Benalla & District

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Needs a bit more thought but I think these six teams are the teams that the BDFL should target. Maybe All Blacks as well said:
The Blacks are firmly entrenched in the O&K, though they have only won a few senior games the other football and netball sides have improved out of sight. My mates there tell me that 07 will be the 3rd of a 5 year plan to rebuild the club as a whole

Heard that the O&K are wrapped with their contribution to the league.

From memory Dev started 06 in the black but just lost too many players and helpers to be a viable force.
I thought a BDFL with Yea, Alexandra, Violet Town, Nagambie, Thornton-Eildon, Avenel would be good. Issue would be 3rds and 4ths. But surely a draw could be made where 3rds could be played and if BDFL clubs cannot field a side then so be it, but if they can then field one.

Tell us crabman was the following ever considered in your VCFL meetings Crabman with any great seriousness?

  • Rumba to Murray FL
  • Shepp East to KDFL
  • Dookie to Picola FL
  • Avenel, VT, Yea, Alex, Thornton (CGFL) to join the BDFL clubs in Devenish, Swanpool, Tatong, Goorambat, Bonnie Doon & Longwood to give it any realistic chance of survival.

Travelling woulda been reduced and like someone suggested with 5 existing underage clubs, it mighta been enough to rejuvenate a unique little footballing part of the Goulburn Murray region and guarantee it a future
Tell us crabman was the following ever considered in your VCFL meetings Crabman with any great seriousness?
  • Rumba to Murray FL
  • Shepp East to KDFL
  • Dookie to Picola FL
  • Avenel, VT, Yea, Alex, Thornton (CGFL) to join the BDFL clubs in Devenish, Swanpool, Tatong, Goorambat, Bonnie Doon & Longwood to give it any realistic chance of survival.
Travelling woulda been reduced and like someone suggested with 5 existing underage clubs, it mighta been enough to rejuvenate a unique little footballing part of the Goulburn Murray region and guarantee it a future

Hear hear Doona! :thumbsu:

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Tell us crabman was the following ever considered in your VCFL meetings Crabman with any great seriousness?

  • Rumba to Murray FL
  • Shepp East to KDFL
  • Dookie to Picola FL
  • Avenel, VT, Yea, Alex, Thornton (CGFL) to join the BDFL clubs in Devenish, Swanpool, Tatong, Goorambat, Bonnie Doon & Longwood to give it any realistic chance of survival.

Travelling woulda been reduced and like someone suggested with 5 existing underage clubs, it mighta been enough to rejuvenate a unique little footballing part of the Goulburn Murray region and guarantee it a future

Doona you are probably one of the most respected people on this forum, and I for one dip my lid to you, but your continuing post that keep saying over & over again yours & yeas opinion of what should have happened is giving everyone the *hits, Clubs like VT reckon the process was Ok, there now in a bigger & better league, now players, sponsors and supporters are getting on board, a revamped BDFL ( as you see it, or wish it)would see, in there case a mass exodice of players from VT who don't want to play that standard,I feel for the BDFL Clubs but maybe the remaining clubs should look at the bigger picture and consider merging & reforming in other leagues not drag 5 or 6 other clubs down with them as your proposal suggests, I'm not trying to start an argument but do look forward to your response.
Big Tony. Doona has asked the question of whether those moves were considered by the VCFL.

It might annoy VT (and they would no doubt lose a few players), but don't forget that he's included Yea (& Alex) in his list there, a town which is bigger than VT and has a history of playing in stronger leagues than VT (eg. Waranga NE)and would have to drop back a standard as well. So I don't think he's being biased in his thoughts.

I actually think the Central Goulburn was originally stronger than the KDFL anyway, with Mansfield involved, but the last five years or so it seems the KDFL have gotten stronger.

He's putting forth a proposal that would hopefully keep more people playing football throughout the region. Bringing Broadford into Doona's proposal is an idea I would consider too.
Doona you are probably one of the most respected people on this forum, and I for one dip my lid to you, but your continuing post that keep saying over & over again yours & yeas opinion of what should have happened is giving everyone the *hits, Clubs like VT reckon the process was Ok, there now in a bigger & better league, now players, sponsors and supporters are getting on board, a revamped BDFL ( as you see it, or wish it)would see, in there case a mass exodice of players from VT who don't want to play that standard,I feel for the BDFL Clubs but maybe the remaining clubs should look at the bigger picture and consider merging & reforming in other leagues not drag 5 or 6 other clubs down with them as your proposal suggests, I'm not trying to start an argument but do look forward to your response.

Geez Tone lighten up it's Xmas :( .

I for one spent 4 years at Yea yes but am a lifelong Broadford boy gone back home who just wants the game to remain healthy in all regions as Im passionate about me footy. Im a big boy and my words are always my own, never have spoke on Yea's behalf so dont drag them into this please.

I do agree the VT fit in the KDFL seems ok for now, time will tell if it has for Yea and I guess the true indication will be in a decade or so. The jury is still out as far as Alex and Thornton people I speak to are concerned.

It aint an opinion your getting stuck into me about, I was merely asking Crabman how far considerations went as he indicated to some inside knowledge - the umpire has ruled, the horse has botled, clubs have new homes and we've all moved on.

Lets hope VT do make it to another Grand Final, maybe even in 2007 the way things are looking . . . . because their last effort (2003) should still be churning in a few bellies :D
Big Tony. Doona has asked the question of whether those moves were considered by the VCFL.

It might annoy VT (and they would no doubt lose a few players), but don't forget that he's included Yea (& Alex) in his list there, a town which is bigger than VT and has a history of playing in stronger leagues than VT (eg. Waranga NE)and would have to drop back a standard as well. So I don't think he's being biased in his thoughts.

I actually think the Central Goulburn was originally stronger than the KDFL anyway, with Mansfield involved, but the last five years or so it seems the KDFL have gotten stronger.

what i'm saying is why bring any team down to a lower level when they are doing well in the standard of league they are in.
these bdfl teams mainly goorambat (who have been the dominent team in recent times), should be looking to move up a standard and prove how good they are.
A merger of goorambat and devo, swanpool and tatong or bonnie doon and longwood would all make competitive teams in the kdfl, okfl, pdfl.
by doing that it will make those leagues bigger and better which would be the best thing for country footy.
what i'm saying is why bring any team down to a lower level when they are doing well in the standard of league they are in.
these bdfl teams mainly goorambat (who have been the dominent team in recent times), should be looking to move up a standard and prove how good they are.
A merger of goorambat and devo, swanpool and tatong or bonnie doon and longwood would all make competitive teams in the kdfl, okfl, pdfl.
by doing that it will make those leagues bigger and better which would be the best thing for country footy.

No dramas big tony, you make some good points and I can see totally where you're coming from.

The good thing about this thread is seeing some ideas floating around which may one day work or at least can be considered.
Did you guys here that dev has gone that leaves the league with only five. Its time that the Three strong teams move to new leagues. The Bats to make PDFL 16 team comp Longwood and the doone to move to a southern comp maybe make a new southern league including a merged swanpool/tatong out fit. I coached in this league for four years and that is the only way for these clubs to survive into the future.
Did you guys here that dev has gone that leaves the league with only five. Its time that the Three strong teams move to new leagues. The Bats to make PDFL 16 team comp Longwood and the doone to move to a southern comp maybe make a new southern league including a merged swanpool/tatong out fit. I coached in this league for four years and that is the only way for these clubs to survive into the future.

The Barbers gone for sure? What's your mail on this?
Did you guys here that dev has gone that leaves the league with only five. Its time that the Three strong teams move to new leagues. The Bats to make PDFL 16 team comp Longwood and the doone to move to a southern comp maybe make a new southern league including a merged swanpool/tatong out fit. I coached in this league for four years and that is the only way for these clubs to survive into the future.

PDFL has too many sides already
All good points. I'm dead sure the VCFL couldn't care less about this league.
The Ararat DFL died a few years ago and it was a similar type league. A positive from that though is that not all the clubs died with it.

No doubt Devenish could have been competitive a few years ago in the PDFL, but it obviously wasn't sustainable if there is talk of the club folding now. That's one of the big problems.

My point with Goorambat is that if All Blacks can't attract enough good players at the moment to be competitive in the O&K (especially given at the time of moving it was seen by Blacks to be their saviour), then how is Goorambat going to do it, and be able to sustain it over time?

Same thing happened in gippsland with Riveria league just disbanbed altogether a couple of years ago and clubs forced into Nort Gippsland league and 2 of the 5 clubs forced went into recess after 1 year the VCFL do not give a stuff about minor footy
Hi doona how is the writing going. Look it is about time the V.C.F.L finaly did somthing about what is happening to this league. I only found out about Devinish last Wednesday i think it has been on the cards for some time. The bats are strong enough to come into the P.D.F.L, they will have to do some work but they are stonger then Wunghnu and Benalla Allblacks in both footy and netball, maybe the tungumaha league needs to start again.
PDFL has too many sides already


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Hi doona how is the writing going.

Not going at all at the minute - I have been at Neslte back at Broady for just on 2 years now and miss the newspaper stuff like buggery if you got a gig for me.
No sorry Doona2, but if somthing comes up you know who i will call. So what are your thoughts on B&DFNL do you think the bats could make it in the PDFNL. A past president of the club thinks they can
crabbman_69;6425849[COLOR=black said:
Merging with other clubs may be the only option available to them as these small towns don’t have the population to sustain enough teams that are required within these leagues. [/COLOR]

The issue with any clu is that they are creatures of habit. If they did it last year or 10 years ago theres every chance it will happen again in the coming year.
The VCFL is a body who is supposed to add to the league a word called FORESIGHT and they should have already been down the discussion path with all teams in this league to ascertaine if a team folded what would happen. The VCFL is not doing its job and I believe the clubs pay fees on a yearly basis to the league that affiliates it to the VCFL. Whats the money for at present?
As you can tell I am extremely disappointed the VCFL sticks its head in the sand and waits for country footy to die.
The VCFL are very aware of the B&D's situation however teams like Dookie would lose to many players if they went into that league due to the fact that there team relys on students and the students dont wont to play in a league of such a low standard. They are struggling to get quality students to play in the Picola league as it is.

This quote from an earlier post.
I struggle to understand that if Dookie is not up to standard and struggles to get quality players why it would not be a prime candidate for BDFL. This comment doesnt mean much and I think its always easier to recruit players when you are successful. Say things like no 3rds and 4ths but dont mention in one sentence low standard as I would have thought it would improve in the BDFL with more teams. There seems to be a reoccuring spin on why the VCFL is looking after certain leagues. Sure BDFL is not very strong but I guarantee if the teams are found or the leagues can be merged that the standard will improve.
Has a division 1 and 2 for a central league ever been discussed? Works for YVMDFL at present I think.
I think that the VCFL has already tried a central league CGFL it fell on its face after the VCFL allowed teams to leave. The only way out for the remaining BDFL teams to continue on is for the recreation on the old tung league and the creation of a new southern league
The tunga league (easten league) could have Shepp east, Congupna, Katandra, Dookie, Tugamaha, Violet Town, Goorambat, Rumbalara, Katamatite, All Blacks. And the Southern League could have Tatong, Swanpool, Boonie Doon, Yea, Thornton, Alexadra, Avenel, Nagambie, Bradford,.
There could be other teams to be included but at least this would be a positive step for the VCFL.

This quote from an earlier post.
I struggle to understand that if Dookie is not up to standard and struggles to get quality players why it would not be a prime candidate for BDFL. This comment doesnt mean much and I think its always easier to recruit players when you are successful. Say things like no 3rds and 4ths but dont mention in one sentence low standard as I would have thought it would improve in the BDFL with more teams. There seems to be a reoccuring spin on why the VCFL is looking after certain leagues. Sure BDFL is not very strong but I guarantee if the teams are found or the leagues can be merged that the standard will improve.
Has a division 1 and 2 for a central league ever been discussed? Works for YVMDFL at present I think.

The tunga league (easten league) could have Shepp east, Congupna, Katandra, Dookie, Tugamaha, Violet Town, Goorambat, Rumbalara, Katamatite, All Blacks. And the Southern League could have Tatong, Swanpool, Boonie Doon, Yea, Thornton, Alexadra, Avenel, Nagambie, Bradford,.
There could be other teams to be included but at least this would be a positive step for the VCFL.

Cain, I like the idea. The CGFL needed to have clubs replaced after the stronger sides left but this was not done. As soon as a couple leave the league its obvious to be hunting new teams. This was not done and if it was there was not a big enough carrot involved to get teams to continue this league. I was very disappointed when this league folded as I think all clubs would still be happy to be a part of it if it survived, although no point dwelling in the past

In regards to the Southern League you mentioned it could possibly go as far as Kilmore and Wallan.
The tunga league (easten league) could have Shepp east, Congupna, Katandra, Dookie, Tugamaha, Violet Town, Goorambat, Rumbalara, Katamatite, All Blacks. And the Southern League could have Tatong, Swanpool, Boonie Doon, Yea, Thornton, Alexadra, Avenel, Nagambie, Bradford,.
There could be other teams to be included but at least this would be a positive step for the VCFL.

Cain, I like the idea. The CGFL needed to have clubs replaced after the stronger sides left but this was not done. As soon as a couple leave the league its obvious to be hunting new teams. This was not done and if it was there was not a big enough carrot involved to get teams to continue this league. I was very disappointed when this league folded as I think all clubs would still be happy to be a part of it if it survived, although no point dwelling in the past

In regards to the Southern League you mentioned it could possibly go as far as Kilmore and Wallan.

I think that for teams like Tatong and Swanpool this would be a fair hike for there players to go, I know alot of their footballers come from Shepparton (mainly swanpool) but maybe with the two clubs merged together thay would be stronger. I think as the crow flies they are only 10kms apart.​
The tunga league (easten league) could have Shepp east, Congupna, Katandra, Dookie, Tugamaha, Violet Town, Goorambat, Rumbalara, Katamatite, All Blacks. And the Southern League could have Tatong, Swanpool, Boonie Doon, Yea, Thornton, Alexadra, Avenel, Nagambie, Bradford,.
There could be other teams to be included but at least this would be a positive step for the VCFL.

Cain, I like the idea. The CGFL needed to have clubs replaced after the stronger sides left but this was not done. As soon as a couple leave the league its obvious to be hunting new teams. This was not done and if it was there was not a big enough carrot involved to get teams to continue this league. I was very disappointed when this league folded as I think all clubs would still be happy to be a part of it if it survived, although no point dwelling in the past

In regards to the Southern League you mentioned it could possibly go as far as Kilmore and Wallan.

Great Ideas guys but stop straining your brains, it'll never happen because it makes sense.
No not on the board but had a bit to do with them during the reconstruction of the Central Goulbourn. They done the job extremely well I don’t know of any club that is disappointed with where they now are.

You could of done it better by setting up a new league such as the old Tungmah league. It seem funny every since the VCFL finished of the TFL things have gone to ********. it seem stupid that there are 15 teams in the Picola league and you look at league like this one that 5 teams. Maybe it might be good idea for these club to merge who no's but they need set up the obvious and set up a new league with 10 clubs that are close together
hey cain1 how do you know that they are stronger then wunghnu and all blacks? did you play against them or what!
Hi doona how is the writing going. Look it is about time the V.C.F.L finaly did somthing about what is happening to this league. I only found out about Devinish last Wednesday i think it has been on the cards for some time. The bats are strong enough to come into the P.D.F.L, they will have to do some work but they are stonger then Wunghnu and Benalla Allblacks in both footy and netball, maybe the tungumaha league needs to start again.
hey cain1 how do you know that they are stronger then wunghnu and all blacks? did you play against them or what!

Hi Jim, I was apart of the bats for four years, I know the people who are running the club and i know the support the club gets. They have people who drive back from Melb just to be apart of the club for little to no money. If i was not doing what i am doing now i would be back their.​
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