Boxing Ring at Bulleen Park

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umm st marys wtf?? bullen won the grand final 5 yrs in a row in division 1 bar last year, and bundoora have never been a clean side, playen against them for 5 6 years, they have always been a dirty side, always causing trouble n fights for no reason, they are thugs that no nothing about football and how to be a a normal respected person in real life
After seeing the story on the news I thought I'd jump on and have a look at this thread. I have come to the conclusion that our schools are R00ted . I can't understand half the stuff on people are posting. Perhaps I am getting to old.

4 u to the moofoo, in da hood, word 2 ya mumma.......

Kids , you live in Australia, please don't act like Americans.

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Dj Chriss said:
umm st marys wtf?? bullen won the grand final 5 yrs in a row in division 1 bar last year, and bundoora have never been a clean side, playen against them for 5 6 years, they have always been a dirty side, always causing trouble n fights for no reason, they are thugs that no nothing about football and how to be a a normal respected person in real life

This from a collingwood supporter...LMFAO
buddy23 said:
Saw this thread on the channel 9 news... more Bigfooty exposure!

Anyone got the video?

there were many video's recorded on phones video cameras etc. It shows how both teams retaliated and contributed to the violence Bundoora is not only to blame. Both teams must take responsibility for causing it.
Tyrone Biggums said:
I wonder why Ivanhoe won't release the video??:rolleyes:

Maybe its because some of their players would be suspended for their part in the brawls and miss the grand final.

Looking after their own arses. League should ask for the video now

yes but im sure they wont admit to that.... they will have another bullcrap reason saying that they were scared for their safety or somthing of the sort
Tyrone Biggums said:
I wonder why Ivanhoe won't release the video??:rolleyes:

Maybe its because some of their players would be suspended for their part in the brawls and miss the grand final.

Looking after their own arses. League should ask for the video now

Boys i saw the game and to tell you the truth i think it was wrong what happen but Ivanhoe did start it all by calling them scum and to tell you the truth they run away form a fight they started... they didnt even stand thier ground LoL loked kind of funny seeing 18 players scared by another team useally if there is a fight your mates fly the flag but in this case they didnt.

But in saying that they were a much better football club and were on top all day. Can any one tell me why The Ivanhoe players didnt stand there ground against the other players thats useally what happens in fights on the footy filed they go for a while but then get brocken up then they play footy again. No reason why parents should get involved
chelsworthgale said:
What a disgrace Bundoora Junior Football Club is... good luck re-registering next year in the YJFL after colts players not only belted a Yarra Official, also put down an Ivanhoe mother and followed that up with a kick.

Three players red carded, hope they dont expect some help at the tribunal, they'll be having a VERY long pre-season, junior suspensions follow onto seniors boys!

Actually only one player red carded. Ivanhoe official and coach today denied that a woman was kicked.
Tyrone Biggums said:
I wonder why Ivanhoe won't release the video??:rolleyes:

Maybe its because some of their players would be suspended for their part in the brawls and miss the grand final.

Looking after their own arses. League should ask for the video now

I'll think you'll find ivanhoe players did strike back... strike back! in other words self defense. If you were king hit from behind Tyrone would you get up and walk away as the bloke came at you again... dont think so champ.

You'll also find that ivanhoe are trying to minimise the disruption to grand final this weekend, by releasing the video and having the tribunal this week you drag players from training routines etc not a great lead up to potentially the biggest week in some of their footballing careers. They dont come around often and the week leading up to the day is an important part of the whole experience
chelsworthgale said:
Ivanhoe did win... were up all day and won by about 12 goals...

What doesnt help is the coach instructing a player who had already been sent off for hitting a player to "get back on and belt another".

What makes it funny was there were three of ivanhoe school kids with camera filming a school project... this is now being used to lay assualt charges against the parents and thugs (players) who decided to chase the ivanhoe players as they left the ground.

The Bundoora coach is experienced and highly regarded. He absolutely did not know that the player had been sent off. I saw him focussed on action in the forward pocket. He thought the player coming off had either taken himself off and ordered him to get back to his position. In NO WAY did he instruct his player to "belt another". Such a misquote only enflames what is already a very unfortunate incident. In case you didn't know Bundoora had 7 players out injured and had to rely on smaller under 15's to get a side on the field. It looked as if the game was getting spiteful so the coach didn't want to expose any of the under 15's from the bench.
mattyr said:
Actually only one player red carded. Ivanhoe official and coach today denied that a woman was kicked.

care to point me to the news media which you get this information from?
dv07 said:
bundoora.... recruited blokes fromall over the shop, cant play football

The players were recruited from only 2 different clubs. In addition to the development of the existing players the new guys must have been at least reasonable for the club to go from the bottom of division 2 to 2nd in Division One. If they had any sort of luck with injuries they would have been hard to beat.
chelsworthgale said:
tribunal tomorrow night, special hearing due to the serverity of the case, will be attending as an "observer"... should be interesting to see what happens...

hot tip, yarra tribunal board member was present at the game, yarra official knocked to the ground and then kicked, umpires escorted off the ground, bundoora parents involved in physical assualts on parents, 2:1 odds bundoora will be pleading the DVFL for acceptance into the league next year!

Absolute rubbish. Stick to the facts!

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chelsworthgale said:
the club searches for a new league to play in, based on them being expelled from the league (after that kind of incident one would think they should).

The DVFL will accept them, their seniors play there and based on the DVFL's poor record when it comes to spectator brawls, one would say reputation of harbouring these types of clubs, they will be allowed to play in this league. The catch is they will no doubtedly have some sort of sanction, maybe a $1500 bond which means if they muck up they lose the money and get kicked out of there etc.

Speaking to one of the goal umpires today he confirmed that their under 15's coming through are of a similar "breed" and incidents like this involving bundoora are bound to occur again.

"Breed" ! What sort of social class discrimination is this. As far as I am aware there has been no incidents with the under 15's this year. Leave them alone.
Tyrone Biggums said:
I wonder why Ivanhoe won't release the video??:rolleyes:

Maybe its because some of their players would be suspended for their part in the brawls and miss the grand final.

Looking after their own arses. League should ask for the video now

Ivanhoe does not want to jeoperdise their players by releasing the video prior to the grand final so when it is too late for the commitee to act that is when they will give the video.
Besides any League action, the Bundoora coach needs to be reported to the local Football Vic Developemnt Manager. If he has broken Coaches Code of Conduct he can have accreditation to coach removed to ensure he just doesn't go to another team or league and coach.
mattyr said:
The Bundoora coach is experienced and highly regarded. He absolutely did not know that the player had been sent off. I saw him focussed on action in the forward pocket. He thought the player coming off had either taken himself off and ordered him to get back to his position. In NO WAY did he instruct his player to "belt another". Such a misquote only enflames what is already a very unfortunate incident. In case you didn't know Bundoora had 7 players out injured and had to rely on smaller under 15's to get a side on the field. It looked as if the game was getting spiteful so the coach didn't want to expose any of the under 15's from the bench.

the coach has lost all his credibility after his history has been exposed. Any form of denile from him in regards to sending his step son back on to belt another player is total rubbish
chelsworthgale said:
And as for this absolute tripe...

Yes I am estatic... that potentially half a dozen of your players have been cited and will summoned to appear at the tribunal... as for the poor lady who was "struck and thrown" to the ground, it was in one motion... she was then kicked while on the ground...

Now if you need confirmation I'm quite willing to send you the graphic footage... you can then explain to the kids "this is how you should treat a lady", because by the sounds of things you are treating this type of abuse as exceptable in the community! Think you'll find with an attitude like that you'll end up where Rojer_Ramjet suggests

Please forward a copy of the video to me. Happy to pay all postage/courier costs.
jetpak_1 said:
there were many video's recorded on phones video cameras etc. It shows how both teams retaliated and contributed to the violence Bundoora is not only to blame. Both teams must take responsibility for causing it.

mate...bundoora are to blame.. ivanhoe didnt provoke this attack in anyway....bundoora are a mob of dogs who cant loose gracefully but have to go out with a bang.. my main reason to prove you wrong is that i have been in contact with an under 15's bundoora player who told me that the colts planned this attack at their training during the week, this in the end just shows you that ivanhoe are not to blame as the attack was pre-meditated..and also if ivanhoe retaliated then why would they have formed in a tight huddle like a real team would and jog off the ground to avoid any stupidity shown by the bundoora team?
pudski poodlers said:
Boys i saw the game and to tell you the truth i think it was wrong what happen but Ivanhoe did start it all by calling them scum and to tell you the truth they run away form a fight they started... they didnt even stand thier ground LoL loked kind of funny seeing 18 players scared by another team useally if there is a fight your mates fly the flag but in this case they didnt.

But in saying that they were a much better football club and were on top all day. Can any one tell me why The Ivanhoe players didnt stand there ground against the other players thats useally what happens in fights on the footy filed they go for a while but then get brocken up then they play footy again. No reason why parents should get involved

Ivanhoe have always been a bunch of squealing pansies. Wouldn't surprise me if an Ivanhoe player pushed his own mum in front of him to save him. What the hell are rich kids playing footy for anyway? Can't they go play polo or some other gay, rich sport.
Tyrone Biggums said:
Why would a team pre meditate an attack which if they had won would of ensured they didn't have enough players to field a team in the grand final?

Even then please tell me how an u15's player would know what was going on at colts training a whole two weeks after their own season had finished?????

1. The bundoora team arent a bunch of smart kids, they go out there to hit people and wouldnt have cared about anything but to get their 15 seconds of fame

2. My second point is that some of the under 15s were training with the colts as the colts were short due to injury and maybe suspension.
mattyr said:
"Breed" ! What sort of social class discrimination is this. As far as I am aware there has been no incidents with the under 15's this year. Leave them alone.

you really are making a fool of yourself... there is no social class discrimination there! i was suggesting that based on a converstation i had with one of sundays goal umpires, he field umpired the under 15's a few weeks earlier. He suggested that the abuse he coped from on and off the field resembled that of what happened out there on sunday... hence there is the "breed" definition.

clown! read the actual comment before you rebut the comment with idiocy!
redz said:
dw guys

bundoora {scum} will get wat they deserve...

bunch of thugs....

its easy 2 start someone who couldnt thro punchez bak.
Go and start IVANHOE knowing they had a GRAND FINAL next week..


and as 4 the GOOSE who hit the mum u must feel like a huge C*nt.
Probz at skool 2 day telling the guys errrr i got in a brawl.

REAL HERO!!!!!!!

Serious **** off u ****ers....

Go home 2 ya scum Family withe ya torn jeans and Moccoz...


and as 4 ya coach


You sound like a nice person. Get your facts right homeboy!
whitelinefeva said:
Ivanhoe have always been a bunch of squealing pansies. Wouldn't surprise me if an Ivanhoe player pushed his own mum in front of him to save him. What the hell are rich kids playing footy for anyway? Can't they go play polo or some other gay, rich sport.
whitelinefeva said:
Ivanhoe have always been a bunch of squealing pansies. Wouldn't surprise me if an Ivanhoe player pushed his own mum in front of him to save him. What the hell are rich kids playing footy for anyway? Can't they go play polo or some other gay, rich sport.

mattyr.. here is a perfect example of social discrimination. Just because you play for the club Ivanhoe why does that make you instantly a "rich kid"... the players come form all over the local area, in fact heidelberg west is only a 5 minute drive from the ground. That area is a proven low income area... whats to say none of the players live there?

Actually infact the little aboriginal kid who played on the weekend was from the Tiwi islands!

This is another example of a miss informed clown willing to shot his mouth off for a cheap laugh!

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Boxing Ring at Bulleen Park

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