Play Nice 45th President of the United States: Donald Trump - Part 19: Law and Odour

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I had three heros as a kid.

Gary ablett, dean jones and hulk hogan.

One of them is now dead to me.

Hulk Hogan has been a hard-right winger for years and years. Looks like he finally realized he's never getting back to WWE after the tape saga so he might as well embrace his people.

Gary Ablett is also another huge born again conservative and would upload all kinds of crazy shit to youtube, so very likely a massive Trump guy as well.
Fancy comparing Donald to a lion. That means one of his idiot sons will be the next one to shoot him.

Well getting onto his feet is quite difficult. What with those debilitating bone spurs.
Seeing Hulk Hogan reminded me that the whole thing smells of a WWE show

A Nazi rally paired with a WWE show is quite the combination.
There's enough good books and analyses out there now to fill an medium sized book store. Many of them written by some of the greatest and most highly awarded writers of political history in our times. All seeking to answer the same question:

How is it possible that a twice-impeached former president and convicted felon now be odds on favourite to return to the Oval Office? Why do his supporters not recoil when Trump promises to unleash an authoritarian regime as president and to assume the role of dictator on Day One? What explains his enduring appeal?

It's not just that his opponent this time around is seem as withered and non consequential in contrast - there is a genuine cult of personality that surrounds Trump that borders on the bizarre and is more than a little frightening for those who value the democratic process and its institutions.

It's well recognised that a key to Trump’s appeal, especially among working-class white Americans, is his ability to channel and give voice to base level rage, resentment and grievance. It's a feeling of the need for revenge that Trump readily and consistently harnesses. Earlier this year at a rally in Waco, Texas, Trump told his loyalists:

“I am your warrior. I am your justice. And for those who have been wronged and betrayed, I am your retribution!”

In my view, the comparison between Trump's messaging and his follower's unquestioning fanaticism and what happened in the rise to power of Hitler and Mussolini is certainly not out of place.
Hitler and Mussolini did things though. They had views, held positions and drove change.

Trump turns up at lunch time, watches TV and whines. He is a shi**ouse operator. Can’t even handle budgetary planning. Management 101.

He excels at being self centred. Not really an admirable trait. Remember the games of cricket at the local park, and the spoilt kid (who brought the only ball) that was never out - that is Trump. Heart of a budgie - never intended paying off his debts, let alone working or hauling in his extravagant expenditure, relied on his Dad bailing him out when in his 50s (an age where most people are helping out their kids, not bludging off their elderly parents).
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Hulk Hogan has been a hard-right winger for years and years. Looks like he finally realized he's never getting back to WWE after the tape saga so he might as well embrace his people.

Gary Ablett is also another huge born again conservative and would upload all kinds of crazy shit to youtube, so very likely a massive Trump guy as well.
And Dean Jones cheated at golf.

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The left have its fair share of the same social media grifters doing this to rednecks. Its pretty shit either way.

Interested on your thoughts on Sam Harris?
The redneck interviews generally let people spout awful hate and then laugh as they realise their elaborate conspiracy theory is logically debunked in front of them. With actual facts.

The righty creeps generally spout any rubbish to try and get their clip.

There is a HUGE difference.
I doubt it will matter. Trumpism will remain and Democracy and the rule of law will be dismantled.
You mean like last time he was President? interested to know how you think that might happen 🤔
Hulk Hogan has been a hard-right winger for years and years. Looks like he finally realized he's never getting back to WWE after the tape saga so he might as well embrace his people.

Gary Ablett is also another huge born again conservative and would upload all kinds of crazy shit to youtube, so very likely a massive Trump guy as well.
Yeah but ablett was that effing awesome and above all others it doesnt matter what he believes. Plus he has no platform and despite his flaws has also done some good too.

Hogan on the other hand..... think i will just replace him was stone cold and the hitman hart as my faves.
Laws allow insider trading for politicians in the states. Pelosi has grifted harder than anyone as such since she has been there.
Ethics should be good enough to stop it, but we've seen otherwise.

You say Pelosi grifted harder, but Pelosi is way behind Scott, and is only just ahead of four other Republicans. Why aren't we talking about them?
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