Player Watch #40: Eddie Ford

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Don't give Ed too many instructions. Poor bugger gets confused easy.

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What he lacks there, he makes up in footy IQ.

He leaves Zurhaar for dead in that aspect.

Ford gets to so many more contests, is always presenting in the right spots, is always there for a get out option.

It’s why it doesn’t look like he goes missing for halves of football. He’s always around the ball forward of center and involved. Even if it isn’t on the stat sheet.

He’s going to explode at one point in the next few years and be far better than CZ ever has or ever will be. As will Curtis, who is arguably better already.

Ford has the highest ceiling of the 3 though. Curtis the most mercurial, but Ford could be a 20 disposal, 30+ goal a year half forward if he knuckles down for the next few preseasons.

CZ has promised to be that, he’s built his tank etc. he just doesn’t have the footy IQ and the ball winning ability Ford does. Ford is so good 1 vs 1 and even 1 vs 2 at times.

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Don't give Ed too many instructions. Poor bugger gets confused easy.

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I like you Mickey but it does you no credit to jump on board with tao’s shitstirring quite so gleefully. Ed’s not a dumb kid by any measure and our colleague's assertions to that effect appear to be made out of whole cloth.

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I like you Mickey but it does you no credit to jump on board with tao’s shitstirring quite so gleefully. Ed’s not a dumb kid by any measure and our colleague's assertions to that effect appear to be made out of whole cloth.

Oh Rob. It’s not TAO’s assertions at all. A former team mate of Ed. No he’s not dumb, he’s a nice kid. Was told what he was drafted “he’s a bit different, but the fans will love him if he gets going”

And I like you too as it goes.
Oh Rob. It’s not TAO’s assertions at all. A former team mate of Ed. No he’s not dumb, he’s a nice kid. Was told what he was drafted “he’s a bit different, but the fans will love him if he gets going”

And I like you too as it goes.
Cheers Mr P. Our learned friend has insinuated that sort of thing about a few players over the journey and I thought it worth coming out of hibernation to stick up for the lad on that front.
Lack of experience and self-belief, he’ll learn from that. Frustrating but not a big deal in the scheme of things.
He needs to play on instinct with more urgency at times. 9/10 marks he goes back, looks left, looks right, looks left again...... Then looks left, right and left again before realising he didn't need to cross the road, he could just kick the ball .

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What he lacks there, he makes up in footy IQ.

He leaves Zurhaar for dead in that aspect.

Ford gets to so many more contests, is always presenting in the right spots, is always there for a get out option.

It’s why it doesn’t look like he goes missing for halves of football. He’s always around the ball forward of center and involved. Even if it isn’t on the stat sheet.

He’s going to explode at one point in the next few years and be far better than CZ ever has or ever will be. As will Curtis, who is arguably better already.

Ford has the highest ceiling of the 3 though. Curtis the most mercurial, but Ford could be a 20 disposal, 30+ goal a year half forward if he knuckles down for the next few preseasons.

CZ has promised to be that, he’s built his tank etc. he just doesn’t have the footy IQ and the ball winning ability Ford does. Ford is so good 1 vs 1 and even 1 vs 2 at times.
I don't know about this,
I think Zurhaar and Ford are very similar players with very similar games. I think the only difference at the moment is Zurhaar is playing like he doesn't want to get hurt, his attack on the ball and man isn't there this year. he is genuinely short stepping, which is polar opposite to how he has played his career so far. :shrug:
The only issue Ive had with Zurhaar is his selfishness, he first instinct is to go for 45m right sided banana on the run, rather then trying to hit up a target, 35m directly in front.. Hopefully we can remove that from Fords game before he becomes a senior player. they both would be a hell of a lot more dangerous bursting through and giving off goal assists, when they're there.

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