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i havent seen much about sausage party. Can you give me a TL;DR?

Went and seen bad moms on the weekend, Wasnt great but wasnt terrible. Some laugh out loud moments with alot of shit in between like most of those type of films. But you get to stare at mila kunis for 2 hours so it was worth it
i havent seen much about sausage party. Can you give me a TL;DR?

Went and seen bad moms on the weekend, Wasnt great but wasnt terrible. Some laugh out loud moments with alot of shit in between like most of those type of films. But you get to stare at mila kunis for 2 hours so it was worth it

Mila ❤

Sausage party is an R rated animation. Main cast is seth rogen and jonah hill. If you know who they are you probably already have an idea of they type of humor the movie has. I found it hilarious but it pushed the boundries of drug sex and alcohol references as far as it could. Its pretty full on from start to finish. If your not keen on the sort of humor or foul language then this movie really isnt for you.

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pushed the boundries of drug sex and alcohol references as far as it could. Its pretty full on from start to finish. If your not keen on the sort of humor or foul language then this movie really isnt for you.
You know who you are talking to right?
So, John Wick with Keannu Reeves. Loved that movie. Loved!! And now we have #2 coming out in Feb. Oh happy days:partypooper:
Yeah i loved it, some hated it. You dont watch it for the academy award winning acting or screenplay

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