Being told you have cancer ..

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Mate, get the **** over yourself. One of my good mates right now is having a long battle with life-threatening cancer, just be thankful he doesn't have it, it is good news. And you want to sue them... some people i tell ya :rolleyes:

Get the **** over myself? Sorry to hear about your mate but I've also got a mate, and two relatives that are battling cancer. The last thing I needed was my father to have it as well, this **** up by the doctors was the best news our family has had for quite a while.
Suing for money you don't need is bad enough, let alone from a hospital.

Why have you ignored both my posts fryingpan? To be honest a growth still isn't a great situation and is, even if you don't want to hear it, a potential future "cancer". If they told him they were sending him for more tests because they weren't sure what it was, perhaps that's how your father should have treated it - an unclear diagnosis.

Well how about my family's situation.

My uncle went in for major heart surgery with nothing else wrong with him. He has it, heart is fixed. However, he's lost all use of his right arm. For the rest of his life. He can still feel it cause him pain, but he can't move it properly. That has pretty much ****ed his life up. Would you be happy to just say "gee, fair enough that happens in heart surgery"?

EDIT: This isn't to say he's decided to take legal action.

Sorry, but yes. There are risks associated with any surgery. Patients need to understand that.

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.. Only to be told 4 weeks later that you don't!

My Dad got in touch with me last week and said he'd been diagnosed with cancer about 3 weeks ago. They weren't 100% sure what type of cancer it was so he had to go in for a scan (where you drink that dye crap) and now they're saying it's not cancer, and only needs to be looked at every 6 months.

What an absolute joke. My fathers life was turned upside down a month ago, he changed all his plans, changed his will amonst other things because he thought he had cancer (they were saying it may be bone marrow) and now he gets told that it's not, and just needs to be monitored twice a year?

Not only has it been hell for him but also his family .. I don't see how they could make such a mistake. Surely a sueable offence.

Did the doctor do the CA125 blood test?

In this middle of this year my mum went to the doctor and they found a 17cm cyst in her stomach, they did the CA125 blood test and later that night told her she had cancer. She went in and had the operation to cut the tumour out and 6 days later they found out that it wasn’t cancer. I know i am not you and my story is different but finding out it wasn’t cancer was the best day of my life.

Yep she cried and we were all worried like hell for a week not knowing but all was forgotten as soon as we knew it wasn’t cancer.
Be happy he was told he doesn't have cancer.

With my old man the story was the other way around. Went doctors with concerns he might have lung cancer (had all the symptoms + family history + life long smoker) & they told him he's fine. Went back 3 months later and was again told he's fine.
12 months after the initial consultation, and only when he was coughing up blood and AFTER he insisted he get specifically checked for lung cancer, did they find it.

He is now counting down the days till he dies, had they found it in the first two consultations he would in all probability have been ok (specialists words).

Sorry to hear that. My dad is also terminally ill with liver cancer. It would be great if were told it was a mistake.:(
Do you understand how fine the line is between a growth in your liver, and "cancer"??

You say there shouldn't be mistakes with cancer, but it's not like cancer is different to any other disease that could be misdiagnosed.
I'm no doctor but I was confused by the whole 'How could they make a mistake on something like cancer' opinion. People make mistakes.
.. Only to be told 4 weeks later that you don't!

My Dad got in touch with me last week and said he'd been diagnosed with cancer about 3 weeks ago. They weren't 100% sure what type of cancer it was so he had to go in for a scan (where you drink that dye crap) and now they're saying it's not cancer, and only needs to be looked at every 6 months.

What an absolute joke. My fathers life was turned upside down a month ago, he changed all his plans, changed his will amonst other things because he thought he had cancer (they were saying it may be bone marrow) and now he gets told that it's not, and just needs to be monitored twice a year?

Not only has it been hell for him but also his family .. I don't see how they could make such a mistake. Surely a sueable offence.

AS someone who had cancer 7 years back I think you would be a an absolute d**khead to sue to hospital. It's people like you who have turned the legal system into the absolute joke it is today.
Good news that you're old boy has been given the all clear. However any legal action (as pointed out by others), will ultimately lead to many more people getting a shitty diagnosis. No bastard wants to be in that field when your legal insurance is so high, they might as well go and give bigger **** out to rich women!
AS someone who had cancer 7 years back I think you would be a an absolute d**khead to sue to hospital. It's people like you who have turned the legal system into the absolute joke it is today.

Hey smartarse, where did I say I was going to sue the hospital? Stop putting words in my mouth because that's just completely made up.
Ultimately just be very thankful your Dad does not have cancer....That really is the most important thing..

I don't think I ever disputed that. Of course we're over the moon and at this stage it doesn't look like he will be taking it any further but he did contemplate it - and that's all I've ever said.

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Christ, I can believe how litigious people here in Aus are getting. 3 weeks thinking you've got cancer and then the first thought is "sue". Bugger me, I'd be celebrating rather than working out how much I can screw out of the hospital.

How much has your dad lost?

If he went to all the hassle of changing wills etc, then that suggests it should've been done anyway.

I think there was a story of some dude who sold everything and went on a spending spree for a year only to find out he didnt have it. Perhaps there might be a case there.. but a couple of weeks? Come on. Be thankful and be happy that the old man will be around a bit longer instead of being bitter.

My father had a life threatening illness and he was saved by a medical miracle and scored another four years. What'd he do with that? Spent the next four years being a miserable grumpy old prick. My sister and I say he would've been better off keeling over in the first instance.

Some people eh.

ah bugger it, go on and sue. I hope you lose.
Christ, I can believe how litigious people here in Aus are getting. 3 weeks thinking you've got cancer and then the first thought is "sue". Bugger me, I'd be celebrating rather than working out how much I can screw out of the hospital.

You might want to retype a lot of this buddy. You obviously are just reading other peoples innacurate posts without reading mine because half of what you've just said is false.

Come on. Be thankful and be happy that the old man will be around a bit longer instead of being bitter.

Again, read the whole thread before posting. I've lost count of how many times I've said how happy and relieved we all are.

go on and sue. I hope you lose.

Not a bright one are ya.
Mate, I wish your dad all the best.

As a doctor though I just want to say that your attitude is pretty disappointing.

Now I understand COMPLETELY the spectrum of emotions your family has had to endure during this difficult period but what exactly is prosecuting the hospital going to achieve? As with pretty much anything in medicine there is always a chance for error. I'm not sure of what the details were your dads case but there is always a chance for a sampling error, virtually every test has a certain risk for false positives and false negatives. Despite what you believe, nothing is perfect. I agree with you, these types of things should not happen, but unfortunately they do.

I have no problem with prosecuting a doctor or a hospital if gross negligence has taken place, but from what you've told us that is not the case with your dad. People need to understand the difference between negligence and poor outcome. Huge difference.

As others have said in this thread, instead of directing your energy towards being angry at the health system try being thankful that your dad doesn't have cancer.
Thinking you had cancer and then finding out you didn't would be one of the best feelings ever. That sort of stuff really puts life into perspective.

What would you do if you found out that news? I'd buy a slab of an expensive boutique beer get my close mates over and get hammered.
How about donating some money towards cancer research to improve first time diagnosis! :)

Ok, I understand how you feel having been misdiagnosed myself when I was 11. The greatest gift to come out of this is life and no money can ever beat that. It could have been heaps worse....I certainly wouldn't advise suing but just be relieved that everything is a-ok!
Thinking you had cancer and then finding out you didn't would be one of the best feelings ever. That sort of stuff really puts life into perspective.

What would you do if you found out that news? I'd buy a slab of an expensive boutique beer get my close mates over and get hammered.

I can tell you what I felt when it happened to me - you feel terrible but in my case - I accepted it because there was nothing I could do.

I went to hospital jaundiced and bloated - had to be wheeled in a wheelchair and after throwing up on the CT scan - was admitted to have a look down my throat.

I woke up in ICU, gutted - cut from my chest down to my groin - still have the scar - with the words - Sorry to have to tell you that you have Cancer, your lungs have collapsed and we have removed your appendix just to be safe.

Told there was a growth in my bile duct and that it was cancer. OK, I said. Called the family from the Country so it could be explained to them what would be done. Terrible to hear your sisters bawling their eyes out - when they thought you could not hear them.

2 weeks in hospital, another operation and discussions of another where the organs would be disconnected, if the said growth could not be removed via a less evasive measure.

3 months later and after several meetings with Prof Jones, the leading Liver transplant Dr in Aust - you have less evasive day surgery and low and behold the growth is gone. It turned out to be a very small gall stone from when my gall bladder had burst 10 years before.

I had been saying for months the pain I had reminded me of Gall bladder pain - but of course I did not have one.

What did I do - got down and kissed the ground that I walked on - I know how lucky I was. Never a day goes by that I don't remember what emotions my family, partner and I went through. I was very lucky - did I ever consider sueing - no - what would that solve - it would not give me back my health or the time lost - it has only made me stronger.

Better of than a friend of my sisters who went through months of Chemo only to be told they had made a mistake.
@ OP.

How could any reasonable, rational person even consider suing them for that?

There are always going to be mistakes; I would far rather them get it wrong that way than the other way round (as d4e would testify).

As Clifton pointed out, it could be the best thing to ever happen to him.

Given that a couple of weeks ago he thought it might all be over, surely hearing the good news that things are all good is cause for celebration -- not litigation!

and why would you want to waste any time in unnecessary is for living...whether it is a long time or short
.. Only to be told 4 weeks later that you don't!

My Dad got in touch with me last week and said he'd been diagnosed with cancer about 3 weeks ago. They weren't 100% sure what type of cancer it was so he had to go in for a scan (where you drink that dye crap) and now they're saying it's not cancer, and only needs to be looked at every 6 months.

What an absolute joke. My fathers life was turned upside down a month ago, he changed all his plans, changed his will amonst other things because he thought he had cancer (they were saying it may be bone marrow) and now he gets told that it's not, and just needs to be monitored twice a year?

Not only has it been hell for him but also his family .. I don't see how they could make such a mistake. Surely a sueable offence.

sorry to hear of your story frying pan but people do from time to time get a wrong diagnosis unfortunate but hey thats part of life,i was diagnosed with having bowel cancer the drs nurses and all other staff were tremendous i had 16 weeks of chemo and radiation therapy prior to my op then a further 6 weeks chemo post op i am a bag man but cancer free now, op in 2002 my surgeon was the best but believe it or not 2 yrs ago he died from bowel cancer also i believe its the family that worry more than the patient the patient eventually excepts their fate the family never do, before talking of sueing remember the sacrifice these hospital staff make for us
you wanna sue? you gotta be flipping kidding me. You should be stoked to receive such fantastic news. I'm sure most people with cancer would love to be told that it was a mistake, and that they are healthy.

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Being told you have cancer ..

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