The Motivation Thread

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Apologies if such a thread already exists, I did check the search function.

I thought we should have a thread where we give each other suggestions and advice on gaining and maintaining motivation to exercise and/or eat well (along with any other healthy habits).

I personally suffer from a combination of depression and general laziness, so getting to the gym is a difficult task for me. I manage to still do so consistently by utilising a few strategies that I will list. I'd love to hear how others motivate themselves.

Strategies I use:

- Having someone to keep you accountable. My best mate is a trainer at my gym, and he regularly nags me to come in, trains with me at times when we're both free, etc.

For many people it could include their spouse, or a parent. As much as we hate being "nagged", it is often much easier to lie to yourself than to someone else regarding why you couldn't exercise! #noexcuses

- Research the mental health benefits of regular exercise. It is established science that exercise will improve your cognitive abilities and mood, and these benefits can further accumulate over time. 3 sessions of exercise per week at 80% intensity was proven to provide equal benefit to what common antidepressants provide, in one study. It will improve the quality of your sleep, which is very important.

- Search "male/female gym motivation" on YouTube, depending on your gender. These are often just simple clips of fitness models working out with energetic music playing, sometimes featuring motivational quotes. Can be quite motivating if your goal is an improved physique.

On that note, "high energy music" in your headphones is another great adrenaline-inducing motivator prior to and during workouts. The type of music utilised can be quite subjective, depending on the individuals tastes.

- Use the "5 second rule". No, not the silly rule about dropped food. This rule means that whenever you hesitate before doing something productive, count to 5 and then just do it. It sounds so simple, but has worked so well for me and others. Eg if you are laying in bed on a Sunday morning, and are putting off something productive (e.g. gym session) then just count down from five and spring out of bed when you reach zero. Pull on your socks, get ready for the gym and go.

- If you struggle with lethargy and low motivation, consider asking your GP for a full blood test. It is common for westerners to be deficient in certain nutrients, particularly vitamin D. Low vit D has significant consequences, including low mood and energy. It is cheap and easy to rectify this with supplements. But also be aware that there are many expensive, BS supplements out there that achieve little. See the supplement thread for more info.

- Stimulants. A decent dose of caffeine or whatever else they put in pre workout drinks can certainly provide gym motivation. I'm not sure how "healthy" some of these supplements are, but in the past I would down a preworkout drink and think "now I HAVE to go to the gym".

- Minimising alcohol and drugs. As a recovering alcoholic, I can confirm the negative health impacts of such a lifestyle. Mood, energy etc are way down amongst regular drinkers. Calories from alcoholic drinks are obscenely high, even those marketed as "light" or "low carb". But alcohol CAN be used in moderation in a healthy fashion, by those not prone to addiction... I'll leave it there, this whole subject probably needs its own thread.


I'm interested in the thoughts and strategies of others. Some of you appear to be naturally motivated and "sporty" people, who find healthy living to be the norm. But even you guys must have difficult weeks where you'd rather eat a burger and watch Netflix (which is obviously ok in moderation). Let us know your techniques for staying on point.
I actually let myself have “those weeks”.
If I’m training 4x week then it’s 200+ sessions throughout the year.
Missing 5-10% scattered over the year isn’t going to undo all my hard work.

My other tip would be pick up another sport/hobby outside the gym that you can flip between during periods of waning enjoyment/motivation for one or the other.
i don't do motivation, it doesnt work for me.
either i want something enough to work for it or i don't. if i do then application is easy, if i dont then i've just got to wait till i do.

sometimes its a long wait and things have to get pretty bad before i do something about it but then my motivation is to get better/not slip back into the bad/maintain or improve my super awesome health and fitness...i mean, there's a reason i started doing this in the first place right?

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I couldnt find another approprioate thread to post this in.
Does anyone keep a jornal?
Im about to start a new job.
Ive started to wright down motivotianal quotes/ideas in a journal.
Ive watched a few youtube videos on the pros of keeping one.
Im not much of a talker in regards to my mental wellbeaing so i think it should be a positive thing to try.
Love these quotes from Greg Plitt


I actually let myself have “those weeks”.
If I’m training 4x week then it’s 200+ sessions throughout the year.
Missing 5-10% scattered over the year isn’t going to undo all my hard work.

My other tip would be pick up another sport/hobby outside the gym that you can flip between during periods of waning enjoyment/motivation for one or the other.

Have done this recently. Took agolf lesson and a horse riding lesson. Enjoyed both very much, but still motivated to go gym as well.

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