Computers & Internet What YouTube channels are you subscribed to?

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this is what i might regularly watch from. can't bring myself to actually subscribe, most channels spit out some rubbish content at times.

cinemasins, critical drinker. i'm down with anyone trashing modern movies but ok with watching it myself occasionally though.
what i'm not interested in is the circle jerk stuff where creators get together. you're spoilt for choice if you want to watch content that exists only to piss on other mainstream content. but it is pretty repetitive, often baseless, late to the pile-on. lots is also made by the spectrum for the spectrum. and some of the videos are just way too long. who has an hour+ to watch someone say naughty things about some movie that someone else already said in %10 of the runtime?

cinemassacre/avgn. shitty video games, old video games, shitty movies and horror movies. definitely my sort of stuff.

good mythical morning. it's actually pretty wholesome. two very good friends, and also very genuine people hanging out doing sometimes amusing things. always down for watching people eat suspicious things. quality is occasionally patchy over the years.

jcs criminal psychology. channel subscribers to uploads ratio could be one of the highest on youtube. 20 videos, 5.5 million subs.

beard meets food. guy travelling around doing food challenges. don't know how people can eat this much. charismatic dude and knows to distill his content into 10 minute pieces. at least there's some sort of purpose - i can't watch mukbangs. that s**t is disgusting.

i'm a sucker for list and trivia videos. repetitive but you learn some things.

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