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It is recognised that this is a fraught topic for any number of you posting here. Some of you will have family in Israel or Palestine. Some of you will have connections to either side of the conflict. What you need to understand is that this site has rules governing posting standards and the appropriate way to talk to other posters, and you will abide by them.

How this interacts with this thread is that the following will result in your post being deleted, with a recurrence of the same behaviour resulting in (depending on severity) a threadban for a week and a day off:
  • direct labelling of someone as anti-semitic or a terrorist sympathiser for posting that is merely critical of Israel's response over time. Israel has the right to defend themselves from violence, but that does not mean that Israel has carte blanche to attack disproportionately towards people under their care.
  • deliberate goading or flippant responses, designed to get people reacting to your posting emotionally.
  • abuse.
  • attempts to turn this into a Left vs Right shitfight.
  • Use the word 'Nazi' in here, you had better be able to justify it in the post you're making and the comparison had better be apt. Godwin's law is in full effect for the purposes of this thread; if you refer to Nazis, you've lost whatever argument you're involved in.
  • Any defense of Hamas' actions on the basis of justification. There's no justification for genocide, regardless of whether or not they have the power to do so.
Please recognise that this is a difficult time for all involved, and some level of sensitivity is absolutely required to permit discussion to flow. From time to time, mods will reach out to specific posters and do some welfare checks; we may even give posters who get a bit too involved some days off to give people some time to cool down. This is not a reflection on you as a poster, merely that this is an intense subject.

I get that this is a fairly intense topic about which opinion can diverge rather significantly. If you feel you cannot be respectful in your disagreement with another poster, it is frequently better to refuse to engage than it is to take up the call.

From this point, any poster who finds themselves directly insulting another poster will find themselves receiving a threadban and an infraction, with each subsequent reoccurance resulting in steadily more points added to your account.

It has also become apparent that this needs to be said: just because someone moderates this forum that does not hold them to a different standard of posting than anyone else. All of us were posters first, and we are allowed to hold opinions on this and share them on this forum.

Treat each other with the respect each of you deserve.

Maggie5 Gone Critical Anzacday Jen2310
The kraken is coming!
The kraken is coming!
season 7 GIF by NRK P3
That is because you are a fool who does not understand the reality of our world situation.The US has had it,s time in the sun and now will have share world leadership and it will not be with Germany or Japan.

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To all you super smug arseh*le,s who tried to belittle me and the other bloke because we have different views of the world from you,you will wake up 1 day and find the world has changed and there will nothing you smartarse,s will able to do about it.

US proxies Israel and the Ukraine are crumbling as we speak, and there be no big brother to come and save them.I like many of you dickheads here used to think China was our enemy,you people really need to open your eyes to what is going on I know you are American stooge,s but you should still do a little research before opening your ignorant mouth,s.

As I said in an earlier the sanction,s oin Russia have had no effect on them at all it has only killed of Macron and the Germans but Russia has grown stronger bigger economy and NATO and the US combined only produce 1 third the armaments the Russian,s are making but according to some to you apologist,s for the US there technology will win the day.

Boy are some of you in for a surprise and China just goes supremely on winning the developing world over policy choice,s. Not for China are there military base,s all over the world they do not need the big stick they have a thing called diplomacy the US should be trying it instead threatening countries.

China of course 45 yrs ago was 1 of the poorest countries but look at them now, they have the largest economy in the world which is why the US are so angry at them. I confidently the Yuan will be the strongest and most stable currency in the world. To all you fund managers and ultra smart people just look at what the BRICS community are doing they are no longer trading in US dollars and then look some of the nations who want to join them.

One of you mentioned about some the world,s leading economist,s and I mentioned Yellen the head of US treasury if you think she is going to save the West you need to think again I saw her performance in China a month or 2 back and if that is what the Americans think will save them or Trump, god are they in for a shock.

One of you smart people told how the US is self sufficient in natural resources and also said that the US will have little problems with their deficit if they can still print US bonds well my learned friend that is why many countries are electing to pay with their own currencies and the Saudi,s dropped the US dollar and will join BRICS instead which I think they signalled they are going to do be not signing the Ukraine peace meeting minutes.

Someone also mentioned about the Chinese property market well I think a lot of that go back to predicting how much housing the Chinese would need in the future and did factor how the 1 child policy would affect them,but the Chinese with their 50yr plans are already on to it. I am tired of you now but I be back later I promise.
To all you super smug arseh*le,s who tried to belittle me and the other bloke because we have different views of the world from you,you will wake up 1 day and find the world has changed and there will nothing you smartarse,s will able to do about it.

US proxies Israel and the Ukraine are crumbling as we speak, and there be no big brother to come and save them.I like many of you dickheads here used to think China was our enemy,you people really need to open your eyes to what is going on I know you are American stooge,s but you should still do a little research before opening your ignorant mouth,s.

As I said in an earlier the sanction,s oin Russia have had no effect on them at all it has only killed of Macron and the Germans but Russia has grown stronger bigger economy and NATO and the US combined only produce 1 third the armaments the Russian,s are making but according to some to you apologist,s for the US there technology will win the day.

Boy are some of you in for a surprise and China just goes supremely on winning the developing world over policy choice,s. Not for China are there military base,s all over the world they do not need the big stick they have a thing called diplomacy the US should be trying it instead threatening countries.

China of course 45 yrs ago was 1 of the poorest countries but look at them now, they have the largest economy in the world which is why the US are so angry at them. I confidently the Yuan will be the strongest and most stable currency in the world. To all you fund managers and ultra smart people just look at what the BRICS community are doing they are no longer trading in US dollars and then look some of the nations who want to join them.

One of you mentioned about some the world,s leading economist,s and I mentioned Yellen the head of US treasury if you think she is going to save the West you need to think again I saw her performance in China a month or 2 back and if that is what the Americans think will save them or Trump, god are they in for a shock.

One of you smart people told how the US is self sufficient in natural resources and also said that the US will have little problems with their deficit if they can still print US bonds well my learned friend that is why many countries are electing to pay with their own currencies and the Saudi,s dropped the US dollar and will join BRICS instead which I think they signalled they are going to do be not signing the Ukraine peace meeting minutes.

Someone also mentioned about the Chinese property market well I think a lot of that go back to predicting how much housing the Chinese would need in the future and did factor how the 1 child policy would affect them,but the Chinese with their 50yr plans are already on to it. I am tired of you now but I be back later I promise.
Do you actually think everyone else but you two think the same? You two are the only ones capable of forming thoughts and ideas independent of others?
To all you super smug arseh*le,s who tried to belittle me and the other bloke because we have different views of the world from you,you will wake up 1 day and find the world has changed and there will nothing you smartarse,s will able to do about it.

US proxies Israel and the Ukraine are crumbling as we speak, and there be no big brother to come and save them.I like many of you dickheads here used to think China was our enemy,you people really need to open your eyes to what is going on I know you are American stooge,s but you should still do a little research before opening your ignorant mouth,s.

As I said in an earlier the sanction,s oin Russia have had no effect on them at all it has only killed of Macron and the Germans but Russia has grown stronger bigger economy and NATO and the US combined only produce 1 third the armaments the Russian,s are making but according to some to you apologist,s for the US there technology will win the day.

Boy are some of you in for a surprise and China just goes supremely on winning the developing world over policy choice,s. Not for China are there military base,s all over the world they do not need the big stick they have a thing called diplomacy the US should be trying it instead threatening countries.

China of course 45 yrs ago was 1 of the poorest countries but look at them now, they have the largest economy in the world which is why the US are so angry at them. I confidently the Yuan will be the strongest and most stable currency in the world. To all you fund managers and ultra smart people just look at what the BRICS community are doing they are no longer trading in US dollars and then look some of the nations who want to join them.

One of you mentioned about some the world,s leading economist,s and I mentioned Yellen the head of US treasury if you think she is going to save the West you need to think again I saw her performance in China a month or 2 back and if that is what the Americans think will save them or Trump, god are they in for a shock.

One of you smart people told how the US is self sufficient in natural resources and also said that the US will have little problems with their deficit if they can still print US bonds well my learned friend that is why many countries are electing to pay with their own currencies and the Saudi,s dropped the US dollar and will join BRICS instead which I think they signalled they are going to do be not signing the Ukraine peace meeting minutes.

Someone also mentioned about the Chinese property market well I think a lot of that go back to predicting how much housing the Chinese would need in the future and did factor how the 1 child policy would affect them,but the Chinese with their 50yr plans are already on to it. I am tired of you now but I be back later I promise.
You do know China doesn't have the biggest economy in the world? Don't you?

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Someone also mentioned about the Chinese property market well I think a lot of that go back to predicting how much housing the Chinese would need in the future and did factor how the 1 child policy would affect them,but the Chinese with their 50yr plans are already on to it. I am tired of you now but I be back later I promise.

Chinese housing is purely and simply an insane capitalist bubble. There are literally millions of million dollar apartments that are just concrete shells that haven't been fitted out for anybody to live in and never will be, yet these useless concrete shells have continued to rise in price and thus continue to be built. It's nuts.

China does a lot of things really ****ing well, but can they continue to do some things so ****ing badly and continue to grow.
Chinese housing is purely and simply an insane capitalist bubble. There are literally millions of million dollar apartments that are just concrete shells that haven't been fitted out for anybody to live in and never will be, yet these useless concrete shells have continued to rise in price and thus continue to be built. It's nuts.

China does a lot of things really ****ing well, but can they continue to do some things so ****ing badly and continue to grow.
Sick rail network at least
Chinese housing is purely and simply an insane capitalist bubble. There are literally millions of million dollar apartments that are just concrete shells that haven't been fitted out for anybody to live in and never will be, yet these useless concrete shells have continued to rise in price and thus continue to be built. It's nuts.

China does a lot of things really ****ing well, but can they continue to do some things so ****ing badly and continue to grow.
sounds like the docklands
I love you BRICS++ Bro

To be liberated from economic facts means you can write with speed and originality

Bolshy Bro and BRICS Bro are such bad bedfellows, but any port in a storm. The bloke dreaming of a pacifist borderless love in has become aligned with the bloke boasting of future battles won by BRICS bombs.
apostrophes are bourgeois western rubbish

all punctuation is bourgeois actually but were removing the apostrophes first

capital letters are already on the way out

then its time for the end game where we get rid of commas and full stops
apostrophes are bourgeois western rubbish

all punctuation is bourgeois actually but were removing the apostrophes first

capital letters are already on the way out

then its time for the end game where we get rid of commas and full stops
I hope NMBB isn't following this thread
Moshe Feiglin is a member of the Likud in Israel and he is one of many politicians in Israel who want to turn Gaza into a land for the jewish. He even quoted Hitler to make his point.

It's well and good to refer to hamas member's statements on abolishing israel, but there are a lot of israeli politicians who want palestinians out of gaza one way or another.


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