Any feedback appreciated... 1st timer!
BACKS: C Newman, L Gilbee, H Shaw, J Smith, R Houlihan, A Raines, J Grimes (Sudan & Rance)
MIDS: G Ablett, D Cross, S Pendlebury, N Foley, H Skipworth, D Rich (Beams & Davenport)
RUCKS: D Cox, H McIntosh (Trengrove & Currie)
FWDS: M Pavlich, P Chapman, M Richardson, A Didak, C Rioli, J Neagle, S Higgins (Gumbleton & Hogan)
I think jesse smith did another hammy on the weekend - check it out. Malceski?
whatever jay neagle is valued at, it's that much too much. Spud
otherwise, a fine side.