The Heavy Metal Law!!

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All Australian
Jul 2, 2006
AFL Club
Just seeing who is into metal in Hawkland.

Heavy Metal is the law, from KISS, Judas Priest, through to Metallica, Slayer, through to Morbid Angel & Darkthrone.

Heavy Metal is not emo cry baby crap. If you wanna jump, it aint metal, if it raps, its not metal. KORN and SLIPKNOT are heavy, but not metal, do you understand??

Get some testicular fortitude, and go crazy to Beherit, Sarcofago and Revenge. They will teach you the law. Hell, go and check out my band, DESTRUKTOR. You can go to check out a song there. We have played around melbourne a few times, and elsewhere. We have releases coming out this and next month.

Any more declarations of allegiance to kingdom of heavy metal???
yes. :thumbsu:

I listen to bits and peices of various styles of metal but my faves would include:
Strapping Young Lad
Sepultura (with Max)
High on fire
Opeth (recently)

And a fair few others that cross into the Stoner/Doom stable like Crowbar, Grand Magus, Down, Rosetta, Kyuss, Corrosion of Conformity, Black Label Society, Karma to burn, Pelican, Electric Wizard,.......I could go on for a while.
Been a Metalhead since 1983. Heavy music is my life, I play drums in a heavy Rockin' band (, and I worship bands from almost ALL sub genres of Heavy music, not just the ones the 'true' Metalheads say are Metal. I love Korn and Slipknot, and Mudvayne, Sevendust, Sunk Loto etc, but I also love Opeth (listening to My Arms Your Hearse as I type), Soilwork, In Flames, Dark Tranquility, plus Nightwish and Lacuna Coil. Also into the classic stuff, of course: Maiden, Priest, Sabbath, Slayer, Pantera, Strapping Young Lad and good Aussie Heavy Rock and Metal like Cog, Karnivool, Butterfly Effect, The Amenta and Alarum. Hell, I just about love it all!!! The only stuff I don't get into at all is the really brutal Death Metal, which to me is just plain boring. I despise Deicide, Behemoth, Cannibal Corpse etc etc....

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there is no meaning to the music its just head baning shi.t ... all about the devil and emo weird music cant stand it white ppl music
there is no meaning to the music its just head baning shi.t ... all about the devil and emo weird music cant stand it white ppl music

Thats because you dont understand heavy metal...its much more than just 'headbanging shi.t'....

In reply to the original poster, I love heavy metal, and all types of it...from death to black to viking to folk metal to doom name it...My fave bands (but I have HEAPS) are:

Napalm Death
Dalemerots Kingdom
Pagan Reign
Amon Amarth
Sepultura (old stuff)
Dark Tranquility
Dark Funeral
.....the list goes on and on....long live metal!
Iron Maiden are great, so are Metallica. Can't stand anything too heavy like Cannibal Corpse, that stuff drives me nuts.
Iron Maiden are great, so are Metallica. Can't stand anything too heavy like Cannibal Corpse, that stuff drives me nuts.

Lol have you read Cannibal Corpse's lyrics, I don't know how they can think of stuff that is so screwed up. For example just looking at some lyrics:

Under The Rotted Flesh

Under the flesh
Rot my lust for decayed corpses dead bodies exhumed

Their coldness induces me endless defilement,
re-occuring relapses, perverse with the dead, soon I will kill for myself

Impending suffering, spasms shooting through me nausation
A cannibalistic necrophile violating the body, putrefied,
mouldering, gorging on the rotted flesh

Cutting off the body's head drinking from its severed necks
as I rip the corpse in half
Human ******** for nurishment

Coprophagia, consuming feces of the dying,
as their bowels let loose defecation flows down
my throat excremental injestment

Reflections of things to come, mirored in the dead
one's eyes my fantasy of murder
Incarnated open wounds gushing,
blood on skin coagulated tortured of the retched,
no one cares of their dead appaling odor wreaking, piles of rotted bodies

The bodies prepared for slaughter, wallowing in your own blood
Grinding of your fingers and toes feeding on your meat
I immerse my sharpened implement into a fresh bleeding gash
her body used for my sick desires
The blood thirst I can't control
Many more must suffer
Disposal of the dead, the corpse chopped to bits licking up the drivel
The gore enrages me
All I kill a new creation, my work of art bodies torn apart
Liver quivering at my feet

Eyelids cut off to watch your own dismemberment,
cutting through arteries nerves exposed
Feel the power of pain

How anybody can listen to that I don't know but someone has to like it :rolleyes:
Lol, well I have all their cd's, and let me tell you, you cant understand a single word theyre saying...but yes theyre known to be as the most "grotesque" band should see their cd covers - not the prettiest of sights!
there is no meaning to the music its just head baning shi.t ... all about the devil and emo weird music cant stand it white ppl music
Hello ignorant tosspot.

Metal is for true lovers of music, the sort of people who appreciate the abilities and talents and hard work that goes into music.
Metal is for people who understand the hours of practice it takes to master an instrument and then play it to an extreme level.
Metal is for intelligent people who want to see passed the commercial lust for feel-good music.

playaplaya, we don't care about you're love of p.duddy or any of that aussie hip hop shite so please don't tarnish a good thread with your crap.
Hello ignorant tosspot.

Metal is for true lovers of music, the sort of people who appreciate the abilities and talents and hard work that goes into music.
Metal is for people who understand the hours of practice it takes to master an instrument and then play it to an extreme level.
Metal is for intelligent people who want to see passed the commercial lust for feel-good music.

playaplaya, we don't care about you're love of p.duddy or any of that aussie hip hop shite so please don't tarnish a good thread with your crap.

You mean you understood that???
(it's obvious what the problem is, though. It does indeed take intelligence to appreciate HM)
PanterA is the best band ever. I'm sorry. I respect everyone's opinion, but this is mine.

Fav band since '93, just a little tryhard trying to form an identity.

I have the most eclectic taste in music that i know and they have stuck with my for 13 years.

It's amazing now, as someone in their late twenties seeing how much a band that you truely believe in can shape you as a person.

Now I am by no means a bogan, probably the furthest thing from, If you saw me in the street you would assume that i was into basketball/hiphop/Hawthorn.

But i'm pretty confident they will be my favourite band for life.

Since '93 I've had major love affairs with Sepultura (Max Cavalera days), ACDC, Machine head (still rock), Deftones, Korn, Queens of the Stone Age, Muse, Jay Z (unbelievable storyteller), 50 cent (first album when released) and now, the Kings of Leon.

But PanterA will always be they one for me

If you can get your hands on VH1 Storytellers: Pantera, do so, its awesome and heartbreaking.

I miss Dimebag.

So many people can rest easy in the knowledge that they will see their favourite band perform again or at least reform in the future. Not me. You can't replace a true legend.

At least i got to see them three times over the years. '94, '96 and '00 all at the entertainment center in Perth.



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I've seen that video smithcell, and I'm not ashamed to say I cried.

I feel much the same way as you, but unfortunately for me, I did the old "I'll go see em next time" trip when the toured last. Stupid me.
It is, and I'll watch my copy of the home videos in tribute to him.
Roddy, I tried to go to your site, no luck. Did you go to ours???

Galon and PAOKTIS are on the right track. THis was not a Panteras tribute site, @#$%!! By the way, the best song by them would have to be "Shattered".

Good to see there are some out in Hawkland that lean towards the metallic law. Sorry, KORN is not Metal, and Slipknot is not metal. But we can argue that all day. Just because HMV put it in the metal section, does not make it metal. I think it is pop rock!!

Playaplay is a disgrace. While opinions I do not agree with are not restricted to him, his is the only one not welcome. To bag someone for listening to "white man" music is ridiculous. What has the Australia come to???

What is more ridiculous is white man copying black man!!! (let alone listening to that crap)

Galon, I hear your words. Check out DESTRUKTOR mate!! I think you would understand our brand of fury!!!

My favourite albums, though bound to change day to day, would be the following.

CANDLEMASS-Epicus Doomicus Metalicus
DARKTHRONE-A Blaze in the Northern Sky
JUDAS PRIEST-Stained Class/Killing Machine
MORBID ANGEL-Covenant/Altars of Madness

Anyone else know these albums?? Any other contributions?? Maybe the uneducated can learn from those that are educated.

And remember kids...Heavy Metal is the LAW!!!
I have a few Morbid Angel tracks on my home PC. I dig the groove.
My ex-bandmates are heavily into MA, Athiest, Death, etc. So I've heard a fair bit.

Far from a Pantera tribute thread, but a tip of the hat to one of the guitar champions of the past decades. Too hard to pick a fave song.

Just started up a new band and amongst other covers that we've chosen to help us fill a set out while we write originals are 'seasons in the abyss, master of puppets and supercharger heaven'.
Have fixed my link up, you should be able to get into it now. Although if you think Korn and Slipknot are pop Rock, you'll probably think we sound like the Pussycat Dolls!!!
Will check out your link now....
Los Angeles thrashers SLAYER will embark on an Australian/New Zealand tour in April. Support at the shows will come from MASTODON. The dates are as follows:

Apr. 12 - Metro, Perth
Apr. 14 - Thebarton, Adelaide
Apr. 15 - Vodafone Arena, Melbourne
Apr. 17 - Hordern, Sydney
Apr. 19 - Riverstage, Brisbane
Apr. 21 - St James Theatre, Auckland (New Zealand)

Tickets go on sale on January 18.

I'm there!!
I love good music from all genres from classical, jazz, blues,punk,swing, folk,Country and Western and some Rap
The only one that doesnt rock my world is Metal
the heaviest I can get to it is Iggy and the Stooges or MC5 and small doses of Black Sabath and Led Zeplin
I stopped listening after that.

There must be something about lycra and the ability to write and sing a song

When I need to be depressed in a Gothic theme Nick cave is the man
There must be something about lycra and the ability to write and sing a song
If you are implying that people who play Metal wear Lycra then i think you're about two decades behind the times.
If you are implying that people who play Metal wear Lycra then i think you're about two decades behind the times.
My lycra theory reaches beyond metal.
Its a universal law.
Its effect stretches over all musical genres

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