Scape Goat The Lid: Where is it at?

Is the lid off?

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Just want to guage where everyone thinks the lid is at.

I've tagged this as 'Scape Goat' so if anything goes wrong so you can all blame me.
Problem for me now is that I think we can win the flag this year, which means anything less than winning the flag is going to feel like a disappointment, which isn't entirely fair as I said before the season started I was just hoping to make the 8 and consolidate our impressive 2021 season. We have already achieved well beyond that.

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I was probably one of the ones that was being complained about in being too rational, too cautious in the lead up to the Pies game. For me though, if you're in the top 4 come finals, you're in with a decent shot, so the lid has to be slightly ajar. Especially if like me, you thought Top 4 was a chance at seasons start, but less likely than say 5-8th. Does that mean we can't lose to the Saints this week, then bail out in Week 1? No, we definitely can, as we've shown several times this year against even sub-par oppo. It'll only really be lid off if we actually win the thing. There's zero point going all happy clappy until we've actually won something.
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Lid on. Both 2014 and 2016 I took off the lid and look what happened. Playing one week at a time.

Who do we all think is our biggest threat to play against in this finals series, assuming the 8 stays as it is.

Brisbane given what they did to us earlier in the season, or Richmond as an outside threat?
If Dees finish Top 4, them. If not, Cats - there's something different this year.
Lids OFF!!!

Booked and paid for flights and accommodation about 2 weeks ago! Had leave reserved since about April.

No matter what happens from here on in, a loss will be crushingly disappointing... nothing will make it any better. It just has to be lived through. Trying to protect yourself by giving up hope is self-defeating.

So believe... sip from the cup of euphoria and ride the high as long as it lasts!!!
We have gone way above expectations this season! We started off slow, and Horse shuffled about with the lineup. Once we established this lineup the guys started to bond and have belife in each other and the game plan. If we barrel out of the finals its certainly no disgrace.Beaten by a better team wait till next season . We have a host of young players who will learn from a finals experience. What i am trying to say is that the lid is off, regardless of the end result of this season. We also have some great talent playing in the reserves and it is a really hard issue for the list manager to make decisions regarding contracts!

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* knows where the lid went, it left the galaxy
Was gonna come in here and say im glad I tied a rope on mine otherwise id have lost it.

Lids definitely off but there are 4 teams that can win it, so I'm ready for a cracking finals series, and if we go all the way, great, if we hit a hurdle, it'll be a valuable lesson for the group. But we're definitely right in the race.
Lid on

14 and 16 were the worst
But 05 and 12 were orgasmic!

It can't be any worse that 14 and 16 and you survived, and still support them with the dream of flag in your heart. No matter what your head says, your heart still believes... Anything less will be shattering, no matter how hard you try to protect against it.

So give it free reign, believe... and we might just add 22 to 05 and 12!

And let's face it... I'll be so much less annoying if you believe along with me! :laughv1::grinv1::tongueoutv1::roflv1:
I’m nervous, I missed out on going to the 2005 and 2012 winning grand finals but did manage to make it to the 2006 2014 and 2016, they all shattered me, the 2006 because wow to lose by a single point, heart breaking but then to go thru the 2014 and 2016, don’t know if my nerves can take another if we get there, trying to work myself up to being brave enough to go thru it all again, but yeh I know I will be there if it happens again
I’m nervous, I missed out on going to the 2005 and 2012 winning grand finals but did manage to make it to the 2006 2014 and 2016, they all shattered me, the 2006 because wow to lose by a single point, he, want to take one for the tram and stay home?art breaking but then to go thru the 2014 and 2016, don’t know if my nerves can take another if we get there, trying to work myself up to being brave enough to go thru it all again, but yeh I know I will be there if it happens again
No offence meant here f4l, but if we make it to the big day, can you take one for the team and stay home????
Lid on. Six brilliant weeks of footy over the months of July & August don't guarantee four brilliant weeks of footy in September.

We are in it up to our eyeballs which makes me excited, we've massively exceeded my expectations which I'm happy about, and we have a lot of work to do which makes me nervous.

Our biggest threat IMO is Fremantle. Though they are one of the least convincing sides in the finals in my view, teams with stingy defences should always have sides on notice as they force you to be at your best and make the most of your opportunities, which we haven't always been great at this year.
No offence meant here f4l, but if we make it to the big day, can you take one for the team and stay home????
Haha, yeh, funny thing happened coming home from the 2016 grand final, I was on the train coming home with it packed with Bulldog supporters, I was telling my tragic story to one of their fans sitting next to me on the train, he obviously could see how upset I was, anyway after listening to my story about my grand finals, his phone rang, looked at me and said, “Hey it’s john Longmire on the phone, he said without offending her, could you tell that OLDER swans fan with the full face paint on 🤦‍♀️ could she she possibly give it a miss next time, true story, 😭
Lid completely off, was ajar after Bulldogs win, each win thereafter kept on slipping further off until the win v the Pies.

That win was our notice to the competition that we are in this up to our eyeballs.

We have seen the team morph from after the putrid Richmond game in 2020 and improve throughout that year.

Last year was a breath of fresh air and really showed what we can do.

We are now a consistent high performing team at the right time. The win v Melbourne this year was also an important marker on our development.

I was at 05 and 12 GF’s which helped recover from 14 and 16 attendances.

There is a vibe about the team, an emotion, highlighted by the celebration of a true great, Joey Kennedy that is an intangible but needed on the run to the flag.

Todays team is the most exciting, best balanced and even team I have had the pleasure of watching.

If not this year, a flag will follow at some point but we all know these opportunities are few and far between!!
Haha, yeh, funny thing happened coming home from the 2016 grand final, I was on the train coming home with it packed with Bulldog supporters, I was telling my tragic story to one of their fans sitting next to me on the train, he obviously could see how upset I was, anyway after listening to my story about my grand finals, his phone rang, looked at me and said, “Hey it’s john Longmire on the phone, he said without offending her, could you tell that OLDER swans fan with the full face paint on 🤦‍♀️ could she she possibly give it a miss next time, true story, 😭
Hahaha that is BRILLIANT!!!!

As a sidebar, who'd have thought the Dogs would have one single supporter that was both intelligent enough and magnanimous enough to come up with that!