The Restump Podcast

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When will the flat feeling end? Blame whoever you like but Saturday’s shenanigans have Jack Newnes’ conspiratorial finger prints all over it. Time to therapeutically Restump Podcast the blatant broad daylight heist!

Yes, we know, if Josh Treacy takes that mark, we probably win the game but I’m not ready to hear that! Yes, you can tell us the plenty of ifs, buts, maybes and woulda, shoulda couldas…. but what’s your point! Let us grieve in peace and, for now, focus all our blame energy on anything other than purple!

The reality is, remove the last minute and a half of the game and we’re staring down the barrel of an overwhelming shedload of positives. That was arguably one of the tougher tests we’ll have this year and, apart from the result, we passed with flying colours…. it was the flying fluoro green colours that were the problem.

We strangled Carlton all day making their task incredibly difficult. It was a rare occurrence when they didn’t have to kick to contest and they simply struggled to get their game going. Unfortunately, though as far as our scoreboard damage goes, we still leave the door open for opponents which, on this occasion, came back to bite us.

He’s been building in recent weeks and on Saturday Jeremy Sharp had a monster. His continual run to space to provide an option and his subsequent ball use is a sight for sore purple eyes, not seen since the Ed Langdon / Brad Hill days!

Tommy Emmett has been reading the Josh Carr playbook. He’s surely having team meetings with Josh, Crowley and Hayden Ballantyne and we’re just loving it.

Jordan Clark is in super-duper hot form and it looks like continuing. His communicative manner and on field observations are absolutely on point.

Is the Fyfe aerial work returning? While Jojo wasn’t enthused by it, I’m of the opinion he had a phenomenal game and looks to be building. His presence out there is a luxury we can’t afford to lose so let’s hope he stays fit and healthy.

We could go on and on but let’s wrap it up here and continue it on the pod. Jojo has plenty of explaining to do regarding his preview pod comments and we had our first winner in the Mi Casa Property Boutique metres gained competition. Congrats to Vince Costantino.

We’re already a day late and there is at least two shedloads to get through so we better get on with it. If you’re looking for that non-pharmaceutical purple therapeutic pick me up, you’ve come to the right place as we’ve got the good gear at bargain basement prices.

Something we didn’t know about Tommy Emmett…. apparently, he’s an avid reader! Time to Restump Podcast the Purple versus Port parade Saturday.

After last week’s shenanigans, which still isn’t sitting well with us, we need to focus and pull the four points against Port to get out of the two-week South Australia stint with something to show.

Unfortunately, Sean Darcy didn’t get up for the game as his return would have seen him reunite with Luke Jackson to deliver a history book worthy ruck dominance! However, while Ivan Soldo has been good for the Power, did we take a bit of a gander into Port Adelaide’s ruck stocks, realise they don’t really have a second ruck and say…. “Hey Darce, give yourself an extra week.”

Michael Frederick is a big loss, especially with half an injury cloud hanging over Sam Switkowski. His replacement, Neil Erasmus makes his way into the side to probably don the sub vest.

Over at Port Jeremy Finlayson is unbelievably out for 3 weeks for saying mean words and potentially hurting someone’s feelings because the sticks and stones policy has somehow become irrelevant! Injured stalwart Travis Boak also takes a spell on the sidelines which we’re not too disappointed about.

They’re two big outs that will make the job a touch easier but with Ollie Wines and hard nut Sam Powell-Pepper coming in, they’re comparable replacements.

Charlie Dixon, Todd Marshall and the returned Mitch Georgiades up front are a pretty big challenge but we’ll back our defensive unit in all day.

The midfield will be a big watch in itself. Connor Rozee, Zac Buttters, Ollie, Jason Horne Francis up against Nat Fyfe, Andy Brayshaw, Caleb Serong and Hayden young. Whoever gets the better of it in the middle might decide the contest.

Let’s also keep a close check on Dan Houston and Kane Farrell and not let them into space with the ball anywhere within about 60 metres of goal!

Can’t wait for this one. Just quietly as good as Port Adelaide is, when you look deeper into it, I can’t help but think their form is a little false, or rather distorted. Consequently, I’m slightly leaning towards the thinking that we’re a better chance than the tipsters and bookies are suggesting.

Don’t forget to throw an entry in the Mi Casa Property Boutique metres gained competition. Go to the Restump facebook, twitter or Instagram page and enter under the competition post. Its free to enter and a $50 2Bros. Foods voucher is up for grabs, possibly supersized to $100.

Count down to bounce down is on so let’s get into the pod, into the numbers and try to assess the game in more depth. If you’ve nothing better to do on a Friday night than listen to us, you need to have a good look at what you’re doing with your life!

Any longer in South Australia and we’d end up putting our own bodies in the barrels! Time to Restump Podcast the end of the horrendous two weeks in bandit riddled Adelaide.

We should be strutting out of South Australia with two big wins and eight fat points, sitting pretty near the top of the ladder with all but a finals campaign berth in the bag!

But no, we’ve spent two weeks getting done over by bandits and now we’re hitch-hiking home back to WA with nothing to show for it…. except Bailey Banfield who has a Zak Butters imprinted lump on his head!

We still weren’t over the Carlton debacle from the previous week and we end up with another case of the Blues a week later against Port Adelaide! We have to look where we put our feet and stop standing on rugs that can be pulled out from under us!

To be real, we were robbed against the Blues but we’ve only really got ourselves to blame for the snatching of Saturday night defeat from the jaws of victory. A combination of mistakes, lack of composure and a serious inability to score brought us undone. We did what we always do, and that is leaving the door open for the opposition to roll us. Port Adelaide cased the joint, got their foot in the door and then lifted the four points from right under our noses.

Yes, Bailey Banfield made a couple of blunders kicking a couple out of bounds on the full, as did Matty Johnson. But if we’re singling out people then Sammy Switkowski should’ve nailed his shot just prior to ¾ time and Caleb Serong should have done better on his gettable goal. No one is getting a pass but there are many moments that should have had us in a much better position leading up to the last two minutes of the game.

It’s becoming apparent we need to find more avenues to score. Prominent teams are getting goals from their midfield and it is something we rarely achieve. Consequently, with our forward line often malfunctioning, our fortunes are unfairly far too dependent on our magnificent defensive unit.

All Australian Alex Pearce is possessed, Luke Ryan can read opponent’s minds and Josh Treacy could catch a slippery eel in an oil slick with his bare hands! We just need a few others to climb on board.

However, if we can console ourselves by taking a momentary bigger picture view, we’ve just run two, probably top four to top six, teams to the wire and all but beaten them.

Sean Darcy is due to return, Freddy is not far away and a little increase in forward craft and cohesion and a goal or two from the mids and we’re off to the serious races.

The Mi Casa Property Boutique metres gained competition is getting traction and it’ll be back for the Derby this week with a big 2 Brothers Foods voucher on offer so, study up.

It’s been a long painful two weeks in South Australia so let’s wrap up what was our final game there for the year. If, like us, you’re keen to extract the positives, bury the SA saga and move on, then by all means grab a shovel, join us and dig in.


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The pent-up anger of the last two weeks, a hunger for points lost and the reuniting of Jackarce! God help the West Coast Eagles. Time to Restump preview Podcast this Saturday’s bird cull!

After erring on the side of caution last week, Sean Darcy is tip top and ready to rock and roll right through anything in blue and gold Saturday evening. We’ll send a wreath to the funeral of those who stumble into his path.

Surprisingly, after just a few touches in the WAFL, Sammy Sturt has been thrown a lifeline. Without Freddy and with Switta suffering concussion, this career saving opportunity has opened up and Sturty needs to grab on and not let go.

We obviously are arrogantly jesting but the reality is, it is extremely difficult to not go into this game ultra confident. Last week’s win by West Coast was an improvement, but it is false form in the greater scheme of things. You can imagine the result had Tim Taranto, Jacob Hopper, Dion Prestia, Noah Balta, Dylan Grimes and Tom Lynch actually been out there for the Tiges.

With two outs and two ins it means Neil Erasmus holds his spot. The question is will he be in the starting 22 or will he don the sub vest yet again?

Bailey Banfield judged to be the 3rd best winger in the league with Champion Data. Banfield has been good this year, albeit with a couple of pivotal moment blemishes, but apparently the same crew rate Massimo D’Ambrosio in first spot ahead of Errol Gulden!

We were all on Gaff watch but sadly the treadmill runner gets to remain in the safety of the WAFL. With his contract ending at the close of 2024, we may have just one more opportunity to return serve on the indiscretion that has gone unpunished, before he saunters off into the obscurity.

Anyway, whichever way you look at the form of this game, Saturday night the numbers just don’t stack up for the Eagles. The bookies seem to think so as well given they have us priced at $1.14.

In other news it was heartening, but not surprising, to hear the green cap wearing Jordan Clark sign on for a further three years.

Apparently, you can now belt someone on the field, head to the tribunal, get someone to say you’re a good bloke and that it was uncharacteristic behaviour and, hey presto, get your charge downgraded.

The Mi Casa Property Boutique metres gained competition is back for the Derby and Jojo is again putting up the prize from his 2 Brothers Foods company, so make sure you get involved.

If, like us, you’re pacing the halls and constantly looking at your watch impatiently waiting for bounce down, then feel free to join us twiddling our thumbs as we preview the Freo V the Feather Weights Saturday night.

Accusations we tempted the Footy Gods with our overconfidence are unfounded. They tipped Freo by fence panels. Sadly, it’s time to somehow Restump Podcast whatever Saturday night was.

If anyone said they saw Saturday night’s performance and result coming, they’re lying. Biff Tannen armed with his Grays Sports Almanac handbook wouldn’t have bet on West Coast in that game.

We thought we weren’t that club any more. The team that unexpectedly puts in the most bizarre and inexplicable performance. After Saturday night, it is difficult to suggest we aren’t.

Admittedly without Freddy, without Switta, without Coxy and without Amiss we were somewhat undermanned against, really, as full strength an outfit West Coast are likely to have for some time. But it wasn’t who was and wasn’t out there, it was how we did or rather didn’t go about it.

We should have gone into this game five and zero, or at least four and one. Where was the resulting fire? Where was the anger of the two weeks in South Australia that we should have unleashed on West Coast? To the Eagle’s credit they brought and delivered what we didn’t. They monstered us, they intimidated us, they verballed and niggled us and we allowed them to do so.

Harley Reid is a jet. He’s a generational talent and freakish for his age and experience. But while that is the case, he’s a 19 year old kid in his 6th AFL game and we allowed him to physically and verbally bully us!

We weren’t clean with the ball, individually we rapidly descended into self-preservation mode and seemingly, or consequentially, our footy intelligence decreased. We repeatedly made terrible decisions; we were more often than not, standoffish and we were simply destroyed by a team with a substantially greater appetite.

Maybe the extended Gather Round trip had a far greater detrimental impact than we all know? Maybe the compound effect of the Gather Round trip and the loss of Freddy, Switta and Amiss exposed our depth? In all reality we’ve been winning games off the back of our defence. We did raise the point that if they had a rare down day we’d be picked off. Still, no one thought that would be enough to see what the Eagles did to us.

We’ve now destroyed the early work we did setting up our season and at three and three we’ve lost our advantage. We’re back to the pack, run of the mill and fighting for survival! Are we fighting though? That remains to be seen this week against the Dogs.

Some drown their sorrows with alcohol, others choose to comfort eat. For the latter, it would have been a great week to win the Mi Casa Property Boutique metres gained competition and tuck into the $50 of 2Bros foods. Deb Albrecht did just that and we hope she remembers that sharing is caring!

I feel like we’ve got so many more questions than answers. So, let’s see if Jojo can even up the ledger and give us a few answers and provide us some direction in life. This was a really tough one to take as the result and performance was all on us, not umpires and not freak circumstances.

Apparently, a problem shared is a problem halved so join us on the pod as we all need to band together and do a shedload of sharing.

It was a case of the old dog reminding other dogs he still has the tricks! Time to Restump Podcast the much-needed win over the Footscray hounds.

It was the type of win we needed. Proving victorious in a hard fought, tight tussle put to bed any monkey on the back narrative development, surrounding close games. It was a win the players had to have for their own wellbeing, for the betterment of their season and for us fans after last week’s debacle.

Even the staunchest Nat Fyfe supporter would have had doubts that we’d see that type of performance from the champ again. It was a doubting Thomas crushing, never-write-me-off, nostalgic wave causing, vintage Fyfe display, proving a treat for us fans, a nightmare for the Dogs and an incredible and deserved reward for himself.

Let’s not forget his running mate Caleb Serong with his equalling 37 possessions and ridiculous record of 17 clearances. Throw in Andy Brayshaw with his 30 touches and it wouldn’t be surprising if the Dogs players complained we were hogging the ball.

We know our defensive unit is the best in the business but how it overcame the Dog’s forward line with its tall timber…. you just shake your head in disbelief! Sam Darcy, Aaron Naughton, Rory Lobb… apart from Alex Pearce we were walking in the land of the Giants!

Luke Ryan always finds a way, James Aish returned to doing James Aishy stuff, Jordan Clark could be leading the best and fairest and geez…. it was nice to have Chappy back. The balance providing Brandon Walker often unfairly gets heat from fans, but what he brings far outweighs his blues.

There was a lot of razzle dazzle about Fyfey and Serong’s exploits and rightly so, but Clunker Treacy is as big a talking point as there is. 5 contested possessions and 4 contested marks in the final quarter were vital, 3 goals neat for the game…. in the absence of Jye Amiss, he made a statement.

Bailey Banfield made amends for his recent hiccups. Being used in a variety of positions to fix and fill holes he performed admirably and it is probably a week when even his biggest cynics should give him a break and a pat on the back.

Have we found one in Paddy Voss? Have we found another in Cooper Simpson? Both moved well and looked extremely comfortable given they were on debut. Very small sample size but no doubt we all liked what we saw.

Bailey Banfield blew out the dogs and the Mi Casa Property Boutique Metres Gained competition this week! His 171 metres final quarter effort got no love from participants. So, Jojo is doing a jackpot special next week putting up a possible $200 spend at 2brothers foods.

Plenty more to discuss so let’s get into it. You’d like to think there’d be a lot less ranting and a lot more constructive analysis this week, but nobody is going all in on that bet. Let’s dial into the pod and find out if Jojo will even bother to turn up!

I mean, we’re already over there… it’d be negligent to not test the water, wouldn’t it? Let’s get to the nuts and Boltons of it, contracts are transferable, they're renegotiable! Time to Restump Podcast the upcoming Tigger tussle!

Let’s not call a spade a pointy diggy thing… space in the Tigers’ recovery centre is tighter than the housing market! Tom Lynch, Tim Taranto, Jacob Hopper, Dion Prestia, Noah Balta, Jack Graham and Jack Ross are all jostling for rehab real estate, so it is safe to say anyone who plays Richmond at the moment is getting them at the right time.

However, we shouldn’t poke the Tiger with a short stick. As wounded and depleted as they may be, they found a way to devour the Swans in round four without a Jacob Hopper, a Dustin Martin, a Dion Prestia and a Dylan Grimes.

But season 2024 we’re taking down animals like we’re on a game hunting tour. Yes, the eagles escaped our clutches this time around, but we’ve feasted on Crows, Lions, Kangaroos and Dogs. It’s our AFL animal slaughter safari strategy and the Tigers have entered the kill zone.

We’ve made just the one change with the very unlucky Paddy Voss going out and being replaced by Jye Amiss. Paddy didn’t put a foot wrong but he has suffered the consequential desire for team balance.

Richmond have lost Jacob Hopper as mentioned, and they’ve suffered a further hit with Jack Graham succumbing to injury. There are almost 1,000 games of experience from numerous players in the Tiger’s best 23 that they’re missing.

We inexplicably dropped a game against the Eagles that we couldn’t afford and we need to make that back at the Tiger’s expense. They may have some on-field holes to fill but they’ll run out with 11 players possessing a combined 19 premierships. So, it is safe to suggest they have enough quality and experience out there to potentially cause us some concerns.

The Mi Casa Property Boutique metres gained competition has jackpotted. There is a $100 voucher from 2Bros up for grabs and if you opt to chance it in our Bailey Banfield special it could be upped to $200. Get involved on the social media posts.

We’ve played at the MCG just 6 times in the last 3 years for 2 wins and 4 losses. Sunday is the first of just two home and away games at the venue the AFL generously blessed us with so we need to start a winning trend there.

Does Jojo need to apologise? Two weeks ago, he said exactly what Sammy Draper has ridiculously been hauled over the coals for. The question will be asked of him.

If you’ve had enough of this nonsense here then don’t tune into the pod because there are probably shedloads more of it in there. But as we always say at the Restump, lack of ability isn’t an excuse to not attempt a better quality of nonsense.

What was the conversation? “Wait a minute, if you’re here and I am here… then who is….?” No worries fellas, JT had it covered! Time to Restump Podcast the trouncing of the Tigers!

Even if it was a wounded, former beast, it was extremely satisfying putting away a side by near on ten goals. It is something we rarely, if ever do so, to bank 9% and the four points… we’ll gladly take that.

The Tigers might be from Tigerland but they aren’t the Tigers of old and in the first half they weren’t very strong or very bold. To be brutally honest, we should have put the game to bed in the first half and all got on the deadly treadlies and wound down.

They got their act together in the third quarter after they had lulled us into a sleepy stupor and they threatened to make a game of it. (Maybe we were on the treadlies, metaphorically speaking) However, we’re a team that can now seem to right the ship on the run and we clicked into gear and put them to the sword. We are though still leaving the door open and who knows what a better opponent may have done.

How good is our predominant left foot, but right foot goal kicking, inside mid going? Hayden Young is out of control inn a good way! And when you’ve got a Caleb Serong going about his top-drawer business, a future captain in Andy Brayshaw and a Matt Johnson who can step inside and belong, the middle is taken care of and it enables us the absurd luxury of having a sub by the name of Fyfe!

Luke Ryan is a speed reader. He’s finished reading a book while others are still looking at the cover. It is as if he can precisely predict the play and put himself in the exact position he needs to be. He along with Jordan Clark would have to be All Australian favourites! They didn’t give the Tiges a look in yesterday.

Up the other end of the ground, there’s a guy who is, in his own words, kicking snags and taking clunks. Josh Treacy has 18 snags to his name he’s now in the top ten in the Coleman. Four goals neat on the weekend… that’s absurd! We don’t kick with that level of accuracy at Fremantle…. who does he think he is!

All in all, we got the result most of us probably thought we would but the game against West Coast a couple of weeks back just sowed a little bit of doubt in our minds. But while we kicked a big score, won by a space and seemed to do it on the bit, the Tigers are genuinely wounded. So, we’ll run with an appropriate Ross Lyon classic, it’s never as good or as bad as it seems.

Caleb Serong was surprisingly friendless in the Mi Casa property Boutique metres gained competition this week and therefore it has jackpotted again. That means there’ll be $150 spend at 2 Bros Foods up for grabs this Friday night when we take on the likely Joel Hamling included, Swans.

Enough waffling on here! So, join us for more waffle as we look at the game in a bit more depth and chat about everything purple.

Seems inaccuracy is contagious! We wanted to prove a point against the Swannies but did we need to prove up 15 of them? Time to Restump Podcast the frustratingly wayward walloping we were handed by the Swans.

I can’t remember being in a game we were in up to our eyeballs, yet simultaneously couldn’t have been further out of. We matched or bettered the classy Swans in nearly every aspect of the game except where it most counts, the scoreboard.

Obviously, it was evident the tragic passing of Cam McCarthy had a severe impact on the group, but it didn’t seem to materially effect on-field performance. Had there been a lethargy or a lack of intensity you’d understandably attribute it to the sad situation. But incredibly the players showed little to no signs of such and only stumbled going forward and around the big sticks.

The Swannies excelled in decision making and composure, areas where we were drastically deficient in. They brought a superbly crafted plan to the table that involved shutting down Jordan Clark and curtailing Luke Ryan’s influence and they executed it to perfection.

While many of our scoring opportunities were under pressure and from low percentage positions on the ground, you can’t offer up excuses for simple set shot misses from the likes of Jye Amiss, Sam Switkowski, Freddy and Paddy Voss to name a few.

Caleb Serong couldn’t make the distance of about 45 metres. Fyfe, Amiss, O’Meara and Sharp all had shots on goal that went scoreless.

It was a mental contagion. The rot snowballed into such a state that players began shirking the responsibility. Bailey Banfield had a mark 35 metres out and kicked it 50 metres to Jeremy Sharp in a worse position. Fyfey, who was having a nightmare of a kicking game, was so unwilling to take the kick 25 metres out directly in front, he handballed to a teammate under pressure.

The Swans rightfully should be flag favourites and we did more than enough in almost every measurable category on the ground to beat them. We simply broke down forward of centre, as we so often do against highly competent teams. Missed gettable goals, overuse of the ball forward of centre, poor decision making and that severe lack of mid forward connection and cohesion continues to bring us undone.

Is Luke Ryan keeping an eye on the Mi Casa Property Boutique Metres Gained Competition? He had 13 possessions to ¾ time and then went into overdrive with 13 in the last quarter to almost double his metres gained with 321 in the last quarter. Thommo Thomason took off the $150 jackpot spend from 2 Brothers Foods with a 245 metres prediction. It’ll be back next week starting from $50 once again.

Enough of this claptrap here! Let’s get into the podcast and dig a little deeper, call in the biomechanists, the shrinks, the podiatrists even and anyone else that can help get to bottom of the wayward goal kicking woes! There are no wrong answers so join us with your suggestions.

It’s the first time in our history we’ve less than 5 indigenous players on the list. But that doesn’t mean 3 isn’t good quality company. Time to Restump Podcast the Saturday night scrap against the Saints.

For a club that is known for its adoption and celebration of indigenous culture and its rich history of numerous indigenous players, we have recently seen a sharp decline in numbers down at the purple Port.

For our entire history leading up to the start of 2024, we have averaged over 7 indigenous players per year and, as mentioned, we’ve never had less than five on our list. However, with the departures of Joel Hamling, Liam Henry, Nathan Wilson and Roy Benning at the end of 2023, Sonny Walters, Alex Pearce and Conrad Williams are carrying the indigenous representation load.

Albeit from across the aisle, we reunite with Ross and say hello to Henry Saturday night in a must win game against the Saints. Our former coach has obviously had enough of his team’s wayward form, swinging the axe, making six significant changes.

Out goes Seb Ross, Liam Stocker, Jack Hayes, Hugo Garcia and the two goals a game forward against Freo, Tim Membrey.

While it appears down at Cockburn central we are going in with an unchanged line up, we do have some interesting emergencies. Will Liam Reidy be a late in to make his debut and give Luke Jackson a chop out in the ruck? Whatever the case, let’s hope all the goal kicking radars got a tune up during the week.

Should be a very close game. Both teams are extremely similar in regards to offensive and defensive numbers and its incredibly difficult to get a genuine handle on the form of both clubs.

The Mi Casa Property Boutique Metres Gained Competition is back for the weekend. A $50 spend from 2 Brothers Foods is up for grabs or $100 in the ongoing Bailey Banfield special. Check our social medias Friday for the competition post.

Apparently, the teams that do little to no traveling, think getting across the Nullabor every second week is no big deal because a few guys get to travel in business class. No doubt they’re the same VFL clubs who have complained about having to travel to Marvel stadium!

The remaining fixtures are out and, surprise surprise, we’ve been handed a bunch of dead zone timeslot games beginning WA morning times!

Anyway, plenty to talk about but let’s focus on the task at hand, which is, in a good-natured way, giving Liam a little lip and showing the Lyon no love. The pod isn’t going to preview itself so let’s get into it and look for a path to the four-point bank.

You thought covid was contagious! Inaccuritis is a coordination destroying mental contagion, leaving sufferers incapable of performing simple tasks. Time to Restump Podcast the point kicking epidemic.

Call in a priest, this evil presence needs exorcising! Or it may be as simple as tapping David Mundy on the shoulder again and saying, “Dave, come down and show these guys how it’s done.”

The last two weeks we’ve kicked 13 goals 33 behinds. We’ve never been a great goal kicking side but this is beyond anyone’s comprehension! Have we got Zac Dawson down there running goal kicking drills? I mean who is taking all our shots on goal…. Nat Fyfe? (Sorry Fyfey, low blow)

It’s a genuine contagion and when the rot sets in, it sets in. The pressure builds and then every player subsequently taking a shot at goal has the desperation demons in his head.

Jye Amiss’ radar is so far off its almost sinister! We know Nat Fyfe has never been a great kick but he’s lining up 30 metres dead in front and hitting spectators on the wing! And Paddy Voss at the moment, like Crash Davis said in the movie Bull Durham, “couldn’t hit water if he fell out of a boat.”

While the numbers are tragic, there are also great silver lining positives to come out of them.

Accuracy is predominantly the extent of our game problems. While it’s not easily rectifiable, it isn’t an unfixable deficiency. And again, while inaccurate, if you consider the scoreless shots and the out of bounds on the full, we generated 13 scoring shots from sources other than the forwards. It is something that has been pronounced in recent weeks suggesting an intentional move, so we’re developing.

On top of the inaccurate doom and gloom we did go over there, matched and bettered a similar highly defensive game from the Saints, we kept them to 55 points and we came away with a much needed 4 points.

The continual improvement of Matty Johnson coinciding with more midfield time, the goal kicking wingman Jeremy Sharp, Jordan Clark continuing his All-Australian form and the emergence of Brandon Walker are just some more of the positives to come out of the game and reasons to remain upbeat.

But at the minute the inaccuracy is a difficult pill to swallow. We got away with it this week but it cost us in more ways than one last week and will do going forward if we don’t rectify it.

The reality is we’re only 4% from 6th place so, as Rosco always says, “Its never as good or as bad as it seems.”

After going back-to-back in the Mi Casa Property Boutique competition, Luke Ryan has now gotten the most metres in 12 of the total 40 quarters Freo has played this year. He is as safe as the houses the Mi Casa team buy and sell for their clients!

So, with no jackpot to speak of, there’ll be another 2 Brothers Foods $50 spend this week when we come up against Lachie Schultz and his Pies.

Enough of the carry on here, let’s get into the pod to dig deeper into the catastrophic kicking, talk through the mental problems and come to a real solution-based outcome. Who are we kidding… we can only offer more nonsense but come along for the listen anyway.

No one wanted to lose Lachie Schultz but some fan’s reactions at the time were way over the top! Who is offering up a 1st rounder to get him back? Time to Restump Podcast the Friday night Pie fight.

It wasn’t necessarily in a Don Corleone type of manner, but Collingwood made us an offer we couldn’t refuse, and they probably didn’t have to.

If only to stoke some retaliatory fire, it is worth mentioning, albeit with some cherry picking embellishment, that Lachie whined he felt disrespected, he cried victim and he packed his bags, took his bat and ball and went home! As we said at the time, it was disappointing to see him walk out the door but he was never irreplaceable and we’re extremely comfortable replacing him with Collingwood’s first pick this year.

Enough water has gone under the Lachie bridge now so it’s time to bind together and invoke the George Bush’s drum beating war cry, “You’re either with us, or you’re with the Collingwood terrorists.” I know… I was surprised Bush said that as well, but it’s true… take my word for it, there’s no need to look it up. Lachie chose the terrorists so the sympathy time is over!

All traitorous Lachie Schultz shenanigans aside, this game is a huge opportunity for us to peg one of the wins back that we shouldn’t have lost recently. Collingwood are travelling ok but now is the time you want to get them, so we must take advantage of it.

Jordan Degoey, Tom Mitchell, Jamie Elliot, Will Hoskin-Elliot and Jeremy Howe are all absent. That’s a shedload of talent and experience. Further advantageous for us is the fact they’re playing 2 debutants and a further 4 players have a total of 15 games between them.

We welcome back Sean Darcy and combined with Luke Jackson, it looks a powerful and versatile combination that should prove far too superior for Darcy Cameron and Mason Cox.

Corey Wagner also makes a well-earned return but we lose Freddy to concussion and unfortunately for Paddy Voss, for team balance and nothing more, he steps aside.

We’re going in as $1.72 favourites and, when you look at the two teams on paper, it is difficult to argue that shouldn’t be the case. But on paper, goal accuracy doesn’t enter the equation. We’ve had two horror weeks in front of the big sticks… hopefully Friday night is the exception to the philosophical rule that things come in threes!

Don’t forget to take a stab in the dark in the Mi Casa Property Boutique metres gained competition. It is free to enter and you can win yourself a $50 spend at 2 Brothers Foods. Look up the competition post on our socials and remember entries close at 5.10pm Friday night.

It’s less than 24 hours until Andy Brayshaw puts a bit of hurt on the back of the Blake Acres head cowardly punching Lachie Schultz, so we better get on with it. If you’re looking to knock off 40 minutes between now and bouncedown… by all means, come along for the listen providing you have low expectations.

It should have been 4 points, it was looking likely to be zero points, so we’ll grab the two points and get the hell out of Dodge! Time to Restump Podcast the two-point Pie heist.

Like so many previous occasions, our beloved Fremantle Dockers have left us with mixed feelings. It was a game against a very depleted side that we should have won. It was a game that was looking like we were going to be on the end of a five-goal hiding and yet it was a game we somehow salvaged something from the wreck. Can you be disappointedly grateful?

Were the final seven minutes a case of us finally clicking into gear, or was it Collingwood’s recent and in game adversity catching up with them? It is probably a little of both but does that seven minutes and salvaged two points cloud the reality? It’s a matter of opinion, its open for interpretation and discussion.

We’ve significantly upped our handball game over the last half a dozen weeks but we’re struggling to find the right balance. We hit our season high handball numbers on Friday night, but against a team that thrives on applying pressure, it may not have been the ideal occasion to do so.

With errant and poor decision handballs we nearly sold as many teammates into trouble as Mi Casa Property Boutique sells homes!

Jye Amiss needs some purple love and support. The poor kid looks mentally broken, suffering a serious and bizarre case of the yips. His confidence had taken a beating in recent weeks and upon missing those two shots at goal by a long way, it was shattered. He went into his shell and barely got another touch all day.

One man who is at the opposite end of the scale and usually the opposite end of the ground, cannot put a foot wrong. Captain Alex Pearce did his job down back and then went forward to show them how it’s done up there.

Sometimes you momentarily put results aside to admire and celebrate a very rare moment in this game. Alex Pearce’s goal and his dedication to Cam McCarthy was one such special moment.

We’re precariously placed in 9th. Seven of our remaining twelve games are against current top eight sides, five of them against top four sides. We really could have done with that extra two points on Friday! It’s a tough run home, so we can’t let any more opportunities slip through our purple fingers.

After winning it three times in a row, The Mi Casa Property Boutique competition has turned into “guess how many metres Luke Ryan will get,” so it’s getting a revamp. It is unconfirmed, but apparently the Neighbourhood Watch segment is returning and there will be a lot of the usual repartee to endure.

So, if your cautious optimism is starting to wane and you’re confusingly disappointedly grateful, then you’re amongst likeminded purple people here. Join us as we try to crack the conundrum, unravel the riddle and attempt to put together the pieces of the purple puzzle in this hour of who knows what!


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And Melbourne thinks it’s the world’s best at lockdowns! Somewhere, probably outside a golf course, there’ll be an angry Dan Andrews. Time to Restump Podcast the dismantling of the Dees.

Eighties kids will remember John ‘Hannibal’ Smith saying “I love it when a plan comes together” at the end of the A-Team episodes. It is easy to envision Justin Longmuir doing the same at the conclusion of Sunday’s game.

While you’re not being absolutely honest with yourself if you’re not acknowledging Melbourne’s physical or mental inadequacies on the day or that they’ve got some real weaknesses at times, 90-point beltings aren’t handed to you and they still have to be earned. However, it was more the manner in how we achieved it which was so encouraging and it was the adherence to the system which was confidence boosting.

It was simply a joy to see the back six get unconditional trust. It set the tone for the day, kickstarting the system we want to play, which we got to see in all its glory.

We found the ideal tempo balance; we took the first option and we ran in waves to support. Whether there was a lack of in-your-face pressure from the Dees or not, the forward line showed great functionality and we created efficient mid forward connectivity.

More than anything else on the day though, most importantly, we found our accuracy and that makes life easier for everyone.

Sammy Switkowski just played his career best game. Relentless across the four quarters, he’s now put two superb performances together on the bounce. Is Sammy Switta about to deliver in spades what he has consistently given us in patches? We’re in good shape if he brings that every week from here in.

Welcome Back Nev! Jye Amiss got amongst it early, slotted his first goal, got a shot of confidence in the arm and went on to bang in three more, seeing off the accuracy monkey from his back! He teamed up with his tall timber mates, Josh Treacy and Luke Jackson, and together, working cohesively, they easily kicked more than Melbourne’s entire score.

Hayden Young’s signature to the end of 2027 was such a massive get because his stock continues to sky rocket. We can’t sing Heath Chapman’s praises highly enough, Jordy Clark is a lock for All Australian and he should probably be coated up alongside his captain, Alex Pearce.

Was the performance of the Luke Jackson and Sean Darcy combination, otherwise known as team JackArce, the first step to showing the premature naysayers how it may operate? Let’s not forget Sean Darcy is still way underdone and unfortunately the bye may have come at the wrong time for him.

The reality is you can’t leave anyone out for praise. There were simply 23 serious contributors on the day that were all on the same page, all performed their roles and all had an influence on the result.

They can go into the bye now enjoying the well-earned rest, knowing they’re in 6th position, knowing JL’s system works and knowing if they bring the endeavour, the intent and the smarts they did Sunday to every remaining game, they’ll be playing finals.

We’ve got a jackpot in the Mi Casa Property Boutique metres gained competition after Hayden Young was overlooked. So, when it returns in two weeks’ time there will be a $100 spend on offer from 2 Brothers Foods.

Freo’s form has been a difficult read recently but Sunday’s performance just saw us take a big step in the right direction. We’re going to get much tougher and more engaged opponents in the run home but Sunday has to be the base performance.

There are now two weeks off so lets gets this nonsense out of the way. While the negative is that there is no Freo footy now for a fortnight… at least you’ll get a break from our noise. Take the silver lining!


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