Strength Weight Training: Anything and Everything II

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I'd probably drop the weight back and up the reps for a bit along with concentrating on form, then have another go at it.
I decided to do one of the bench focus workouts listed here years ago. I can pass on shoulders for a month. I'm starting at 27.5kg. It's real easy and alternating from Larsen press to close grip press and slow drop, power up

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New toy, was pressing alot more with a straight chrome swiss bar at gym last year, but I think I like this one better on the wide grip

Starting to get myself to a point where I'm happy to train at home full time for good, I think all I'll need

  • Get 6 more REP Fitness plate pegs for my power rack
  • Finish paying off the rest of my deposit on a pair of 25 and 15kg bumpers (I want 2 sets of each so I can demand a solid price if I need to sell, also this type is being rebranded so I want matching pairs)
  • Sell/get rid of my body solid all in one unit and excess garage junk (it's ok, but just need something better)
  • A machine press or a small smith machine that won't have benching issues with depth in setting up the bench in the right area
  • The plate loaded lat pulldown seated row with the swivelling seat World Fitness sells
  • A trap bar
Then at a later date maybe a safety squat bar and upgrade my benches, I like the look of the REP blackwing, looks like it can do everything. I kinda miss my old echo bike too 😂 though I think I'd keep it at mums
Anyone that wants a big bench, bench 4x a week.

Semi heavy day, long pauses day, tempo benches day, heavy single day
Would be pretty embarrassing for me to do this, pushing little 50kg weights around like a small child :(

I do like that I could skip every other body part and only do chest but the shoulders wouldn't last

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I do like that I could skip every other body part and only do chest but the shoulders wouldn't last

I think this is over stated.
Russian programs like Sheiko bench 4 times a week (and often have chest flies on top) and do no rowing or back work yet I’ve never heard of them (or anyone doing the programs) having shoulder issues at a higher rate than any other program/template.
Hi guys, I'm currently on the slimmer and weaker side and find this often leaves my vulnerable to pushed off easily and my strength is starting to become an issue. I'm nearly 14, 161cm, 45kg. My only equipment are a couple of dumbbells that are light (2k,5kg). I'm not looking to fully get into training as my season is in progress. Though I would be able to work out 2-3 times a week, and once the season ends, 5-7 days a week. Any help is appreciated, thanks.
Hi guys, I'm currently on the slimmer and weaker side and find this often leaves my vulnerable to pushed off easily and my strength is starting to become an issue. I'm nearly 14, 161cm, 45kg. My only equipment are a couple of dumbbells that are light (2k,5kg). I'm not looking to fully get into training as my season is in progress. Though I would be able to work out 2-3 times a week, and once the season ends, 5-7 days a week. Any help is appreciated, thanks.
Eat some more.
Keep eating.
Is there a gym within walking distance that you can join?
Would be pretty embarrassing for me to do this, pushing little 50kg weights around like a small child :(

I do like that I could skip every other body part and only do chest but the shoulders wouldn't last
Why embarrassing? Its what the place is for, to get stronger/fitter. No one is looking at you unless you look magnificent in a pair of lorna janes, just crack on with what you want to do
Thanks for the help so far. Are there any exercises you guys would recommend. (I play starting ruck rover lower div side.)I know shoulders, legs, and back are good, but any specific exercises I should be doing?
I'd just start off with the basic compound lifts that use multiple muscles at once that provide best reward for effort. Stuff like overhead press and bench press for upper body, squats and lunges for legs, a row exercise and pull ups for the back.

Isolation lifts are fine but are really more extra icing on the cake that can be added in later.
I'd just start off with the basic compound lifts that use multiple muscles at once that provide best reward for effort. Stuff like overhead press and bench press for upper body, squats and lunges for legs, a row exercise and pull ups for the back.

Isolation lifts are fine but are really more extra icing on the cake that can be added in later.
good thing about me being skinny is I can do pull-ups on the washing line. It's not the best but at least I don't need to buy more equipment.
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With the equipment you have
  • Jumps/plyos (can just google “intro plyo program”)
  • Bulgarian split squats (put books into a backpack)
  • Arabesque/single leg deadlift
  • Single leg glute bridge
  • Push ups (books in a backpack once you can do 30 good ones)
  • Pull ups (books in a backpack once you can 10 good ones)

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