Agree with the Clarke and Merrett thing as we do seem to be too tall down back. But Merrett is in the twilight of his career but still offers much needed experience down back. This year we should try to have a transition of the big man down back from Merrett to Clarke, as he did prove himself after Merrett was injured early on, but for the majority of the season I'd say we'll be seeing both in the same team. If Merrett continues playing on further i think that is when Clarke woll take over his position.Permitting no injuries and what not this is how I'd like to see our round 1 team look like, I know many will disagree but as much as Clarke has improved having him and Merrett in the same team whilst also playing andrews doesn't work as we become to tall and unreliable by possession, which was really found out in the Vs Melb game this year. Having Gardiner and Paparone as the 3rd and 4th talls allows us much more rebound whilst also giving us the intercept role that we need. Both can also play small. Also dependant on how things are going having Mcstay up forward as a 3rd tall gives us the option of swinging him back if extra height/body size is needed then possibly freeing up paparone to the front half/wing . Then still having freeman and walker up forward as the two main avenues to goal.
Gardiner. Merrett. Paparone
Hanley. Andrews. Cutler
Zorko. Beams (d) Robinson
Taylor Walker. Rich
Green. Freeman. Mcstay
Stefan Martin
Tom Rockliff
Allen Christensen
Tom bell
Ryan Bastinac
Sam mayes
Liam Dawson
Gives about an average age of 23 and a half and average games of 71