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  1. Herzog

    Play Nice 46th President of the United States: Joe Biden (1) O Brave New World

    I'll allow one of you to have the last word. I don't want to get accused of trying to make this all about me if I continue to reply.
  2. Herzog

    Play Nice 46th President of the United States: Joe Biden (1) O Brave New World

    OMG. It's a pile on. 😭😭😭
  3. Herzog

    Play Nice 46th President of the United States: Joe Biden (1) O Brave New World

    OK. I'll provide a short synopsis for the videos I post in future.
  4. Herzog

    Play Nice 46th President of the United States: Joe Biden (1) O Brave New World

    Description is that President Ford's prediction back in 1989 about how the US would get its first female president looks like it could happen soon.
  5. Herzog

    Play Nice 46th President of the United States: Joe Biden (1) O Brave New World

    You mean, let me understand this cause, ya know maybe it's me, I'm a little f*cked up maybe, but I'm funny how, I mean funny like I'm a clown, I amuse you? I make you laugh, I'm here to f*ckin' amuse you? What do you mean funny, funny how? How am I funny?
  6. Herzog

    Play Nice 46th President of the United States: Joe Biden (1) O Brave New World

    Need to watch the whole thing. The best bit is when he starts talking about the potential candidates the CNN guy floated.
  7. Herzog

    Play Nice 46th President of the United States: Joe Biden (1) O Brave New World

    I'm a leftist who refers to CNN as that and I've heard other leftists refer to it as that too. Maybe you only focus on Republicans v establishment Democrats. Fox v CNN & MSNBC. The spectrum is a lot wider than that. If you watch the video I posted a few posts back you'll get the gist.
  8. Herzog

    Play Nice 46th President of the United States: Joe Biden (1) O Brave New World

    If I'm pissed? He's the one who puts me on ignore for criticising CNN during our fairly mild exchange. What a snowflake. lol.
  9. Herzog

    Play Nice 46th President of the United States: Joe Biden (1) O Brave New World

    If by knowledge you mean partisan propaganda then I agree.
  10. Herzog

    Play Nice 46th President of the United States: Joe Biden (1) O Brave New World

    Sure. A lot of leftists call CNN the Clinton News Network.
  11. Herzog

    Play Nice 46th President of the United States: Joe Biden (1) O Brave New World

    You didn't know that CNN are a bunch of corporate shills who prop up corporate shill candidates? Sorry to break it to ya. We don't call CNN the Clinton News Network for nothing.
  12. Herzog

    Play Nice 46th President of the United States: Joe Biden (1) O Brave New World

    Not sure what you mean with that response. Can you expand on it?
  13. Herzog

    Play Nice 46th President of the United States: Joe Biden (1) O Brave New World

    Funny and true. You do realize the guy in the video I posted is a leftist?
  14. Herzog

    Play Nice 46th President of the United States: Joe Biden (1) O Brave New World

    Never heard of Chris Barro. Kyle does a good job of articulating the politics that resonate with me and I don't think he's plagiarising anyone. He's been doing videos for ten years and actually founded the Justice Democrats with Cenk from the Young Turks. Anyhow I posted the video above because...
  15. Herzog

    Play Nice 46th President of the United States: Joe Biden (1) O Brave New World

    "CNN Birdbrain Breaks Down 2024 Dem Favourites for President" This was pretty funny.
  16. Herzog

    Play Nice 46th President of the United States: Joe Biden (1) O Brave New World

    Manchin Ends Biden Presidency & P*sses on Its Ashes
  17. Herzog

    Play Nice 46th President of the United States: Joe Biden (1) O Brave New World

    Kyle from Secular Talk making sense as usual
  18. Herzog

    Play Nice 46th President of the United States: Joe Biden (1) O Brave New World

    "Liberal Hypocrisy is Fueling American Inequality" Talks about what Democrats don't do even when they have a veto proof majority.