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  1. domus

    All things Politics

    Stop it. That's like listening to a Collingwood supporter's commentary on Carlton supporters and taking it as the undisputed truth about their character.
  2. domus

    All things Politics

    I've already moved on. Love AJ!
  3. domus

    All things Politics

    You leave it be. You spend a lot if time responding to things nobody in their right mind gives a single **** for.
  4. domus

    All things Politics

    I wrote nothing remotely offensive or worthy of the usual bile that comes when anyone dares offer a contrary opinion on one of a range of subjects. I said there are no doubt individuals from indigenous communities who do have remarkable stories but others from different backgrounds also face...
  5. domus

    All things Politics

    I don't know why people are set on this idea that immigrants are not welcome or happy to be here . We have a huge Burmese community in Mooroolbark and their gorgeous kids have perennial smiles on their faces and the adults are very settled and at home. Why would people from overseas be getting...
  6. domus

    All things Politics

    And I'm not sure people are clamouring to uproot their lives and seek a new one in Thailand in the same numbers as seem to want to come to Oz. That seems to me to be a measure of the reputation a country has when it comes to giving everyone a fair go. No country is perfect but i think...
  7. domus

    All things Politics

    I agree. Celebrate individuals stories. Some indigenous players have a fascinating story to tell as do individuals from other backgrounds.
  8. domus

    All things Politics

    Online trolls say the most repulsive things about all people but I don't think that artificial world is representative of the real world. Of course there are individuals who are racist including indigenous people but in general Australia is one of the more accepting, welcoming cultures. That...
  9. domus

    All things Politics

    The more we identify people by their skin colour rather than their personal qualities the longer the division continues. History cannot be rewritten but it can be and has been acknowledged and addressed. Focusing on the words of one moron as the media did last week while ignoring the adulation...
  10. domus

    All things Politics

    Some might have an easier path too. Individuals have different life experiences. I just don't see the need for this endless focus on race. I would suggest that on every AFL list the indigenous players are their supporters' favourite players. The crowd noise always goes up a level when a classy...
  11. domus

    All things Politics

    Hilarious. You can brand me and any one you disagree with as transphobes, racists or homophobes so I use the same tactic to show you how pathetic a game it is and you squeal like a stuck pig.
  12. domus

    All things Politics

    This is shockingly ignorant. Most things are never simple, especially when it comes to war and foreign affairs. If it makes you feel righteous pretending it really is the Goodies vs the Baddies go for it. I'd suggest America over throwing a democratically elected government is a bad thing too...
  13. domus

    All things Politics

    I think you hate feminists. That's clear.
  14. domus

    All things Politics

    The woman in charge of the protest calls herself a feminist. Perhaps you know better. Are you suggesting there are not many feminists who oppose the fact that transgender people can participate in their sport or enter their bathrooms? Knowing how often I've been called a racist and homophobe on...
  15. domus

    All things Politics

    Wow. What a retort.
  16. domus

    All things Politics

    Did you expect the feminists to assault them on masse? The lowest and most commonly used tactic by the left has been to brand their opponents Nazis and white supremacists-even when they are black. It is a vile tactic but sadly a very successful one. DeSantis will soon be branded a Nazi if he...
  17. domus

    All things Politics

    It is far more complex than our media pretends. If you don't know the history of America directly intervening in Ukraine politics and removing the second last leader before Zelensky because he was friendly with Russia. The instability and overthrow of the democratically elected government in...
  18. domus

    All things Politics

    Branding people or causes guilty by association when they have no connection with or belief in the values of the interlopers is the lowest form of politics. The federal government tried to accuse Dutton of supporting Nazis in Parliament yesterday. What a disgrace. Chances are there were a couple...
  19. domus

    Toast A Step In The Right Direction

    200 years to destroy Australia? Are you serious? We are living in the very best era in human history. Do you think our indigenous people or any other people for that matter would be longing for a return to the days when there were no pain killers or modern medical knowledge which has seen deadly...
  20. domus

    Toast A Step In The Right Direction

    You must not have read my comments in full. I have no doubt there were massacres but as to how many I have no idea as I have read conflicting reports. I have often read articles asserting the Tasmanian indigenous were murdered but disease was a huge factor in their extermination. I said...
  21. domus

    Toast A Step In The Right Direction

    Accepted. But given does not mean a handout. We are "given" tax cuts or given age pensions and disability pensions. That doesn't imply an undeserved handout.
  22. domus

    Toast A Step In The Right Direction

    When did I use it? If I did, I apologise because I have no problem with our indigenous people being given assistance.
  23. domus

    Toast A Step In The Right Direction

    Why do you call the funding or aide handouts? That seems to be a derogatory word. I think our media presents a very narrow and limited view of indigenous opinion and I think you know what view that is, particularly on the ABC. There are indigenous people who don't feel the same passion about...
  24. domus

    Toast A Step In The Right Direction

    But sr36- where did I say I opposed the extra assistance being given to our indigenous people?
  25. domus

    Toast A Step In The Right Direction

    You are so disingenuous. My response was to Jmac who expressed doubt about the assertion that billions in funding were directed to indigenous communities and issues. If I was cherry picking I would have removed the reference to the effects of colonialism in the paragraph I quoted regarding the...
  26. domus

    Toast A Step In The Right Direction

    But you are saying exactly what I was attempting to say-ultimately it is up to each individual to break the cycle and the fact that some have shows it is possible. I have asked others what the solution is other than giving billions of dollars to the indigenous communities and aside from snide...
  27. domus

    Toast A Step In The Right Direction

    Are you disputing the billions which have been spent? The reason for the ongoing cycle of poverty and lack of education amongst our indigenous people is complex but has nothing to do with a lack of effort on behalf of both the Liberal and Labor governments for decades. Whenever large amounts of...
  28. domus

    Toast A Step In The Right Direction

    You could change the date tomorrow and activists would simply create or invent another grievance and protest endlessly about that. Do you seriously believe changing the date would mollify the activists? Spending billions on our indigenous people is a far better and practical way to support them...
  29. domus

    Toast A Step In The Right Direction

    Are you saying this is a bad thing? Cheering for the men who sacrificed so much for us?
  30. domus

    Toast A Step In The Right Direction

    You didn't answer my question. I am genuinely wondering what you want. You seem to love implying others are racist and our country is somehow backward and bigoted. Why? What should be done for the indigenous that has not been done? It seems to me that welcome to country and pulling down...