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  • Lol I think Tewwa Squad is ****** :eek:

    We at the Elite 5 have been discussing how things are going and let's just say we're stronger than ever. What's more, we're tight with the mods. :thumbsu: A flick of the switch and we can have your crummy little "organisation" shut down!! (raging stiffy face)
    Hey CC. I need the Terror Squads assistance in trolling some newbies to the board. Are you man enough to step up to the plate?
    With our newest recruit now on board, there can be no doubt (as if there ever was any) that Tewwa Sqwad will completely disintergrate.:thumbsu:

    We tried to grant you guys mercy we really did, but come Troll-a-thon 2012, may Chief have mercy on your souls :(:eek:
    You're awfully quiet. I'm embarrassed for you - relying on n00bs like Colonel Colon to make you appear to have a smidgeon of credibility! He gets banned and you don't say a word. Just pull the pin on your account now burntchook :)
    It's not a rumour, the entire Bay know about ColonelCwinks disgraceful antics.

    People are refering to him as 'Colonel Gloryhole' (astounded face).
    Just thought I'd give you the heads up before the rest of Bay 13 found out - Bayer says he went to take a slash in the men's the other day and caught Colonel Colon giving gloryhole gobbies. Is this normal behaviour for someone in your organisation? Fred told me he might have to cancel Colon's account (that's his decision, I am not prejudiced), tell me this didn't really happen? (worried face)
    I'm a part of the Bay's quality control... and yes I am mad because your posting is not up to standard!!! :mad::mad::mad:
    Sure about that.... I think we''ll PWN you harder than the Bulldogs receive in prelims:eek::eek::eek:

    Come at me floggo!!!(massive wink face)
    You should stop this Tewwa Sqwad nonsense:eek: Cease your non-existent flog organizations activities and maybe we won't pwn ya's quite as hard:eek:
    Hey there Pres, just been laughing at the petite squad. Another losing thread locked. We are eating away at their very pathetic existence.
    The Elite 5 is going stronger than ever, it's the Tewwa Sqwad who are officially dead. It's okay, you can resume being a plain Flogdog pleb if you like:thumbsu: Oh wait...:eek:

    The whole Bay LOLS @ the fake Tewwa Sqwad.
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