Why does it make sense to buy health insurance?

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hate health insurance have paid top dollar for 15 years never needed it but know as soon as I pull out will need it and have heard stories where even when you have it you don't get looked after real well-but at least I have never had to use it (silver lining)
That's my concern too. Always hear stories of people not being able to choose the doctor or the hospital they want, not getting a decent rebate etc. Still can't decide if I want it or not.
The fact that the industry is profitable enough to entice shareholders shows it is not worth it... would rather cough up if something goes wrong. I have never had health insurance, 35 years old still going strong...

Have you seen the prices for some treatments/surgery?

Do you insure your house out of interest? Or would you?

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I'm 21 now and battling on whether I should get this. As a relatively injury prone local footballer i spend what feels like a fortune on the physio. Probably had about 12 sessions this year at a cost of about $1k, certainly adds up after a while. That would be the major contributing factor of taking it out.

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As long as you have savings and don't have any major health problems then health insurance is a waste of money.

Anyone who has extras on their health insurance for things that people use annually like dental, glasses or physio are also morons. Just throwing money down the toilet for things that aren't even risky events. Only reason insurance companies offer them is because it's free money for them.
I'm 21 now and battling on whether I should get this. As a relatively injury prone local footballer i spend what feels like a fortune on the physio. Probably had about 12 sessions this year at a cost of about $1k, certainly adds up after a while. That would be the major contributing factor of taking it out.
Not worth it. you will probably only save less then 100 dollars if you use the full quota of physio they will pay for and if you don't happen to use the full quota you are just throwing money away. Note that you have to spend multiple of thousands of dollars on physio just to make that 100 dollars in savings.
It's a god send for things like knee/Back/Hip surgery. If you need an op on your back, say to fix a bulging disc which causes sciatica and great pain, good luck getting it done in the public system in any any acceptable time frames. Had one done privately 3 years ago, all done within a few weeks of seeing the Neurologist. All up was probably out of pocket about a $1,000 but when I saw the bill that was sent to my Private health Insurer, it was over $15,000.
I'm 21 now and battling on whether I should get this. As a relatively injury prone local footballer i spend what feels like a fortune on the physio. Probably had about 12 sessions this year at a cost of about $1k, certainly adds up after a while. That would be the major contributing factor of taking it out.

Ever heard the saying 'an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure'? Stop playing footy.... find a less damaging way to exercise. There is no point banging up your body in your 20's to kick a ball around and in the meantime ruining your body and having to live in constant pain and limiting your earning potential, plus all the costs that you mention. It ain't worth it.
As long as you have savings and don't have any major health problems then health insurance is a waste of money.

Anyone who has extras on their health insurance for things that people use annually like dental, glasses or physio are also morons. Just throwing money down the toilet for things that aren't even risky events. Only reason insurance companies offer them is because it's free money for them.

100% agree

Health insurance is a con for most people
Our P.H scheme is quickly heading down the " huge profit to Insurance companies" road that is the norm. in the USA.

I've paid buckets of money to my fund over 15 years, had my first semi major procedure earlier in the year and still paid
a gap of 5k.
I'm only half jokin when I say put 5k away in a rainy day fund.... go to one of the American run Hospitals in Thailand
if you have any elective surgery needs.... If I had of done this I'd be miles in front.
I dislocated my shoulder and ended up getting reco. Bill was about 10k but only out of pocket 1k because of insurance. I think I pay about $1200pa so it's been worth it for me.
Anyone ever had to use it? Did you get back what you thought you would? I.e. Enough to make the insurance worthwhile.

I've used it often over the years. Don't be under the impression it is anything remotely like value for money. Insurance buys access to specialists and surgical timeframes you will never ever access in the public sector.
finally got my missus to sign up for private health care last year as we were trying for our fist child. ended up not even using it - we went through Royal Womens and got one of the best paediatric doctors in the world given we were going for a natural breech birth. Would never have got him through private... guess we were lucky. you should have seen the convincing I had to do to my german (see: extremely frugal) missus to take out private after that!

end of the day i think its worth it. i use my extras (physio and osteo) and a safety net is always good

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