Werewolf BEaston Basic WW Part III (Werewolves win)

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Did you tell the Vamps you were flying for 8 hours, before they recruited you?

Or were you concerned they wouldn't recruit you if you did, and that there was a better chance of winning the game when on team vamp as opposed to team village if you were out of action for a while?
look, to be honest, that would be a level of analysis and foresight that i do not typically apply when playing competitive werewolf
thanks for the game and very well modded BEaston

the vig was going at 60% disposal efficiency which champion date ranks as elite.

a little bit of a sour taste that everyone bullied me when i was on a plane and unable to defend myself but i e come to expect that from this community
But you WERE evil!

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Good to see my radar was working in this one (when I started paying attention)
Wolves missed a kill on you night one in a rather weak attempt to frame Chipmunk.

Your radar was just saying everyone who voted for you earlier in the game was evil, and they only voted for you because of the missed kill 😉

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