All about Trump

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I'm not sure if/can't remember if I've posted these lyrics I wrote just after he won in 2016..

There is a man with baby hands
With grand ambition for the soulless lands
Building towers of empty promise
To make things great again

Whenever he spoke, he'd berate you
All the while saying he was great too
Asking legions to act informal
Telling all it was the new normal
Asking legions to act it out again

The unfed, unwashed, brainwashed ate it
Feasting on the new berate it
The media fed their daily dose
Until all power seemed comatose
Building towers with empty promise
To make things great again

Asking legions to act informal
Telling all it was the new normal
Asking legions to act it out again

On the horizon a coming storm
People gunna get informal
Baby hands claps 1,2,3
Get your gun it'll set you free
He says 'Believe me, I know best'
(But he'd pump a glock into your chest)

And laugh and mock in the current storm oh
And tell you all it's the new normal
Laugh and mock and roll the wheels again
Let's face it, Trump and Biden are awful specimens. Not too far removed from the undead.

Other than his most loyal/deranged supporters, I can't really say who turns out for Trump on election day, but I'm even less confident that people will get off their a**** for Joe.

One thing is for sure, guns are going to go off at some stage.
Yeah, disagree on Biden. Nothing exciting about him but he is a seasoned diplomat with relatively moderate policies and not a danger. If its an emergency (which it is) I am ok with Biden as the break glass response. Trump is another matter. A direct threat to democracy and all western alliances. Trump round two will make Trump round one look like a summer camp.

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GOP is a terrorist organization. They started a war in Iraq based on their own lie that lead to the deaths of over 300,000 innocent civilians.
They support the NRA, another group that should be called a 'terrorist' organization, endorsed by the fact that over 40,000 of their own citizens meet their end at the wrong end of a gun on a yearly basis.
They refuse a national healthcare system despite the fact 57% of bankruptcies in the US are caused by medical expenses. That figure rose to 67% under Trump when he threw 20 million people off Obamacare.
They support an absolute nut case in Trump and will gladly end democracy if elections don't go their (his) way in future. They couldn't even manage to vote to impeach Trump over his campaign to steal the election. The party is full of far right wing nut jobs such as Taylor, Jordan, Santos, DeSantis.
Under the disaster that was set in motion by Reagan's economic policies in the 1980s the US is no longer a capitalist country. Under the Republican party, the wealthy rule. They control who gets elected by political donations and they own the media to give everyone a good taste of propaganda. Hello Fox/Sky News.
Under Trump the top 1% of wealthy Americans increased their wealth by 50% in 4 years, the greatest increase ever recorded, while the rest of the country stagnated or went backwards.
GOP, the party of Law and Order... .

This from a Republican Senator about protestors:

The Republican senator Tom Cotton has urged Americans to “take matters into their own hands” when encountering pro-Palestine supporters
labeled the protesters “criminals”
“If something like this happened in Arkansas on a bridge there – let’s just say I think there’d be a lot of very wet criminals that have been tossed overboard, not by law enforcement,
If they glued their hands to a car or the pavement, well, [it would be] probably pretty painful to have their skin ripped off
to take matters in their own hands” and solve the problem without involving police

GOP members in regard to Jan 6?

They were tourists.
I saw this photo on my twitter feed yesterday..It’s not a joke,but an actual screenshot of an MSNBC broadcast about Trump’s hush money trial.The Pecker in this case is the former owner of the National Inquirer,who is testifying against Trump,and not what you think it might be,although it could be that too.😀


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So Trump colluded with that enquirer rag to provide and promote fake news, while pointing fingers to point out 'fake news' ...
It's pretty easy people.
Anything that the farting orange s**t gibbon grifter says..
The opposite is true

The National Enquirer is considered news? I’m not American but the headlines alone scream “Woman’s Day but with more Sasquatch and UFOs”.

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11 fake electors given criminal indictments in Arizona, for trying to overthrow the election in that, totally not an insurrection, only a bit of a protest, insurrection.
The Gaza solidarity protests across the US at the moment have been overwhelmingly peaceful.

They've faced extraordinary violence from police, and more recently from pro-Israel groups who have wanted nothing more than to provoke conflict, and yet the protests have held the line.

But the Congress now considers legislation which will 'tighten' the meaning of antisemitism to render criticism against Israel as illegal. Whether it fails or succeeds, the crackdown on legitimate dissent in the US isn't an isolated phenomena.

Biden buys into it as much as anyone. He perpetuates the narrative that the pro-Gaza protests have gone too far in disturbing the peace, and that --despite containing significant contingents of Jewish students-- they are antisemitic.

He's not fit for office. Trump's not fit for office. They're both vying for the cockpit of American freefall.

The Gaza solidarity protests across the US at the moment have been overwhelmingly peaceful.

They've faced extraordinary violence from police, and more recently from pro-Israel groups who have wanted nothing more than to provoke conflict, and yet the protests have held the line.

But the Congress now considers legislation which will 'tighten' the meaning of antisemitism to render criticism against Israel as illegal. Whether it fails or succeeds, the crackdown on legitimate dissent in the US isn't an isolated phenomena.

Biden buys into it as much as anyone. He perpetuates the narrative that the pro-Gaza protests have gone too far in disturbing the peace, and that --despite containing significant contingents of Jewish students-- they are antisemitic.

He's not fit for office. Trump's not fit for office. They're both vying for the cockpit of American freefall.

Total basket case of a nation. Thank goodness they’re the global police though
The Gaza solidarity protests across the US at the moment have been overwhelmingly peaceful.

They've faced extraordinary violence from police, and more recently from pro-Israel groups who have wanted nothing more than to provoke conflict, and yet the protests have held the line.

But the Congress now considers legislation which will 'tighten' the meaning of antisemitism to render criticism against Israel as illegal. Whether it fails or succeeds, the crackdown on legitimate dissent in the US isn't an isolated phenomena.

Biden buys into it as much as anyone. He perpetuates the narrative that the pro-Gaza protests have gone too far in disturbing the peace, and that --despite containing significant contingents of Jewish students-- they are antisemitic.

He's not fit for office. Trump's not fit for office. They're both vying for the cockpit of American freefall.

There was one little thing you neglected to mention and that is that the protesters were yelling out "Kill the Jews", not sure that's peaceful and certainly gives police the right to arrest. "Kill the Jews" is more than enough for a government to want to change the legislation. You can't go around shouting kill anyone, not just Jews. also, i can't buy into the fact that the protesters are all so innocent and lovey dovey. If you allow stuff like Kill the Jews to grow in popularity, then it won't be long before that becomes an every day occurrence. Peace requires both sides to lay down their differences.
There was one little thing you neglected to mention and that is that the protesters were yelling out "Kill the Jews", not sure that's peaceful and certainly gives police the right to arrest. "Kill the Jews" is more than enough for a government to want to change the legislation. You can't go around shouting kill anyone, not just Jews. also, i can't buy into the fact that the protesters are all so innocent and lovey dovey. If you allow stuff like Kill the Jews to grow in popularity, then it won't be long before that becomes an every day occurrence. Peace requires both sides to lay down their differences.

Given that almost all of the protests have contained a good number of Jewish students, which of them was yelling to 'Kill the Jews'?
Total basket case of a nation. Thank goodness they’re the global police though

I read a report that Trump would like the federal government to monitor all pregnant women in America, to ensure that they carry the nation's babies as carefully as possible.

If that's true, then it's clear that writers of dystopian fiction need to stop work, because their worst imaginings of the future have become the inspiration of today's leaders.
I read a report that Trump would like the federal government to monitor all pregnant women in America, to ensure that they carry the nation's babies as carefully as possible.

If that's true, then it's clear that writers of dystopian fiction need to stop work, because their worst imaginings of the future have become the inspiration of today's leaders.
The lunatics are running the asylum - except that might be a bit unfair on the everyday lunatic
Given that almost all of the protests have contained a good number of Jewish students, which of them was yelling to 'Kill the Jews'?
But how do you know that? In Western Sydney they are yelling it out and it's not coming from the Jews. That really is a big assumption and one that doesn't seem hold much credence. A jew, to be yelling out, "kill the Jews" would be sacrilege and would not even come into to consideration for a Jew. you are not taking into consideration anything that the Jews might hold dear to their heart. I am not a jewish supporter, my mum has part jew but she is a Messianic jew and because of that was shunned from everyone. We do not hold any Jewish traditions. My dad has part Indian in him because of his Sth American heritage but we don't do around wearing a headband with a feather sticking out the top. I just think that you are only showing a side that you want to everyone to see. This whole thing is disgusting and on both sides. The Palestinians aren't the poor old souls you make them out to be, they have history also.
But how do you know that? In Western Sydney they are yelling it out and it's not coming from the Jews. That really is a big assumption and one that doesn't seem hold much credence. A jew, to be yelling out, "kill the Jews" would be sacrilege and would not even come into to consideration for a Jew. you are not taking into consideration anything that the Jews might hold dear to their heart. I am not a jewish supporter, my mum has part jew but she is a Messianic jew and because of that was shunned from everyone. We do not hold any Jewish traditions. My dad has part Indian in him because of his Sth American heritage but we don't do around wearing a headband with a feather sticking out the top. I just think that you are only showing a side that you want to everyone to see. This whole thing is disgusting and on both sides. The Palestinians aren't the poor old souls you make them out to be, they have history also.

You claimed that student protesters have yelled 'kill the Jews'.

I asked you to substantiate that. Can you?

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