn't care less.
I never really wanted him at Collingwood, he is just one of those players that I can't stand & I doubt it would make any difference what club he was at. Yes, he is probably a very good player but that's where it stops there for me.
He has about as much personality as a chair.
A stuck up w*****.
Completely full of him self.
He needs a good punch in the face!

I'm glad he isn't at Collingwood..... he's a injury ridden Lemon imo..... LOL admit that:

he is probably a very good player


I never really wanted him at Collingwood


He has about as much personality as a chair.
A stuck up w*****.
Completely full of him self.

So you never wanted the best player in the competition because of the above reasons? :rolleyes:

Need I say anymore?? :D

Oh yes, it has NOTHING to do with the fact that he knocked back your club ;)

You moron.