Carlton - salary cap cheats

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The personal abuse by SOME fans is juvenile, irritating inane and degrading.

The topic is very good and could make for some lively posts but the content of some posts is deplorable.

Yes, most teams have at one time been over the salary cap and when an amnesty was offered by the AFL, all with the exception of 2 clubs took up that offer. The Boards of Ess and Melb believed that tbey had no need of the offer of amensty and only cried foul when caught out.

Carlton has previously been caught cheating the salary cap and compared to Ess and Melb, Carlton appears to have escaped with a comparatively light fine.

Therefore the onus is upon the AFL to make their findings transparent and show why each club was penalised, and only then can accurate comparisons be made.
The personal abuse by SOME fans is juvenile, irritating inane and degrading.

The topic is very good and could make for some lively posts but the content of some posts is deplorable.

Yes, most teams have at one time been over the salary cap and when an amnesty was offered by the AFL, all with the exception of 2 clubs took up that offer. The Boards of Ess and Melb believed that tbey had no need of the offer of amensty and only cried foul when caught out.

Carlton has previously been caught cheating the salary cap and compared to Ess and Melb, Carlton appears to have escaped with a comparatively light fine.

Therefore the onus is upon the AFL to make their findings transparent and show why each club was penalised, and only then can accurate comparisons be made.
I agree with most of what you have said. I thought it was a lively debate, Ok some people are get a bit feral, but that happens when people are passionate about there club. I agree we should try & stop the personal abuse, but I don't think it will ever happen. You are unregistered so I was just wondering who you support.


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The personal abuse by SOME fans is juvenile, irritating inane and degrading.

The topic is very good and could make for some lively posts but the content of some posts is deplorable.

Yes, most teams have at one time been over the salary cap and when an amnesty was offered by the AFL, all with the exception of 2 clubs took up that offer. The Boards of Ess and Melb believed that tbey had no need of the offer of amensty and only cried foul when caught out.

Carlton has previously been caught cheating the salary cap and compared to Ess and Melb, Carlton appears to have escaped with a comparatively light fine.

Therefore the onus is upon the AFL to make their findings transparent and show why each club was penalised, and only then can accurate comparisons be made.
Michelle instead of just repeating yourself, because I am sure everyone has got your message, who do you barrack for?

Originally posted by sandie:
Hmmm, me thinks michelle is a carlscum supporter.

I bet she isn't. If she was she wouldn't be saying that. She'd be in here defending the blues! Just like me. Anyhow why am I the only bloody blues fan in here? Where is this Julia person I keep hearing about?

The Blues. The best in the business.

Julia is gone, gone, gone. A bit like Hammil actually. Or Paul Lynch's hamstrings if you prefer.

Can we adopt you onto the North boards here? It seems that's the place where all the secure blokes and blokettes like to congregate.

Hey Shinners,
Got to thank you for your post about Elliott. Whether you hate him or not you cannot knock him for his unashamed love for Carlton. What he does he does for the club. It may not be pretty and it may not be classy and it may get up the nose of other clubs. But that's what it is intended to do!
It's called loyalty others may not like his version of it but too bad. BTW I don't agree with his attitude some of the time either.
Oi, Shinners what do you mean blokette?

The Blues. The best in the business.
What a load of crap.
Saints are not in a better position that us.
Saint kilda will fold in 10 years.
Collingwood will not.
Yo Bitch!

I thought you wanted him gone Bitch, sounds like you'll be running his next Pesidential campaign

I Will say you have done well to try and defend the indefenceable however, you're a stayer I'll give you that. This would not have been an issue if Jack had not called us cheats in the first place.

I can't understand why Blues fans like him though, he's cost you big time in the past with his big mouth and he'll cost you again in the future. I (and I don't think I'm alone) acctually prefer him at the helm because he's such a liability to you guys, which is good for footy

Sure you can say he's loyal and loves the club, but you can say that about any President. He doesn't have a mortgage on having his clubs best interest at heart.


P.S. - in regard to Julia, she left because she was the only Blues fan on this site, as you seem to be now. We didn't exactly welcome her with open arms. She brought some of that on herself mind you. Her username was "Hirdhasbigears" which tells you a bit about her. We're are all your fellow Blues fans, why don't they come and give you a hand?
I don't know where the other blues fans are. Perhaps they are all in the Carlton forums. Never fear though Ricey, I can handle any crap you wish to dish out.
Say what you like about Jack. A loud mouth aggressor he may be but at least he is not childish like your good president. BTW I never said I wanted to get rid of Jack. I said the talk is that he may well be replaced before the start of the season.
This remains to be seen.
Whatever will you all do when you don't have Jack to pick on?

The Blues. The best in the business.

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Originally posted by Shinboners:

Go to the North board and check out the Sav topic for the blokette references
A book or two on Freudian psychology might help too!

Oh OK I get it now. For a moment I thought you meant I looked like a bloke.
Originally posted by KOUTAISABIGPOOF:
I miss Julia. (tear) I just hope she still has her cake job,

Nice tag.
Who are you really?

The Blues. The best in the business.
You lot are still bickering about whether Essendon or Carlton cheated.

Face it they are both cheats. They are not the only cheats but they are cheats.

The real issue is that the AFL is not severe enough on them and appear to be inconsistent.

I believe they should follow the NBA example.
Servo, no one is denying the fact that they cheated. It's just that they weren't smart enough or cunning enough not to get caught!
You're right they are not the only cheats. It's just the others haven't been caught yet.
I suppose the Crows are clean skins, are they?

The Blues. The best in the business.
They cheated no one denies that. What pisses off Ess and Melb. supporters is the unequal treatment. One rule for Carlton and one for the rest. Why?? This is Carltons third time, what the hell is going on?

And B (please change your name I can't call you that) Do you care that they cheated or only pissed off that they were caught? again!!
Everyone cheats the salary cap. Nobody wants to admit it but they do. Some get caught some don't. Carlton made the big mistake of paying a one off bonus to a veteran who has served the club for a long time. They were wrong to do it and they got caught. Everyone is pissed off at Carlton because the fine was "light". The anger should be directed at the AFL not Carlton. I am not pissed off they got caught. I am embarrassed that thet got caught.
BTW you can call me bitch. If was going to be offended by it I wouldn't have given myself that tag. Mind you if someone called me that to my face and meant it. I would not be so tolerant.
I agree B.... (I also will not use that word when not refering to a female canine) it is the AZFL we should be directing our anger at.

& I believe the Crows also took the amnesty and I am not naive or pigheaded or informed enough to claim they have not cheated since or will not cheat in the future. After all, the penalty you get seems to be a raffle.

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Carlton - salary cap cheats

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