Alien/UFO The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch

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Wow. Been a while since I've heard talk about this joint in Utah. Skinwalkers were Navajo sorcerers who talk the evil path. They did horrible things to gain power. One of the major initiations was to killing a close relative who trusted the future skinwalker.

This is the weirdarse consipracy section of Big Footy, what do you lot know about Robert Bigelow? He brought the ranch over a 1/4 of a century ago, a few years after the death by suicide of his 24 year old son.

He also formed this organisation. Interesting given recent events.


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Yes, indeed...

Former MUFON Director Reveals Reasons for His Resignation

Former MUFON Director, James Carrion fires back at critics and reveals bribery, misinformation, and other sinisterness as reasons for his resignation.

Remember when it was just a conspiracy theory that the CIA wanted the Mafia to assassinate Fidel Castro?
That was until the conspiracy became reality after the CIA released its own lurid documentation on the Mafia recruitment effort.

One day, maybe not too far in the future, we will look back at the conspiracies surrounding UFOs and find out that they too are revealed as realities. Of course, disclosure has been promised many times by those allegedly “in the know”. Hell, the folks in Exopolitics predict Disclosure as imminent every chance they get, and then come up with the most ridiculous of excuses for why it is denied to the citizens of the world when their ill issued predictions go up in smoke.

But this article is not about true UFO Disclosure.
It is about the strange bedfellows that Ufologists seem to keep in their alleged pursuit of truth. You see, when you climb high enough up the ladder of Ufology and are prominent in the field; the strangest of characters approach you with promises of “disclosure”. Normally, the ruse goes something like this. Approach subject Ufologist and make claims that you are in the know. Then shower said Ufologist with feelings of “eliteness” by offering them an inside look at the truth. When they take the bait, deny them the information promised, but keep them on a string with promises of information that will slowly be revealed in good measure and time.

Now you are probably wondering, when I was the International Director of MUFON, did this ever happen to me? Actually it didn’t, but then again I made it public knowledge that I would not accept inside sources who were not willing to go public with their identity and their claims. So I was not willing to play the game to begin with and those who refuse to dance are never asked to.

Speaking of strange relationships, in 2009, billionaire entrepeneur Robert Bigelow decided to hire MUFON to conduct UFO investigations on behalf of his new venture, BAASS, an alleged aerospace company interested in discovering and exploiting novel and cutting edge technologies that relate to space travel.

Well what is so unusual about that? Maybe it has to do with the following interesting facts:

  • John Schuessler, MUFON Board Member and former International Director was offered a U.S. government security clearance allegedly related to his consulting work for Mr. Bigelow. Now whether John was actually given that clearance, I can’t say for sure, but I was one of the people interviewed as part of his background investigation.

  • Mr. Bigelow did not fund MUFON’s work for BAASS, instead “sponsors” that Bigelow revealed to John Schuessler but not to the other MUFON Board Members put up the money.

  • Mr. Bigelow invalidated his own legal contract with MUFON by refusing to abide by the original deal struck with MUFON and instead changed the terms mid-stream, something the MUFON Board of Directors acquiesced to despite my protests.

  • During the project, MUFON provided both historical MUFON files as well as current MUFON case files (including witness information) to BAASS. To cover MUFON legally, the MUFON UFO reporting form was modified to collect the witness’ permission to offer their sighting data to a third party, the only third party being BAASS.

  • When I uncovered some very damaging information about the Skinwalker Ranch
    (also owned by Mr. Bigelow) and provided that information to the MUFON Board along with my doubts about the true agenda of the BAASS-MUFON relationship, the MUFON Board unethically bypassed me and communicated in secret with BAASS in an attempt to continue the project. When I found out about this unethical behavior, initiated by my former friend and current International Director Clifford Clift and MUFON Board member Jan Harzan (probably the next International Director after Cliff retires), I resigned immediately from the MUFON Board and the International Director position.

  • Rather than reveal the truth of why I resigned to the MUFON membership, Cliff decided to whitewash the unfortunate events while he swept his broom around MUFON, portraying me as an inept leader who brought MUFON to financial ruin and presenting himself as the savior of the organization. His betrayal stung me to my very core, as I considered him a friend for fourteen years until he revealed who he truly was. At the 2010 MUFON Symposium he told the MUFON State Directors that I left MUFON because the “truth” I was seeking was not the same “truth” the MUFON Board of Directors sought.

So for the leading UFO organization in the world, whose mission statement is the scientific investigation of UFOs, what truth is Mr. Clift alluding to? Maybe it is the sad truth that without a wealthy benefactor behind MUFON, the organization is but an army of volunteers with no funding for their scientific investigation, and if staying within the good graces of the only willing benefactor means compromising ethics and the duties and obligations a non-profit organization has to its membership and to the public, then so be it. I suggest that the MUFON membership deserves more from their leadership.

In fact, every MUFON member should take Mr. Clift up on his promises of transparency and demand answers to the following questions which should be posed to the MUFON Board of Directors:

  1. Does John Schuessler currently have an active government security clearance and for what reason was it granted? What is John’s current relationship to BAASS and Mr. Bigelow?

  2. Does MUFON still provide current UFO reports to BAASS? If not, then why is the 3rd party witness election still on MUFON’s “Report a UFO” form on the MUFON web site?

  3. Is the MUFON Board of Directors willing to give an accurate history including publicly releasing all supporting documentation of the MUFON-BAASS legal contract that encompasses the entire project period?

  4. What is MUFON’s current relationship to BAASS and Mr. Bigelow?

The MUFON Board of Directors may be in pursuit of their own truth, but the real truth has an odd way of surfacing even after many years, as the CIA-Mafia affair shows. How can those in the field of Ufology seek disclosure from outside if they are not willing to seek disclosure from within first? The choices made by the MUFON Board during the MUFON-BAASS project demands complete openness and transparency so that the conspiracy theory behind the MUFON-BAASS relationship is put to rest. MUFON’s leadership should practice what it preaches and leave no details hidden if it wishes MUFON to retain any semblance of respectability in this field already filled with enough unanswered questions and shadowy characters and organizations. It is time for MUFON to sweep its own house clean.

This is the link for that:

Bigelow wants to make inflatable space habitation.

Bigelow owned the ranch for a while, one of the biggest names in aerospace. Eric Davis helped out as well. Some very interesting people connected to Skinwalker. Harry Reid cut the program in congress in 2012, he sort of had to, But, again, one begs the question, where is the analysis and data about what took place there. Videos etc. AWWSAP was the program that was placed at Skinwalker that ended up being AATIP. Elizondo and Mellon, who then broke the Times article about the tic tacs with the help of Leslie Keen a prominent ufo author.

There is talk of portals, supernatural stuff. Who really knows.
Good show, it's hard to deny all the weird events such as equipment failure. Sure, they ham it up, like Dragon the security guard/wannabe cop but for the most part I like their endeavour to try and figure out what the hell is going on there....
Just bought and received this from Amazon


I'm either way on this place but the tv series was fascinating, I do like how they refrain from saying straight up aliens/ufo's/cryptids and use the term phenomena and try to use science to explain the events. Ill let you know after I've read it.

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Mines on the way

Skinwalkers at the Pentagon will be after that

About 50 pages in, so far so good. It doesnt **** around, gets straight into sightings of strange beasts and strange lights and also really delves into the history (Navajo/Ute indian tribes, the buffalo soldiers who were freemasons, the mining trade of the area etc) of the Uinta Basin where the ranch is located. It is an easy read but so far really interesting.
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2/3rds of the way through. I've been hooked on Stranger Things and now From, then going straight to sleep hence the slowness of my reading. It is a really good yarn but simply written. It's interesting but only a couple of parts really raised goose bumps, now up to the science experiments and the very inconsistent results they yield (the NIDS team) and the media coverage it generated along with heaps of people trying to trespass the ranch to get a glimpse of the phenomena. If you do have a big interest in the ranch (which I do) its definitely worth picking up.

I genuinely believe the Gorman family went through hell and witnessed things that modern science simply cannot explain. They refuse to talk to the media and have obviously moved on to a place they keep a very low profile. Gorman definitely wasn't in this for money or attention, he witnessed some seriously scary stuff.
So finished The Secrets of SkinWalker Ranch last week but had to re-read the epilogue again last night. It really focusses on zero point energy, quantum physics and multiple parallel universes to, my amazement, most physicists agree with and the fact that wormholes have appeared since the dawn of time is a very popular theory among said physicists.

So it was an easy and entertaining read until the findings and epilogue, don't get me wrong they were interesting and good but its mind bending the scope he author goes into and the vastness of space. Overall an 8/10, if your keen on skinwalker ranch then its a must read.

Off to find the next book as I'm hooked on the place now.
Screenshot 2022-11-18 141709.png

Started this last night. Much more gentler opening. 40 odd pages in and so far its mostly about the gold mining, buffalo soldiers and them being freemasons (which is really interesting) and how the land leases for the Uinta and Piceance Basins were handled/bought (the whisky deal) back in the 1800's, not a word on phenomena yet but its great to get a history of the area.
View attachment 1556067

Started this last night. Much more gentler opening. 40 odd pages in and so far its mostly about the gold mining, buffalo soldiers and them being freemasons (which is really interesting) and how the land leases for the Uinta and Piceance Basins were handled/bought (the whisky deal) back in the 1800's, not a word on phenomena yet but its great to get a history of the area.

This one is pretty hit and miss. It is literally summaries of case file sightings, its not a continuous story. Some are pretty bland (saw unexplained red alights, UAP's from far away that measured up to 100ft etc) but a few are downright terrifying (there's a detailed camping one taking place on a mountain range about 30 miles from SKR which I had to read three times, was written superbly seemed very genuine and was downright disturbing).. This is not really focussed on SKR rather the surrounding area's stretching to Salt Lake City and all the interconnected highways, air force bases and mesa's. Its good but not as good as Hunt for the SK.

The thing is there are hundreds of people from all sorts of backgrounds and professions sharing their experiences, just real general people. I am convinced there is something either completely foreign to earth happening there (very much becoming interested in parallel timelines and universes) or there is some really top shelf military experiments being carried out.
This one is pretty hit and miss. It is literally summaries of case file sightings, its not a continuous story. Some are pretty bland (saw unexplained red alights, UAP's from far away that measured up to 100ft etc) but a few are downright terrifying (there's a detailed camping one taking place on a mountain range about 30 miles from SKR which I had to read three times, was written superbly seemed very genuine and was downright disturbing).. This is not really focussed on SKR rather the surrounding area's stretching to Salt Lake City and all the interconnected highways, air force bases and mesa's. Its good but not as good as Hunt for the SK.
Any idea if there is a name for the case so that it can be read about online?
If youre into the podcast thing theres one called dogman encounters radio
(Genius name i know lol)

Sasquatch chronicles with Wes is good
Theres also paranormal podcast and one called paranormal portal

Yowie central with sarah is great, she also does reports for the AYR group too

If youre into cryptozoolgy i recommend them highly

I pretty much marathoned the entire catalogues to get up to scratch
This one is pretty hit and miss. It is literally summaries of case file sightings, its not a continuous story. Some are pretty bland (saw unexplained red alights, UAP's from far away that measured up to 100ft etc) but a few are downright terrifying (there's a detailed camping one taking place on a mountain range about 30 miles from SKR which I had to read three times, was written superbly seemed very genuine and was downright disturbing).. This is not really focussed on SKR rather the surrounding area's stretching to Salt Lake City and all the interconnected highways, air force bases and mesa's. Its good but not as good as Hunt for the SK.

The thing is there are hundreds of people from all sorts of backgrounds and professions sharing their experiences, just real general people. I am convinced there is something either completely foreign to earth happening there (very much becoming interested in parallel timelines and universes) or there is some really top shelf military experiments being carried out.

So nearly finished up and it gets a bit boring, its all case files and pretty much all of them are "saw shiny object over XXX Air force base performing flight patterns not possible by military air craft, we watched for 20 mins as objects changed lights etc".

There is bugger all about Skin Walker Ranch, just the basin area surrounding it. The Hunt for the Skin Walker was much much more interesting. Id give this a miss.

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