Doomsday/Prophecies The End of the World

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Sep 6, 2005
AFL Club
A 27 minute video on the still CIA classified book written in 1966 by Chan Thomas, a McDonald-Douglas figure, who talks of cataclysms that will wipe out most of humanity, sending them back to the stone-age, and that there have already been six previous ancient human populations wiped out by cataclysms that sent each one back to the stone-age.


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Watching TV now, and there's a documentary about the archeological discovery of Troy. It doesn't relate to this thread, but there's something that does relate. They discovered nine different versions of the city of Troy all on top of each other, various depths dug into the ground....each one like 50-100 ft beneath each other. Various versions of Troy dated from 200 AD all the way back to 5000 BC.

Which backs up the idea, and it's obvious anyway, that the more you dig away layers of earth, you will keep finding remnants of ancient civilizations, and so human civilizations could have been around for hundreds upon hundreds of thousands years. That catastrophes would eliminate advanced civilizations that lasted say 10,000 years, and man would have to start all over again from a stoneage, and then after another 10,000 years of advancement, another catastrophe would wipe out mankind, their cities etc buried, etc.

Massive floods that would bury cities in mud, that turns into dirt and earth, then man builds cities and towns again on that level of earth.

This also ties in with the Stolen History thread topic. As even buildings 200+ years old of today are shown to have many storeys buried in the earth, so there must've even been mini-catastrophes hundreds of years old.

Also backs up that many stories we today take as myth are probably all true. The city of Troy was considered a myth, from Homer's Iliad, yet now we find the actual site of it, proof of its existence. So there are many stories/tales in recorded history, and many ancient maps that don't seem to make sense today, but that are probably all true.

Reminds of the biblical story of Babylon....mankind advances greatly only for "god" (natural catastrophes) to wipe out man, their cities.

In the video from the OP there is still a lot of interesting stuff to how the Pyramids could well have beeb built before the last ice age (11,500 years ago), merely appropriated by Egyptians 2,000 years ago. And as I posted elsewhere....there are massive pyramids, even bigger than those in Egypt, found under the ocean in Japan and Central America....especially Central America is interesting because the Pacific Ocean itself is said to be 100,000 years old, so these Pyramids in the ocean means there was a great landmass, continent, not an ocean, and ancient advanced civilizations existed 100,000 years ago and longer back, to have built Pyramids abd cities
2018 article about shifting poles = total catastrophe, happened in the earths history....

Watching TV now, and there's a documentary about the archeological discovery of Troy. It doesn't relate to this thread, but there's something that does relate. They discovered nine different versions of the city of Troy all on top of each other, various depths dug into the ground....each one like 50-100 ft beneath each other. Various versions of Troy dated from 200 AD all the way back to 5000 BC.

Which backs up the idea, and it's obvious anyway, that the more you dig away layers of earth, you will keep finding remnants of ancient civilizations, and so human civilizations could have been around for hundreds upon hundreds of thousands years. That catastrophes would eliminate advanced civilizations that lasted say 10,000 years, and man would have to start all over again from a stoneage, and then after another 10,000 years of advancement, another catastrophe would wipe out mankind, their cities etc buried, etc.

Massive floods that would bury cities in mud, that turns into dirt and earth, then man builds cities and towns again on that level of earth.

This also ties in with the Stolen History thread topic. As even buildings 200+ years old of today are shown to have many storeys buried in the earth, so there must've even been mini-catastrophes hundreds of years old.

Also backs up that many stories we today take as myth are probably all true. The city of Troy was considered a myth, from Homer's Iliad, yet now we find the actual site of it, proof of its existence. So there are many stories/tales in recorded history, and many ancient maps that don't seem to make sense today, but that are probably all true.

Reminds of the biblical story of Babylon....mankind advances greatly only for "god" (natural catastrophes) to wipe out man, their cities.

In the video from the OP there is still a lot of interesting stuff to how the Pyramids could well have beeb built before the last ice age (11,500 years ago), merely appropriated by Egyptians 2,000 years ago. And as I posted elsewhere....there are massive pyramids, even bigger than those in Egypt, found under the ocean in Japan and Central America....especially Central America is interesting because the Pacific Ocean itself is said to be 100,000 years old, so these Pyramids in the ocean means there was a great landmass, continent, not an ocean, and ancient advanced civilizations existed 100,000 years ago and longer back, to have built Pyramids abd cities

All of this is completely possible.

Was watching Bladerunner 2049 yesterday for the 10th odd time ..and I love that scene when Gosling flys out to that crumbled, flattened city where all the kids are and reaches the top of the giant pile of crap and twisted metal to look down at miles of rubble.

A thousand years of time and most of all that metal and concrete and debris would rust and wear down to dust.

Water soaking and falling down for a few hundred years would eventually breakdown just about everything on earth we could’ve possibly made. The baking sun joins in and finishes the job and maybe this has happened many times over.

It’s fascinating to ponder ..
All of this is completely possible.

Was watching Bladerunner 2049 yesterday for the 10th odd time ..and I love that scene when Gosling flys out to that crumbled, flattened city where all the kids are and reaches the top of the giant pile of crap and twisted metal to look down at miles of rubble.

A thousand years of time and most of all that metal and concrete and debris would rust and wear down to dust.

Water soaking and falling down for a few hundred years would eventually breakdown just about everything on earth we could’ve possibly made. The baking sun joins in and finishes the job and maybe this has happened many times over.

It’s fascinating to ponder ..
It’s amazing how quickly nature reclaims the planet when man isn’t around. I saw a doco on the Chernobyl restricted zone the other night. A multitude of species have moved back in.. including moose, warthogs and even packs of wolves.

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It’s amazing how quickly nature reclaims the planet when man isn’t around. I saw a doco on the Chernobyl restricted zone the other night. A multitude of species have moved back in.. including moose, warthogs and even packs of wolves.
Saw a doco ages ago think it was called after people or something and the whole premise was what would happen if humans ceased to exist. Said that it would take 30,000 years to erase all evidence of man.. the only thing that may survive in some form is Mount Rushmore

Edit : found it

Last edited:
2040 according to a few computer simulations

In no particular order but with mass extinction scores:

Artificial Intelligence, especially if a Dictator gets a hold of it. (0)
Super coronal mass ejection from the Sun that strips our atmosphere (1)
Dinosaur level Asteroid impact (1)
Super volcano (2)
Climate Change (1)
Nuclear war (0)

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