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All Australian
Apr 25, 2004
AFL Club
St Kilda
I have just had a hunt around for different browsers since I discovered what people are viewing ContestedFooty in and I must say it has got me interested in finding more.

Here is what I have found useful/interesting:

Microsoft Internet Explorer: I tend to stay away from this one as the rest of the family use it which means I don't get to have many settings as I would like.

Mozilla Firefox: Now an established and great browser, Firefox's biggest strength is its add ons and large community. I tend to find if something doesn't work in another browser it will in this one.

Google Chrome: My personal favorite, perhaps because I am Google's bitch. I like how each tab is its own process, the options you have as a start up page and the speed of some of my prefered sites in Chrome.

Flock: Perhaps the most interesting browser of the lot, Flock is built with Social Media in mind and does so quite well. If you set this browser up properly you can log in to all your favorite Social Media sites on a sidebar which is really convienient.

As much as I wanted to plug Chrome it is actually Flock that I hope you all at least have a look at, its different and thats its charm, even if I do stay with my beloved Google.

What other browsers have you found and recommend at least having a look at? Obviouslly I haven't included non Windows browsers as I am not able to check them out sufficently.

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Mozilla. Have tried Safari and couldn't get used to it. Hade Firefox for a while now and it's just what I'm used to.
I use Safari, I have Firefox as well but when I got my Mac I was keen to check out all the Mac stuff so I stayed with Safari and now I am used to it and it is my preferred option.
Need to use IE for work related sites. If I didn't have to, I would throw rocks at it.

Opera is excellent and Firefox is clearly the best.

Chrome is Okish, but its lack of flexibility brings it down (despite that kinda being its point!) and Opera and Firefox are at least as fast.

Safari for some reason sucks balls on PC, yet is the clear standout for OSX. Confusing!
Firefox I use because I like the ;) and Do like some of the Add-ons
Need to use IE for work related sites. If I didn't have to, I would throw rocks at it.

Opera is excellent and Firefox is clearly the best.

You should try an addin called IETabs for mozilla. Allows you to open up an I.E. window within firefox temporarily to view those sites that won't open in firefox.

Really handy :thumbsu:

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I just stick with Safari as it uses Mac OS X's built in utilities like network trouble-shooting. I think IE7 has similar features on Vista. If I had had Vista I'd use IE7 for simple browsing.

I'm a web developer so I basically recognise and test these browsers:
Internet Explorer 6
Internet Explorer 7

I let the smaller browsers beyond those look after themselves.
If your a chrome fan (like me) you should try out the new firefox 4.0... they've streamlined it to replicate chrome pretty much, it performs better at the same or even a faster speed and has better add-ons.

Only key add-on from a chrome switch would be the google search url bar - I've added a couple others to make the buttons smaller, get everything I want on 2 toolbars.

I finally made the permanent transition from Firefox to Chrome a couple months ago. Main issue for me was that FF seemed to use heaps of CPU, Chrome didn't and was way faster. Firefox has the better addons.

I could easily go back to Firefox. One thing that will never happen is me going back to Internet Explorer.

I finally made the permanent transition from Firefox to Chrome a couple months ago. Main issue for me was that FF seemed to use heaps of CPU, Chrome didn't and was way faster. Firefox has the better addons.

I could easily go back to Firefox. One thing that will never happen is me going back to Internet Explorer.

Firefox has been overhauled significantly and does run considerably better now with version 4...

I went to Chrome for a while but it fell over a bit too many times and now FF has been streamlined, I'm back on the FF bandwagon...:)

Oh, the new I.E. 9 is GROSSSSSSS :thumbsdown:

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