News Wednesday morning News! $5mil Debt, Eddies $2mil handout suggestion, Eddies Gaffe, & Caros potshot

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I reckon he took the brunt of the fall for tanking on the proviso we would look after him once his suspension is lifted.
Sounds like a plausible scenario tbh.
I reckon he took the brunt of the fall for tanking on the proviso we would look after him once his suspension is lifted.

You're probably right.

It's also likely these sorts of shady 'boys club' deals are to blame for our terrible culture.

I'm just speculating though, obviously don't know the facts.

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Lets start with what's right with it and work from there.

Can not believe it.

From now on its membership and BF player sponsorship only, not opening the wallet for anything else.

You're generous. They will be very lucky to get anything out of me next year. Im so disillusioned with this rabble of a club at the moment. Always play the sympathy card with the supporters to get more money out of us, only to piss it up against a wall time and time again.
How they gave Connolly a two year extension after he cost us $500K, just shows the utter incompetance of the people in charge. If it was anywhere else and they would have been thrown out on their arse.
With a new coach (including assistants), new CEO and new president plus the wonder kid Hogan I think we will see bums in seats! A few wins early and hopefully good membership numbers!

I will be going round one (if at home) purely to watch The Hulk!

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