Play Nice 46th President of the United States: Joe Biden 2: Incidit in scyllam cupiens vitare charybdim

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All Democrats ae in big trouble. The biggest one is in so much trouble he has no idea!
I love the evidence given by the Republicans chief witness against Biden "There is no evidence against Biden".

Then the new one was China wiring money to Hunter, using Joe's address.
Except it was private Chinese corporate money, and neither Hunter or Joe had government positions at the time, and Hunter had legitimate business dealings with Chinese companies (like millions of other Americans). None of this being illegal or actionable.

While most of the Trump's got waaay more money, direct from the Chinese government, while holding office.

So much trouble, sooooooo much trouble, sooo much trouble that most of the GOP are reportedly furious that moron Gaetz is pushing ahead of the impeachment investigation into Biden, that is already blowing up in their face, and threatens to be a complete shitshow for the Republicans.

Sooooooo much trouble lol.

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I really can't stand Maher, but he's right on this point.

It doesn't matter how anyone personally feels about Biden, its not even about his record as President (which I would argue has been quite good - far better than Obama by comparison) - the only issue is can he win re-election and the polling seems to suggest a categorical no.

And if he can't win re-election, that means the US ends up with Trump as President again - which would effectively end its democracy. IMO Democrats aren't taking that likely prospect seriously enough.

If Biden doesn't have enough awareness to realise his electoral predicament, people close to him should be seriously levelling with him and saying plainly, if you're running re-election for your legacy - consider what you legacy will be if you end up losing to Donald Trump (which would have been entirely foreseeable).

The sad thing about Biden is that he's clearly a fair good, well-intentioned guy and as I said I think his record as President (given the hand he's been dealt) has been relatively good. But unfortunately his age (at least in the minds of the US electorate) is effectively going to disqualify him from a second term. And there's no point reasoning that Trump is also a geriatric and will be 78 next year, to add a fraud and rapist with 91 indictments and who wants to imprison and murder his political enemies. Unless these indictments lead to his actual imprisonment, I can't see the numbers improving enough for Biden to win. Even if Trump was imprisoned - I'm still sure if that still wouldnt end up helping him somehow - such is the perversion of standards and norms in US politics now.

At the very least Biden needs to be primaried by other prominent Democrats - Newsom, Whitmer - whoever. Because the other problem Biden has is that he is effectively invisible compared to the wall-to-wall coverage Trump demands to his endless scandals.

Biden cannot win the against the obstacles of the electoral college, mainstream media obsession with Trump, social media proclivity for viral conspiracies which also favour populists like Trump.
How funny would it be if Biden ended up building more wall than Trump

The reaction is probably about what you'd expect. Conservatives are still lambasting him because it's taken so long, and it gives them good ammo to say Trump was right. Meanwhile the progressives see it as weak, him caving, breaking promises, inhumane etc.

It's a play for the angry dems who they shipped the migrants to in buses, independants and swinging voters. Will it pay off?
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I really can't stand Maher, but he's right on this point.

It doesn't matter how anyone personally feels about Biden, its not even about his record as President (which I would argue has been quite good - far better than Obama by comparison) - the only issue is can he win re-election and the polling seems to suggest a categorical no.

And if he can't win re-election, that means the US ends up with Trump as President again - which would effectively end its democracy. IMO Democrats aren't taking that likely prospect seriously enough.

If Biden doesn't have enough awareness to realise his electoral predicament, people close to him should be seriously levelling with him and saying plainly, if you're running re-election for your legacy - consider what you legacy will be if you end up losing to Donald Trump (which would have been entirely foreseeable).

The sad thing about Biden is that he's clearly a fair good, well-intentioned guy and as I said I think his record as President (given the hand he's been dealt) has been relatively good. But unfortunately his age (at least in the minds of the US electorate) is effectively going to disqualify him from a second term. And there's no point reasoning that Trump is also a geriatric and will be 78 next year, to add a fraud and rapist with 91 indictments and who wants to imprison and murder his political enemies. Unless these indictments lead to his actual imprisonment, I can't see the numbers improving enough for Biden to win. Even if Trump was imprisoned - I'm still sure if that still wouldnt end up helping him somehow - such is the perversion of standards and norms in US politics now.

At the very least Biden needs to be primaried by other prominent Democrats - Newsom, Whitmer - whoever. Because the other problem Biden has is that he is effectively invisible compared to the wall-to-wall coverage Trump demands to his endless scandals.

Biden cannot win the against the obstacles of the electoral college, mainstream media obsession with Trump, social media proclivity for viral conspiracies which also favour populists like Trump.
He doesnt lose to Trump though.

Over the cause of the last 12 months, there have been a bunch of special elections due to deaths, retirements etc. Relative to polling and expectations, Democrats did waaay better in almost all of them than the GOP. Even the elections the GOP won easily, the democrat picked up 5, 10, 15% more votes than expected.

This is pretty much across the board.

The solid rusted on GOP and Maga hats fill in polls and sway the GOP, and give Trump good numbers, but all the independents and the undecided HATE Trump, and dont vote for him.

Trump cannot win.

Its the red wave again.
In a sign of continued economic stamina, payrolls grew by 336,000 on a seasonally adjusted basis, the Labor Department said on Friday. The increase, almost double economists’ expectations, serves as a confirmation of the labor market’s vitality and the overall hardiness of an economy soon to be under fire from a variety of forces.

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Biden Administration has little influence over environmental policies when the US has such biased Supreme Court.

The U.S. Supreme Court Court on Thursday significantly curtailed the power of the Environmental Protection Agency to regulate the nation's wetlands and waterways. It was the court's second decision in a year limiting the ability of the agency to enact anti-pollution regulations and combat climate change.

Not all things are the Biden's administration at fault.
Biden Administration has little influence over environmental policies when the US has such biased Supreme Court.

The U.S. Supreme Court Court on Thursday significantly curtailed the power of the Environmental Protection Agency to regulate the nation's wetlands and waterways. It was the court's second decision in a year limiting the ability of the agency to enact anti-pollution regulations and combat climate change.

Not all things are the Biden's administration at fault.

That doesn’t really have anything to do with the Biden decision to waive the Clean Air Act, Safe Drinking Water Act and Endangered Species Act in order to build a wall? The criticism from environmental groups, migrant rights groups and his fellow Democrats speaks for itself.

It would be ridiculous and unfair for anyone to claim that all, or even the majority, of the current problems in the United States are Biden’s fault (or the Democrats’, for that matter). But he’s certainly not above criticism and should be called out for when he does bad things.
That doesn’t really have anything to do with the Biden decision to waive the Clean Air Act, Safe Drinking Water Act and Endangered Species Act in order to build a wall? The criticism from environmental groups, migrant rights groups and his fellow Democrats speaks for itself.

It would be ridiculous and unfair for anyone to claim that all, or even the majority, of the current problems in the United States are Biden’s fault (or the Democrats’, for that matter). But he’s certainly not above criticism and should be called out for when he does bad things.
Do you have any more details on this as article doesn't tell you much?

The Clean Air Act, Safe Drinking Water Act and Endangered Species Act were among federal laws waived to make way for construction. The waivers avoid reviews and lawsuits challenging violation of environmental laws.
That doesn’t really have anything to do with the Biden decision to waive the Clean Air Act, Safe Drinking Water Act and Endangered Species Act in order to build a wall? The criticism from environmental groups, migrant rights groups and his fellow Democrats speaks for itself.

It would be ridiculous and unfair for anyone to claim that all, or even the majority, of the current problems in the United States are Biden’s fault (or the Democrats’, for that matter). But he’s certainly not above criticism and should be called out for when he does bad things.
Does this have any relevance?

I don't think much of Biden but at least he sticks up for democracy's & the free peoples of the world.
Russia & now those Palestinian terrorists are regretting their choices.

The Israel issue in the US has been effed up since even before RvW. The Jewish lobby is hugely influential and has its hooks into all factions. Even the most egregious and brutal Israeli actions cannot be criticized or they will get one of their servants to scream "anti-semitism!"
Hamas are the scum of the earth, a gang of thugs who kick shit up against Israelis in order to justify their grip on power in Gaza, and the money they(their leaders) can grift off it. They do little to actually improve the lives of their people. They are a cancer on the Palenstinian people.
It would be best for humanity if Hamas and Likud just went out to the Sinai and squared off in a death match.

It's good to see the New York Democrats taking a strong stand against wonton violence.
I really can't stand Maher, but he's right on this point.

It doesn't matter how anyone personally feels about Biden, its not even about his record as President (which I would argue has been quite good - far better than Obama by comparison) - the only issue is can he win re-election and the polling seems to suggest a categorical no.

And if he can't win re-election, that means the US ends up with Trump as President again - which would effectively end its democracy. IMO Democrats aren't taking that likely prospect seriously enough.

If Biden doesn't have enough awareness to realise his electoral predicament, people close to him should be seriously levelling with him and saying plainly, if you're running re-election for your legacy - consider what you legacy will be if you end up losing to Donald Trump (which would have been entirely foreseeable).

The sad thing about Biden is that he's clearly a fair good, well-intentioned guy and as I said I think his record as President (given the hand he's been dealt) has been relatively good. But unfortunately his age (at least in the minds of the US electorate) is effectively going to disqualify him from a second term. And there's no point reasoning that Trump is also a geriatric and will be 78 next year, to add a fraud and rapist with 91 indictments and who wants to imprison and murder his political enemies. Unless these indictments lead to his actual imprisonment, I can't see the numbers improving enough for Biden to win. Even if Trump was imprisoned - I'm still sure if that still wouldnt end up helping him somehow - such is the perversion of standards and norms in US politics now.

At the very least Biden needs to be primaried by other prominent Democrats - Newsom, Whitmer - whoever. Because the other problem Biden has is that he is effectively invisible compared to the wall-to-wall coverage Trump demands to his endless scandals.

Biden cannot win the against the obstacles of the electoral college, mainstream media obsession with Trump, social media proclivity for viral conspiracies which also favour populists like Trump.
I agree they need to be pragmatic (the dems) and see if Democrats themselves don't want Biden to run again, don't run with him!

It seems to be playing with fire to rely on an anti-Trump vote again. The anti-Trump vote will still be there, just run someone more popular.

I don't care who, I am not Newsom fan but if he can win and stop Trump, it needs to be done. We have been told what Trump and the GOP want to do, completely gut the federal department and replace them with loyalists, and look to implement an autocratic one party state. Next step, would be to change term limits to let Trump stay president for life.
The Israel issue in the US has been effed up since even before RvW. The Jewish lobby is hugely influential and has its hooks into all factions. Even the most egregious and brutal Israeli actions cannot be criticized or they will get one of their servants to scream "anti-semitism!"
Hamas are the scum of the earth, a gang of thugs who kick s**t up against Israelis in order to justify their grip on power in Gaza, and the money they(their leaders) can grift off it. They do little to actually improve the lives of their people. They are a cancer on the Palenstinian people.
It would be best for humanity if Hamas and Likud just went out to the Sinai and squared off in a death match.

Israel gets huge support from the Evangelicals as well because of their beliefs about The Third Temple.

Not even Saudi 'election contributions' do anything to curb the influence of these two groups on US politics.

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Play Nice 46th President of the United States: Joe Biden 2: Incidit in scyllam cupiens vitare charybdim

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